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Sartres krig – Människans frihet och slutet på historien

Studien undersöker Jean-Paul Sartres utvecklig från Varat och Intet (1943) – där den fria och ensamma människans relation till varat och den andre står i centrum – till den sociala och politiskt situerade människa som ringas in i Critique de la raison dialectique (Kritik av det dialektiska förnuftet, 1960). På vägen mellan dessa verk kommer den sartreska samtidshistoriens mest fundamentala konflik

Bioethanol Production from Lignocellulosic Materials: Some studies on Sugarcane Bagasse and Paja Brava

The commercial feasibility of ethanol production from biomass is dependent on the availability of lignocellulose in large amounts at low cost. Various kinds of agricultural residues are of interest, due to the fact that these feedstocks have well-established cultivation procedures already in place, as well as technology for harvest and transportation. In the current work, the utilization of sugarc

Issues in reclaiming control from advanced driver assistance systems

Automation is increasingly part of everyday driving as systems such as adaptive cruise control (ACC) or collision warning systems become the norm. These systems are not perfect, resulting in the driver having to stay vigilant for any faults or warnings even with insufficient feedback, and be prepared to reclaim control from an automated driving situation to normal driving. A questionnaire was sent

Design for the BOP and the TOP: Requirements handling behaviour of designers

The base (BOP) and the top (TOP) of the world income pyramid represent the people living in poverty and the people from developed countries, respectively. In the approach of business development combined with poverty alleviation, the design of products for the BOP plays an important role. There is an urgent need to develop an understanding of the process of designing products for the BOP. Requirem

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Abstract in Danish BACHELORPROJEKTER INDEN FOR DET SUNDHEDSFAGLIGE OMRÅDE – INDBLIK I VIDENSKABELIGE METODER er et kalajdoskopisk blik ind i en række udvalgte metoder, der kan fungere som en øjenåbner for muligheder, praktiske metodiske guidelines, ledetråde og greb samt anvisninger til anden relevant litteratur til yderligere fordybelse i de konkrete metoder. Hovedvægten af de metodiske kapitler

Modulation of CYP79 genes and glucosinolate profiles in Arabidopsis by defense signaling pathways.

Glucosinolates are natural plant products that function in the defense toward herbivores and pathogens. Plant defense is regulated by multiple signal transduction pathways in which salicylic acid (SA), jasmonic acid, and ethylene function as signaling molecules. Glucosinolate content was analyzed in Arabidopsis wild-type plants in response to single or combinatorial treatments with methyljasmonate

EUROSYSTEM - Bauweiterbildung : Rapport från det svenska deltagandet

The project justifies itself from increasing Europeanizing of the building market, new the possibilities of communication, mobility and occupation, which offer the European Union to humans and enterprise. Simultaneous substantial deficits are to be deplored in all countries involved in the vocational further training in the building sector. The project wants to make a contribution to: Improvement

The complex world of proteins: Structure, function, and oligomerization of frataxin

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bakgrund Järn (med den kemiska beteckningen Fe, från latinets ferrum) är känt för de flesta som en beståndsdel i till exempel stål. Det många inte vet är att järn är nödvändigt för liv, så som det ser ut på jorden idag. Men det finns en annan sida av myntet: järn kan nämligen också vara giftigt. Som de allra flesta känner till rostar järn i närvaro av syre och vatten.Patients suffering from the deadly progressive neurodegenerative disease Friedreich's ataxia have reduced levels of expression of the protein frataxin. Yeast frataxin has been extensively studied in vitro, and has been shown to deliver iron to heme and iron-sulfur cluster biosynthesis, as well as to oligomerize in the presence of iron. In this dissertation metal-dependent oligomerization of fratax

Changing Borders : Contemporary Positions in Intermediality

A collection of 20 analyses and reflections in the research field of intermedia studies. Contemporary art and literature are marked by an increased intermedial interest. Perhaps as a result of this there is a growing amount of academic research being done on intermedial grounds, inside and outside the “proper” interart institutions. It could be argued that contemporary academic inquiries are bein