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Förändringar i utbredningsbilden hos Parmelia elegantula och Parmelia laciniatula i Skåne och Blekinge.

The Swedish localities for Parmelia eleganrula (Zahlbr.) Szat. and Parmelia laciniatula (Oliv.) Zahlbr.wers outlined in denil by Almborn (1948) in a work on the distribution and ecology of some south Scandinavian lichens. In the summer of 1987, I revisited Ahnborn's renumerated localities in Sklne and Blekinge. Several new localiries were also registrated. Both species, as prcsumed, turned out to

Influence of bondline brittleness and defects on the strength of timber finger-joints

Numerical finite element results on the mechanical behaviour of finger-joints for laminated timber products are presented. Simulations are based on a nonlinear fracture mechanics description of the bondlines in the finger-joints. It is shown that, for a commonly used resorcinol–phenol adhesive, there is potential of increasing substantially the finger-joint strength by increasing the fracture ener

Prospective randomized controlled study of Hydrofiber(R) dressing containing ionic silver or calcium alginate dressings in non-ischaemic diabetic foot ulcers.

Aims Diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) are at risk of infection and impaired healing, placing patients at risk of lower extremity amputation. DFU care requires debridement and dressings. A prospective, multicentre study compared clinical efficacy and safety of AQUACEL (R) Hydrofiber (R) dressings containing ionic silver (AQAg) with those of Algosteril (R) calcium alginate (CA) dressings in managing out-

Om darrningar. Emanuel Swedenborgs iatromekanik

On the basis of his daily life experiences of water waves the Swedish natural philosopher Emanuel Swedenborg (1688-1772) could use the wave metaphor to transfer the qualities of these waves to other physical phenomena such as sound waves and light waves. In the last issue of his scientific journal Dædalus Hyperboreus (1718), he published an overview of a new theory of tremulations. Swedenborg's mo

Hybridization, superexchange, and competing magnetoelastic interactions in TiOBr

A crystalline sample of TiOBr is probed at room temperature by a combination of electron spectroscopies and the results are compared to theoretical embedded-cluster calculations. Resonant photoemission of the valence band confirms that the lowest binding energy feature arises from the singly occupied Ti 3d orbital. The polarization dependence of this orbital in nonresonant photoemission is consist

Patients with laxity of the distal radioulnar joint after distal radial fractures have impaired function, but no loss of strength

Laxity of the distal radioulnar (DRU) joint after distal radial fractures has a worse general outcome in patients before the usual age for development of osteoporosis. The hypothesis for this study was that patients with laxity also have less strength during supination and pronation. An apparatus for measuring strength in supination and pronation was constructed and validated. 20 patients were cho

A Model Based Approach to Robustness Analysis and Optimisation of Chromatography Processes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kostnaden för utveckling och validering av produktionsanläggningar är idag ett stort problem för farmaceutisk industri. Valideringen innebär normalt en stor experimentell arbetsinsats. Den stora mängden experimentellt arbete innebär att det utvecklas färre läkemedel och till högre kostnad idag jämfört med tidigare. FDA har uppmärksammat detta i sitt PAT initiativ. En mOne of the major issues in the pharmaceutical industry today is the cost of development and validation of the production of the active pharmaceutical ingredients. The development, optimization and validation of a production plant have been dominated by an extensive experimental approach. The large amount of experimental work and reluctance for changing existing processes has caused the pharmaceut

Moisture Induced Stresses in Timber Structures

Wood is a hygroscopic material; always striving to reach equilibrium with the surrounding air, and consequently the moisture content is different in different climate conditions. The strength of wood is directly dependent on the moisture content, lower moisture content leads to increasing strength. Generally, state moisture equilibrium is seldom obtained because the moisture transport in wood is v

Ärftlighetsforskningens gränser : Individer och institutioner i framväxten av svensk genetik

Popular Abstract in Swedish Den moderna genetiken tar sin början kring sekelskiftet 1900 då de mendelska lagarna återupptäcktes. Den tidiga utvecklingen skedde i många länder i nära anslutning till den praktiska växtförädlingen, så även i Sverige där det redan fanns en framgångsrik växtförädling genom Sveriges utsädesförenings verksamhet i Svalöf. Här introducerade botanisten Herman Nilsson-Ehle mIn the first part of the 20th century genetics developed into an important research field. The aim of this study is to follow and analyse the transformation of genetics from its origin within an agricultural context to an academic discipline in Sweden (ca. 1900-1960). Mendelism was introduced as a methodology in plant breeding at the plant breeding station in Svalöf during the first decade of the

Determination of moisture permeability in concrete under high moisture conditions

With a method relying on measurements of the flow of water vapour from a specimen and measurements of the distribution of the relative humidity in the specimen at steady state conditions, the moisture permeability can be calculated and its dependence on the relative humidity can be determined. The specimens are of dimensions that are used in ordinary buildings.