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Compton Scattering from the Deuteron at Low Energies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid Compton spridning sprids fotonen elastiskt, dvs. utan att förlora energi, mot en annan partikel eller kärna. Kärnorna som användes i detta försök består av en proton och en neutron (sk. deuterium, eller tungt väte). Kärnorna bestrålades med fotoner av kända energier och de spridda fotonerna detekterades mha. stora NaI-detektorer som var placerade i olika vinklar runA series of three Compton scattering experiments on deuterium have been performed at the high-resolution tagged-photon facility MAX-lab located in Lund, Sweden. The 50 < Eg < 70 MeV tagged photons were scattered from a liquid deuterium target and detected simultaneously in three (10"x10") NaI detectors. The average laboratory angles investigated were 45, 125 and 135 deg. The influence of the inela

Exploring Determinants of the Firm Boundary for Swedish Multinationals

This paper empirically examines the foreign internalisation decision of multinational corporations. The purpose of the paper is to identify determinants of the firm boundary, where within-boundary production takes the form of foreign direct investments (FDI) and outside-boundary production takes place through international outsourcing, with reference to recently developed general-equilibrium trade

Spinal Cord Processing of Sensory Information: Spatial Organization and Adaptive Mechanisms.

Popular Abstract in Swedish Nervsignaler som förmedlar känsel från huden och kommandon till kroppsmuskulaturen passerar genom ryggmärgen eller dess motsvarighet i hjärnstammen. Kunskap om hur ryggmärgens nervkretsar är uppbyggda och hur de bearbetar nervsignaler är därför av fundamental betydelse för att kunna förstå och behandla exempelvis smärta och ryggmärgskador. I detta avhandlingsarbete studPrinciples for sensorimotor transformation and plasticity in the spinal cord and functional repair in the root-avulsed spinal cord were studied. A comparative study confirmed that the nociceptive withdrawal reflex (NWR) system is composed of reflex modules, with each performing a finely tuned transformation of skin sensory input to activity in one muscle. This suggests that modularity of the NWR s

Changed Supply Chain Disruption Risks through Installation of a Pasteurizer – the case of Brämhults Juice AB

Brämhults Juice AB is a Swedish company producing fresh juice for the Scandinavian market. Fresh juice is rich in taste but has limited durability and must be treated with special care throughout the whole supply chain. Not only will the quality of the product be affected if mistreated, but there are also contamination risks meaning that people actually could get sick, although the risk is very sm

Preliminary results from A Large Scale Trial with Intelligent Speed Adaptation in Lund, Sweden.

Within the framework of the Swedish national trial with Intelligent Speed Adaptation (ISA) in urban areas, 225 cars are equipped with an active gas pedal for a period of 10 months in the city of Lund. In order to evaluate the systems a number of studies are being carried out. The driving data of all equipped vehicles is logged with regard to time and speed, both before and after activating the sys

A Universal Source Coding Perspective on PPM

The PPM (Prediction by Partial Matching) family of text compression algorithms has several members that have shown to be very efficient in practice. This thesis treats PPM algorithms from an information-theoretical point of view, based on results and methods from universal source coding theory. A number of source classes for modeling text-like data are developed, that are distinguished both by st

Waterfowl herbivory on submerged macrophytes in eutrophic lakes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Sjöfåglar påverkar undervattensväxter Liksom korna på betesmarken betar och påverkar växter på olika sätt, kan växtätande sjöfåglar påverka växter i sjöar. Svanar, sothönor och änder äter ofta undervattensväxter och jag har undersökt hur växterna påverka's av detta. Fågelsjöar är ofta näringsrika grunda sjöar, där växtproduktionen dominera's av undervattensväxter. OliSubmerged macrophytes are thought to stabilize clear-water states of shallow lakes. The aim of this thesis was to elucidate how waterfowl herbivory can affect abundance, distribution and species composition of submerged macrophytes in eutrophic lakes. I found that in a lake with sparse vegetation, which was in a colonization phase, small plants were uprooted and large plants were heavily grazed up

I industrisamhällets slagskugga. Om problematiska kulturarv

Kulturarv har sedan ett par år kopplats samman med begrepp som jämställdhet, demokrati, mångfald och representation. Konsekvenserna har blivit krav på att fler företeelser och berättelser ska ges ställning som kulturarv. Men vad händer när komplicerade, svåra eller på annat sätt problematiska företeelser betraktas som kulturarv? I boken undersöks den friktion som uppstår när sådana företeelser möt

Composite morphological functions for DT-CNNs

Mathematical morphology is a powerful means to specify image manipulations; discrete-time cellular neural networks (DT-CNN) is the fast realization. The attractive combination has been sufficiently shown for simple problems but tends to fail in efficiency for more complex ones. The paper introduces a complement and argument swap (CAS) equivalence that allows to solve an image processing problem th