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Your search for "*" yielded 532836 hits

Costs for membrane cleaning – an economic assessment

Cleaning is an inevitable, and often costly, part of most membrane filtration plants. The economic assessment of cleaning costs is often rather arbitrary when researchers design and estimate costs of a membrane plant in a new application. Severity of fouling, operation conditions, cleaning agents and cleaning frequency all influence the costs for membrane cleaning. In addition to the costs of the

Protein-protein interactions in AQP regulation - biophysical characterization of AQP0-CaM and AQP2-LIP5 complex formation

Protein-protein interactions play important roles in regulating human aquaporins (AQP) by gating as well as trafficking. While structural and functional studies have provided detailed knowledge of AQP transport mechanisms, selectivity as well as gating by conformational changes of loops or termini, the mechanism behind how protein-protein interactions control AQP-mediated water transport through c

Bulk laxatives : their dietary fibre composition, degradation, and faecal bulking capacity in the rat

The intestinal dietary fibre degradation and faecal bulking capacity of various bulk laxatives were investigated by means of balance experiments on rats. Nitrogen, fat, and mineral excretion in faeces was also studied. The dietary fibre content of the various bulk laxatives was quite different (in g/kg dry matter): ACO fibre tablets (barley and citrus pulp), 451; Fiberform (wheat bran-based), 817;

Determination of digestible energy values and fermentabilities of dietary fibre supplements : a European interlaboratory study in vivo

The performance of methods to determine energy conversion factors for dietary fibre (DF) supplements and fermentability (D) values of their non-starch polysaccharides (NSP) was investigated. Heats of combustion, digestible energy (DE) and D values were determined on five DF supplements in five European laboratories on five separate occasions. In each instance the DF supplements were fed to juvenil

Binding of mineral elements by some dietary fibre components-in vitro (I)

The binding of copper, cadmium and zinc ions to some soluble and gelforming types of dietary fibre (guar gum, low and high methoxylated pectin and sterculia gum) has been investigated potentiometrically. Considerable binding was found to low methoxylated pectin, but the binding to sterculia gum and high methoxylated pectin was less pronounced. The binding to guar gum was negligible. Thus, the form

Comparing offshoring and backshoring : The role of manufacturing site location factors and their impact on post-relocation performance

The global nature of businesses has increased the geographical dispersion of operations and has made the location decision an important strategic perspective for manufacturing firms. The consensus view is that three major plant location factors must be kept in mind: (1) access to low-cost manufacturing, (2) proximity to market, and (3) access to development competences. Two options for changing th

Immunoinformatics study of procyanidins as mast cell stabilizers

Background: Allergens are foreign proteins that stimulate the production of immunoglobulin E (IgE), when they come in contact with human body. These allergens after binding with IgE through FcεRI receptor, triggers the signal transduction reaction in mast cell and basophil cells, leading to allergic reactions by releasing some mediators. Four correctly written as surface-exposed tryptpphans Trp 87

A new isotropic locality improved kernel for pattern classifications in remote sensing imagery

Kernel based learning algorithms are sensitive to the choice of appropriate kernel function and parameter setting. Classification accuracies yielded by the kernel based classifiers may show variation depending on the choice of the kernel and its associated parameters. Suggesting an efficient kernel function and effective setting of kernel parameters are thus important problems for kernel based cla

Cancer pathway network analysis using cellular automata

Identification of cancer pathways is the central goal in the cancer gene expression data analysis. Data mining refers to the process analyzing huge data in order to find useful pattern. Data classification is the process of identifying common properties among a set of objects and grouping them into different classes. A cellular automaton is a discrete, dynamical system with simple uniformly interc

Molecular docking analysis of ahl molecule on plant protein arr10

In rhizosphere Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) produce N-acyl-l-homoserine lactones (AHL) as the quorum-sensing (QS) signals. AHLs can act as trans-kingdom signalling molecules between plants and rhizobacteria and that can regulate plant growth and development. The plant-beneficial PGPR Burkholderia phytofirmans PsJN promotes growth in Arabidopsis thaliana by producing 3-oxo-dodecanoyl

2D polarization imaging as a low-cost fluorescence method to detect α-synuclein aggregation ex vivo in models of Parkinson’s disease

A hallmark of Parkinson’s disease is the formation of large protein-rich aggregates in neurons, where α-synuclein is the most abundant protein. A standard approach to visualize aggregation is to fluorescently label the proteins of interest. Then, highly fluorescent regions are assumed to contain aggregated proteins. However, fluorescence brightness alone cannot discriminate micrometer-sized region

Chapter 1 International comparisons of health expenditure : Theory, data and econometric analysis

Comparisons of aggregate health expenditure across different countries have become popular over the last three decades as they permit a systematic investigation of the impact of different institutional regimes and other explanatory variables. Over the years, several regression analyses based on cross-section and panel data have been used to explain the international differences in health expenditu

Equity in the delivery of health care in Europe and the US

This paper presents a comparison of horizontal equity in health care utilization in 10 European countries and the US. It does not only extend previous work by using more recent data from a larger set of countries, but also uses new methods and presents disaggregated results by various types of care. In all countries, the lower-income groups are more intensive users of the health care system. But a

The redistributive effect of health care finance in twelve OECD countries

The OECD countries finance their health care through a mixture of taxes, social insurance contributions, private insurance premiums and out-of-pocket payments. The various payment sources have very different implications for both vertical and horizontal equity and on redistributive effect which is a function of both. This paper presents results on the income redistribution consequences of the heal

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GRACILE syndrome belongs to the Finnish disease heritage, and is caused by a point mutation in the BCS1L-gene encoding a mitochondrial protein. This leads to dysfunction of the complex III in the respiratory chain. Significant fetal growth disturbance is the primary manifestation. Within the first day the newborn infant develops severe lactic acidosis. Hypoglycemia, elevated serum ferritin and con

Tilaiya reservoir catchment segmentation using hybrid soft cellular approach

Image segmentation among overlapping land cover areas in satellite images is a very crucial task. Detection of belongingness is the important problem for classifying mixed pixels. This paper proposes an approach for pixel classification using a hybrid approach of Fuzzy C-Means and Cellular automata methods. This new unsupervised method is able to detect clusters using 2-Dimensional Cellular Automa

A social safety net? Rejection sensitivity and political opinion sharing among young people in social media

One reason why people avoid using social media to express their opinions is to avert social sanctions as proposed by the spiral of silence theory. We here elaborate on individual-level sensitivity to social rejection in relation to voicing political opinions on social media sites. Given the uncertainty about sharing political views in social media, and the fact that social acceptance, or rejection