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Naturvetenskapliga ideal i svensk elektronisk konstmusik

Den här presentationen tar sin utgångspunkt i en idéhistorisk diskussion om relationen mellan naturvetenskapliga ideal och den elektroniska musikens framväxt i Sverige under slutet av 1950-talet. Denna relation markerar i mångt och mycket en ny tidsålder på flera sätt. Inom den modernistiska konstmusiken argumenteras det bland annat att det äger rum en musikestetisk revolution, där exempelvis den

Inter-subject variability and normal limits of the SITA Standard, SITA Fast, and the Humphrey Full Threshold computerized perimetry strategies, SITA STATPAC

PURPOSE: To establish and evaluate inter-subject variability and normal threshold limits for the new SITA strategies and to compare them with those obtained with the traditional Humphrey Full Threshold algorithm.METHODS: Data from 330 eyes of 330 normal subjects were collected at 10 centres in order to establish limits of normality for the new SITA strategies and thus, to make it possible to subje

Diagnosis of early glaucoma with flicker comparisons of serial disc photographs

We evaluated flicker comparison, a technique for detecting differences in serial fundus photographs. Serial optic disc photographs and computerized threshold visual fields were obtained every 3 months for an average of 40 months in 131 eyes of 81 patients with elevated intraocular pressure and normal visual fields. Two serial monophotographs were projected, optically aligned, and superimposed; ana

Twelve weeks of exercise training increases muscle function and walking capacity in elderly predialysis patients and healthy subjects

Muscle function declines with age and progressive uraemia. We examined whether elderly predialysis patients could improve thigh muscle function, walking capacity, and functional mobility to the same extent as elderly healthy subjects when participating in 12 weeks of individual muscle endurance exercises for the thigh as well as in a low-intensive group programme. The uraemic exercise and comparis

Binding of dietary Cobalt to sarcoplasmic reticulum proteins

It has previously been shown that cobalt accumulates in the myocardium of rats, mainly the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) and the mitochondrial inner membrane. In order to investigate the mode of accumulation of cobalt in the SR, rats were given a dietary cobalt supplementation of 40 mg of CoSO4 × 7 H2O kg-1 body wt, after which the rats were sacrificed and the sarcoplasmic reticulum was isolated. Th

Composite scalar dark matter from vector-like SU (2) confinement

A toy-model with SU(2)TC dynamics confined at high scales ΛTC > 100GeV enables to construct Dirac UV completion from the original chiral multiplets predicting a vector-like nature of their weak interactions consistent with electroweak precision tests. In this work, we investigate a potential of the lightest scalar baryon-like (T-baryon) state B0 = UD with mass mB ≥ 1TeV predicted by the simplest t

Associated central exclusive production of charged Higgs bosons

We propose central exclusive production of a charged Higgs boson in association with a W boson as a possible signature of certain types of extended Higgs sectors. We calculate the cross section and find that the rate at the LHC could be large enough to allow observation in some models with two-Higgs doublets, where the charged Higgs and at least one of the neutral scalars can be light enough. We u

Diffractive production of χc(0+,1 +,2+) mesons at LHC, Tevatron and RHIC

We consider exclusive double diffractive production of scalar χc(0+), axial-vector χc(1+) and tensor χc(2+) charmonia in proton-(anti)proton collisions at different energies. The corresponding amplitudes for these processes are derived within the kt -factorisation approach and the corresponding cross section is calculated with different unintegrated gluon distribution functions (UGDFs) known from

"Tell Ye Your Children..." : The Twisted Swedish Road to Holocaust Recognition

From a historical perspective, this article analyzesthe dramatic politicalprocess in the 1990s when modern Sweden left its traditional dissociationfrom historical orientations by entering into a European context in which theSecond World War and the Holocaust were crucial historical landmarks.The political campaign Living History must be understood in terms of recent processes of both nationalizati

Offset estimation for microphone localization using alternating projections

In this paper, we focus on solving the time delay as a separateproblem to the reconstruction of the microphone and sound locations.The time delay estimation appears as one of the main steps in sensorcalibration problem, once the time delays are known or estimated, wecan solve the time-difference-of-arrival problems by converting them totime-of-arrival problems. In this paper we make use of an alte

On-chip activation and subsequent detection of individual antigen-specific T cells

The frequencies of antigen-specific CD4+ T cells in samples of human tissue have been difficult to determine accurately ex vivo, particularly for autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis or type 1 diabetes. Conventional approaches involve the expansion of primary T cells in vitro to increase the numbers of cells, and a subsequent assessment of the frequencies of antigen-specific T cells in t

Remembering Ideological Identities : Transference of Holocaust Memory through Artistic Expression

We are rushing into an era where there will be no more witnesses to carry on the conversation about what happened during the Holocaust, but that does not mean there will be a lack of facts. The issues are rather how to remember, who is to remember what, and even why remember such atrocities at all. It is often stated that we have to remember to make sure “it” never happens again. Commemorations da

Efficient computation of exposure profiles on real-world and risk-neutral scenarios for Bermudan swaptions

This paper presents a computationally efficient technique for the computation of exposure distributions at any future time under the risk-neutral and some observed real-world probability measures; these are needed for the computation of credit valuation adjustment (CVA) and potential future exposure (PFE). In particular,we present a valuation framework for Bermudan swaptions. The essential idea is

Review of methods for measuring societal resilience and how they address critical infrastructures

The review presented in this paper aims to describe the state-of-the art concerning methods for measuring societal resilience. A literature search is conducted where 36 recently published methods are selected. Then, various questions are explored concerning the methods, such as how resilience is operationalized, how data is collected, and about their normative foundation. Several methods exist wit

Conflict between the Electronic Factors and Structure-Directing Rules in the Intergrowth Structure of Ca4Ag2+xGe4-x with x = 1/2

Combined experimental and theoretical efforts to conceptually understand the structure directing forces in intergrowth structures have led to the discovery of the new ternary phase Ca4Ag2+xGe4-x (x = 0.5), obtained from high-temperature reaction of the elements. It crystallizes in a new structure type according to single-crystal diffraction methods: monoclinic space group C2/m-i10 with a = 10.7516

Fast Classification of Empty and Occupied Parking Spaces Using Integral Channel Features

In this paper we present a novel, fast and accurate system for detecting the presence of cars in parking lots. The system is based on fast integral channel features and machine learning. The methods are well suited for running embedded on low performance platforms. The methods are tested on a database of nearly 700,000 images of parking spaces, where 48.5% are occupied and the rest are free. The e