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Your search for "*" yielded 531888 hits

Time use and occupational performance among persons with schizophrenia

The human occupational/activity pattern is a product of person–occupation–environment interaction, it is of importance to explore all these factors to understand the daily occupational pattern among persons with schizophrenia. This study aimed to describe the time use of 10 persons with schizophrenia, reflecting the participants’ daily occupations, social and geographical environments, and emotion

ACID: a database for microarray clone information

Array Close Information Database is an online database for information about microarray cDNA clones. For each clone, the database contents include assigned UniGene cluster(s), location in the full-length transcript, assigned gene ontology terms and position in the genome assembly.

Dose-related changes in retinal function and PKC-alpha expression in rabbits on vigabatrin medication : Effect of vigabatrin in the rabbit eye.

BACKGROUND: To investigate, in a rabbit model, the effect of two different doses of vigabatrin (VGB) on retinal function and morphology. METHODS: Twenty-nine rabbits of mixed strain were divided into two groups, receiving either high-dose (n = 15) or low-dose (n = 14) oral VGB treatment (cumulative dose 29.8 +/- 2.9 g and 14.2 +/- 0.6 g respectively). Ten rabbits receiving water served as control

Density cycles and an offspring quantity and quality game driven by natural selection

A long-standing hypothesis posits that natural selection can favour two female strategies when density cycles. At low density, females producing many smaller progeny are favoured when the intrinsic rate of increase, r, governs population growth. At peak density, females producing fewer, high-quality, progeny are favoured when the carrying capacity, K, is exceeded and the population crashes. Here w

Specific guidelines for treatment of diabetic foot osteomyelitis

This article is based upon "The management of diabetic foot osteomyelitis - a progress report on diagnosing and a consensus on treating osteomyelitis". The principle of treatment is to administer antibiotics while providing a local environment in which the medication can work. This typically involves the removal of dead, soft tissue and accessible dead bone during the wound care process. These int

Phantom study of radiation doses outside the target volume brachytherapy versus external radiotherapy of early breast cancer

Background and purpose: Brachytherapy is sometimes suggested as an adjuvant treatment after surgery of some tumours. When introducing this, it would be useful to have an estimate of the dose distribution to different body sites, both near and distant to target, comparing conventional external irradiation to brachytherapy. The aim of the present study was to determine radiation doses with both meth

The interactive role of worried mood and trait anxiety in the selective processing of subliminally presented threat words

The purpose of the present study was threefold: (a) to replicate the finding by MacLeod and Rutherford (1992) that low trait-anxious individuals, in contrast to high trait-anxious individuals, show a selective attention away from subliminally presented threat words at elevated levels of stress; (b) to test the hypothesis that this effect is due to individuals with repressive coping-style rather th

Average force along unbonded tendons: a field study at nuclear reactor containments in Sweden

The tightness and integrity of all Swedish reactor containments depend directly and indirectly on the function of the post-tensioned system. The tendon force in containments with unbonded tendons is followed up at regular in-service inspections (ISI) to ensure that the remaining force is sufficient. At the inspections, the tendon force is measured with so-called lift-off technique, where a jack is

Suppression Pattern of Neutral Pions at High Transverse Momentum in Au plus Au Collisions at root S-NN=200 GeV and Constraints on Medium Transport Coefficients

For Au + Au collisions at 200 GeV, we measure neutral pion production with good statistics for transverse momentum, p(T), up to 20 GeV/c. A fivefold suppression is found, which is essentially constant for 5 < p(T) < 20 GeV/c. Experimental uncertainties are small enough to constrain any model-dependent parametrization for the transport coefficient of the medium, e. g., in the parton quenching mode

fMRI activity in the medial temporal lobe during famous face processing

The current event-related fMRI study examined the relative involvement of different parts of the medial temporal lobe (MTL), particularly the contribution of hippocampus and perirhinal cortex, in either intentional or incidental recognition of famous faces in contrast to unfamiliar faces. Our intention was to further explore the controversial contribution of MTL in the processing of semantic memor

Temperature and salt content regimes in three shallow ice-covered lakes 1. Temperature, salt content, and density structure

A field study on the temperature, salt content, and density regime in three shallow ice-covered Karelian lakes is presented. The measurements show that the heat content increases during the whole ice-covered period. At ice formation a weak stable stratification existed in the lakes, with average temperatures about 1 degrees C. Thereafter, the stability of the stratification gradually increased, ma

Fluorescence lidar imaging of the cathedral and baptistery of Parma

Extensive fluorescence multispectral imaging of the cathedral and baptistery of Parma, Italy, is reported and discussed. In particular, the first fluorescence imaging data from protection-treated stony materials were recorded. Fluorescence spectra were taken with a mobile lidar system scanning the monument surfaces with a frequency-tripled Nd:YAG laser beam from a distance of about 80 m. For each

Environmental Concern and Knowledge of Ecotourism among Three Groups of Swedish Tourists

The present study is aimed at investigating whether eco-tourists are more ecologically oriented than nature tourists and city tourists. In questionnaire surveys, in line with the hypotheses, the ecotourists expressed more general environmental beliefs than the nature tourists, who, in turn, had more pro-environmental beliefs than the city tourists. Similar results were found in the attitudes the t

The role of preclinical atherosclerosis in the explanation of educational differences in incidence of coronary events.

The associations between educational level, preclinical carotid atherosclerosis and incident coronary events (CE), were investigated in a general population sample of 5399 Swedish middle-aged men and women without history of cardiovascular disease (CVD) over a median follow-up of 8.7 years. Presence of carotid plaque (focal intima-media thickness (IMT) >1.2 mm) was determined by B-mode ultrasound.

Mhc diversity in two passerine birds: no evidence far a minimal essential Mhc

Humans express an array of Mhc genes, while the chicken has an Mhc that is relatively small and compact with fewer expressed genes. Here we ask whether the "minimal essential Mhc" of the chicken is representative for birds. We investigated the RFLP genotypes in 55 great reed warblers Acrocephalus arundinaceus and 10 willow warblers Phylloscopus trochilus to obtain an overview of the number of clas

First experiments on an evaporative gas turbine pilot power plant: Water circuit chemistry and humidification evaluation

The evaporative gas turbine (EvGT), also known as the humid air turbine (HAT) cycle, is a novel advanced gas turbine cycle that has attracted considerable interest for the last decade. This high-efficiency cycle shows the potential to be competitive with Diesel engines or combined cycles in small and intermediate scale plants for power production and/or cogeneration. A 0.6 MW natural gas-fired EvG