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Your search for "*" yielded 533480 hits

Adaptation of Multi-Joint Movements during Postural Disturbances.

The objective was to investigate the adaptation ofthe multi-segmented body movements induced over time byvibratory proprioceptive stimulation of the calf muscles and by galvanic vestibular stimulation. Twelve normal subjects were with eyes open or eyes closed exposed to vibratory stimulation of two different amplitudes and frequencies, or to simultaneously applied galvanic and vibratory stimulatio

Influence of dissolved organic matter source on lake bacterioplankton structure and function - implications for seasonal dynamics of community composition

It has been suggested that autochthonous (internally produced) organic carbon and allochthonous (externally produced) organic carbon are utilized by phylogenetically different bacterioplankton. We examined the relationship between the source of organic matter and the structure and function of lake bacterial communities. Differences and seasonal changes in bacterial community composition in two lak

The Politics of Popular Identity: Understanding Recent Populist Movements in Sweden and the United States

While populism and populist politics have been the focus of a wide range of studies in the social sciences, few analyses of populist phenomena have moved beyond the level of simple description. This study has three immediate aims: to critique existing theories of populism, to develop a new, analytical view of populism, and apply this view comparatively to two cases. This new view of populism emer

Uttorkning av betong : inverkan av cementtyp, betongkvalitet och omgivande fuktförhållanden

Uttorkning av betong är ett ämnesområde som under lång tid varit i fokus. Genom åren har många skadefall kunnat kopplas till alltför fuktiga betonggolv. Det är inte betongen som tar skada utan vissa material som placerats i direkt anslutning till betongen. Exempel är kemisk nedbrytning av lim under plastmattor, vilket skapat kemiska emissioner som vandrat ut till inomhusluften, eller som lett till

Self-rated health as a predictor of disability pension and death--a prospective study of middle-aged men

OBJECTIVE: Self-rated health (SRH) is increasingly attracting attention as a predictor of morbidity and mortality while its relation to impaired function has been given less momentum. The aim of this study was to assess the relation between SRH and the risk of being awarded a disability pension and premature death. METHODS: Five birth-year cohorts of middle-aged men were invited to a screening pro

High-spin Spectroscopy of 63Ga and 65Ga

High-spin states in the nuclei Ga-63 and Ga-65 were studied following the reaction S-32 + Ca-40 at a reaction energy of 125 MeV and using the GASP gamma -ray spectrometer in combination with the ISIS charged-particle detector system. In addition to low-lying negative-parity states with single-particle character, rotational-like cascades built on the 9/2(+) and 19/2(-) states have been observed in

History and future perspectives of treating asthma as a systemic and small airways disease

Asthma is an inflammatory disorder in which the small airways of the lung play an important role. There is also evidence for the systemic nature of asthma. No current method adequately measures small airways function alone. Therefore, a combination of functional and clinical parameters should be used to ensure that patients with asthma are adequately treated with due consideration of the small air

A new method for determination of vapour sorption isotherms using a twin double microcalorimeter

A new twin heat conduction microcalorimeter for the study of vapour sorption isotherms, sorption enthalpies and the kinetics of sorption has been developed. Each calorimeter has two calorimetric vessels which are connected by a steel tube. The upper vessel (a vaporization chamber) is charged with a vapour forming liquid and the lower vessel (a sorption chamber) contains the sorbent sample. An iden

Monocyte-macrophage system as a target for estrogen and selective estrogen receptor modulators.

Postmenopausal decline of estrogen production is associated with development of several degenerative disorders such as osteoporosis, neuroinflammatory diseases and vascular wall degeneration. These are associated with the activation of the cells of the monocyte-macrophage system in a context-dependent manner. Estrogen regulates differentiation, maturation and function of many cell types in this sy

Separation of excitonic and electron-hole processes in metal tungstates

Absorption, reflection and emission polarization spectra of CdWO4 crystals have been studied in the region 3.5-30 eV in order to distinguish the excitonic and electron-hole processes in the vicinity of the band gap. The following parameters have been defined from the Urbach tail study at 6-300 K: E-0 = 5 eV, sigma(0) = 0.31, homega = 70 meV (565 cm(-1)). Excitonic processes have been shown to domi

Cooling augments contractile response to 5-hydroxytryptamine via an endothelium-dependent mechanism

The interaction between cooling and vasoactive substances, e.g. 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), plays an important role in the pathophysiology of cold-induced vasospasm. Our objective was to study the effect of cooling on the 5-HT vascular response, classify the involved 5-HT receptors, and to analyze the role of the endothelium. Ring segments from the rat jugular vein, a preparation without alpha-adr

Rhizospheric influence on soil respiration and decomposition in a temperate Norway spruce stand

Assessments of terrestrial carbon fluxes require a thorough understanding of links between primary production, soil respiration and carbon loss through drainage. In this study, stem girdling was used to terminate autotrophic soil respiration including rhizosphere respiration and root exudation in a temperate Norway spruce stand. Rates of soil respiration and dissolved organic carbon (DOC) formatio

Housing-related control beliefs and independence in activities of daily living in very old age

Control beliefs, i.e. a person's perceived control over his or her own behaviour, are important predictors of psychological functioning in old age. The aim of this study is to examine the mediating effect of housing-related control beliefs on the relationship between housing accessibility and independence in activities of daily living (ADL). Moreover, cross-national differences in five European co

Wind energy powers-that-be successor generation in globalization

After a historic introduction, today's wind power technology is reviewed on a systems level, with some details, and with some brave suggestions for wind technology 2030 when power electronics (PE) will be some 2000 GW. Eternal themes like "electricity storage" are avoided. Aspects of drive-trains in towers and collection grids in parks are concisely described in the paper's core, including: 1) a p

Ab initio calculations for intercombination and resonance lines in P II

Results from large scale, ab initio MCHF calculations are presented for the transition properties of the 3s2 3p2(3)P(J-)e{3s3p3, 3s2 3p3d, 3s2 3p4s} 5S2o and 3P2o intercombination and resonance lines in P II. The agreement with experiment is good, the systematic approach shows convergence and the agreement between different forms of the oscillator strength is excellent for the resonance lines.

Transient wave propagation in reciprocal bi-isotropic media at oblique incidence

In this paper a new wave splitting is suggested that simplifies the analysis of wave propagation in reciprocal bi-isotropic media. Two different methods to solve the scattering problem are analyzed: the invariant imbedding and the Green function approach. The medium is modeled by constitutive relations in the time domain (time convolutions) and the slab is assumed to be inhomogeneous with respect

Towards an embedded real-time Java virtual machine

Most computers today are embedded, i.e. they are built into some products or system that is not perceived as a computer. It is highly desirable to use modern safe object-oriented software techniques for a rapid development of reliable systems. However, languages and run-time platforms for embedded systems have not kept up with the front line of language development. Reasons include complex and, in