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Your search for "*" yielded 530924 hits

Chemical Cartography with APOGEE : Multi-element Abundance Ratios

We map the trends of elemental abundance ratios across the Galactic disk, spanning R = 3-15 kpc and midplane distance |Z| = 0-2 kpc, for 15 elements in a sample of 20,485 stars measured by the SDSS/APOGEE survey (O, Na, Mg, Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni). Adopting Mg rather than Fe as our reference element, and separating stars into two populations based on [Fe/Mg], we find that the m

Sequencing and phylogenetic analysis of chloroplast genes in freshwater raphidophytes

The complex evolution of chloroplasts in microalgae has resulted in highly diverse pigment profiles. Freshwater raphidophytes, for example, display a very different pigment composition to marine raphidophytes. To investigate potential differences in the evolutionary origin of chloroplasts in these two groups of raphidophytes, the plastid genomes of the freshwater species Gonyostomum semen and Vacu

Large eddy simulation of an aerated Rushton stirred tank

Simulations of aerated stirred reactor is performed using Large Eddy Simulation (LES). The gas phase is modelled using Lagrangian Particle Tracking (LPT). The reactor is stirred by a single impeller Rushton turbine, centred in the reactor. The air is introduced at the bottom wall through a circular sparger. The main focus is to investigate how the gas phase affects the liquid in the reactor. Effec

Determination of low energy constants and testing chiral perturbation theory at order p6 (NNLO)

We present the results of a search for relations between observables that are independent of the Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT) Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order (NNLO) Low-Energy Constants (LECs). We have found some relations between observables in ππ, πK scattering and Kl4 decay which have been evaluated numerically using fit 10 in [1] for the NLO LECs. We also show some preliminary results for a

Eta decays at and beyond p4 in Chiral Perturbation Theory

An overview is given of Chiral Perturbation Theory and various applications to eta decays. In particular, the main decay η → 3π is discussed at the one-loop level, and estimates of the higher order corrections are given. The importance of p6 and higher order effects in double Dalitz and η → π0γγ decays is pointed out. In all these cases the need for new experimental results is stressed.

Low energy constants from K(l4) form-factors

We have calculated the form-factors F and G in K → ππlν decays (K(l4)) to two-loop order in Chiral Perturbation Theory (ChPT). Combining this together with earlier two-loop calculations an updated set of values for the L(i)/(r), the ChPT constants at O(p4), is obtained. We discuss the uncertainties in the determination and the changes compared to previous estimates. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V.

Identification of targetable lesions in anaplastic thyroid cancer by genome profiling

Anaplastic thyroid cancer (ATC) is a rare and extremely malignant tumor with no available cure. The genetic landscape of this malignancy has not yet been fully explored. In this study, we performed whole exome sequencing and the RNA-sequencing of fourteen cases of ATC to delineate copy number changes, fusion gene events, and somatic mutations. A high frequency of genomic amplifications was seen, i

Incidence, diversity, and molecular epidemiology of sapoviruses in swine across Europe

Porcine sapovirus is an enteric calicivirus in domestic pigs that belongs to the family Caliciviridae. Some porcine sapoviruses are genetically related to human caliciviruses, which has raised public health concerns over animal reservoirs and the potential cross-species transmission of sapoviruses. We report on the incidence, genetic diversity, and molecular epidemiology of sapoviruses detected in

Clinical and virological features of enterovirus 71 infections in Denmark, 2005 to 2008

BACKGROUND: Since the late 1990s enterovirus 71 (EV71) has caused epidemics of hand, foot and mouth disease with fatal cases especially in the Asian Pacific region. The objective of this study was to describe the clinical and virological features of EV71 infections in Denmark.METHODS: All enterovirus-positive samples in Denmark are submitted to the National Poliovirus Laboratory for typing, and th

ε′KK in the chiral limit

The K → ππ system is analyzed in the chiral limit within the Standard Model. We discuss how to connect the short-distance running in the |ΔS| = 1 case to the matrix-elements calculated in a low-energy approximation in a scheme-independent fashion. We calculate this correction and the resulting Wilson Coefficients. The matrix elements are calculated to next-to-leading order in the 1/Nc expansion an

β decay and β-delayed neutron decay of the N=82 nucleus 13149In82

The half-lives of three β-decaying states of 13149In82 have been measured with the GRIFFIN γ-ray spectrometer at the TRIUMF-ISAC facility to be T1/2(1/2−)=328(15)ms, T1/2(9/2+)=265(8)ms, and T1/2(21/2+)=323(55)ms, respectively. The first observation of γ rays following the βn decay of 131In into 130Sn is reported. The β-delayed neutron emission probability is determined to be P1n=12(7)% for the 21

Search for Higgs boson pair production in the bb¯ WW * decay mode at √s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector

A search for Higgs boson pair production in the bb¯ WW * decay mode is performed in the bb¯ ℓνqq final state using 36.1 fb −1 of proton-proton collision data at a centre-of-mass energy of 13 TeV recorded with the ATLAS detector at the Large Hadron Collider. No evidence of events beyond the background expectation is found. Upper limits on the non-resonant pp → HH production cross section of 10 pb a

Direct numerical simulation of turbulent premixed flames at high Karlovitz numbers: structure and modelling

There has been recent increased interest in premixed flames and in particular for use in gas turbines for power generation. This is a development that follows from increasing demands for high efficiency and low emissions of NOx, which can be achieved by using premixed flames and lean pre-heated mixtures, often close to the lean flammability limit. In combination with high levels of turbulence, whi