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Effects of a sphingolipid-enriched dairy formulation on postprandial lipid concentrations.

Background:The digestion of sphingolipids (SL) is slow and is catalyzed by mucosal enzymes. Dietary SL was shown to inhibit cholesterol absorption and to lower plasma cholesterol, triglycerides (TG) and hepatic fat accumulation in animal models.Aim:A dairy formulation based on fractionation of buttermilk, which is enriched in milk polar lipids of which SL account for a large part is now available.

Brand orientation and market orientation – From alternatives to synergy

This paper explores the interaction between brand orientation and market orientation. Brand orientation is an inside-out, identity-driven approach that sees brands as a hub for an organization and its strategy. Similarly, market orientation is an outside-in, image-driven approach. Initially, brand orientation and market orientation appear to be two different strategic options. Though synergistic c

Principles of epistemological accountability with methodological implications for measuring, assessing, and profiling human resilience

We propose two fundamental principles of epistemological accountability with critical methodological implications for studies designed to measure, assess, and/or profile human psychosocial resilience. Firstly, researchers involved in human psychosocial resilience studies owe it to the individuals and communities that they engage to disclose their motives and possible misreadings of the situations

Charged-particle multiplicity measurement in proton-proton collisions at root s=0.9 and 2.36 TeV with ALICE at LHC

Charged-particle production was studied in proton-proton collisions collected at the LHC with the ALICE detector at centre-of-mass energies 0.9 TeV and 2.36 TeV in the pseudorapidity range vertical bar eta vertical bar < 1.4. In the central region (vertical bar eta vertical bar < 0.5), at 0.9 TeV, we measure charged-particle pseudo-rapidity density dN(ch)/d eta = 3.02 +/- 0.01(stat.)(-0.05)(+0.08)

Lentivirus-Induced Dendritic Cells for Immunization Against High-Risk WT1(+) Acute Myeloid Leukemia

Wilms' tumor 1 antigen (WT1) is overexpressed in acute myeloid leukemia (AML), a high-risk neoplasm warranting development of novel immunotherapeutic approaches. Unfortunately, clinical immunotherapeutic use of WT1 peptides against AML has been inconclusive. With the rationale of stimulating multiantigenic responses against WT1, we genetically programmed long-lasting dendritic cells capable of pro

Molecular Mechanisms in Hematopoietic Stem Cell Aging

Popular Abstract in Swedish Blodet är sammansatt av många olika typer av mogna celler som är ansvariga för specialiserade roller inom blodsystemet. Röda blodceller transporterar syre till kroppens celler, vita blodceller förser oss med försvar mot mikroorganismer och blodplättar ser till att stoppa blödningar. Nybildning av blodceller behövs kontinuerligt eftersom vissa celler lever bara i några dThe blood is composed of many different cell types that through tightly regulated mechanisms are derived from hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). In addition, HSCs are able to undergo self-renewing divisions whereby new HSCs are produced. This is an extremely important feature of HSCs in order to ensure the existence of the HSC pool that is paramount to provide life-long hematopoiesis. Aging is in ge

Spectral characteristics of PS II reaction centres: as isolated preparations and when integral to PS II core complexes

The discovery that the native PS II enzyme undergoes charge separation via an absorption extending to 730 nm has led us to re-examine the low-temperature absorption spectra of Nanba-Satoh PS II reaction centre preparations with particular focus on the long wavelength region. It is shown that these preparations do not exhibit absorption in the 700-730 nm region at 1.7 K. Absorption in the Nanba-Sat

200 and 300 MeV/nucleon nuclear reactions responsible for single-event effects in microelectronics

An experimental study of nuclear reactions between Si-28 nuclei at 200 and 300 MeV/nucleon and hydrogen or deuterium target nuclei was performed at the CELSIUS storage ring in Uppsala, Sweden, to collect information about the reactions responsible for single-event effects in microelectronics. Inclusive data on Si-28 fragmentation, as well as data on correlations between recoils and spectator proto

WNT5A Signaling Contributes to A beta-Induced Neuroinflammation and Neurotoxicity

Neurodegenration is a pathological hallmark of Alzheimer's disease (AD), but the underlying molecular mechanism remains elusive. Here, we present evidence that reveals a crucial role of Wnt5a signaling in this process. We showed that Wnt5a and its receptor Frizzled-5 (Fz5) were up-regulated in the AD mouse brain, and that beta-amyloid peptide (A beta), a major constituent of amyloid plaques, stimu

Uncertainty in QSAR predictions.

It is relevant to consider uncertainty in individual predictions when quantitative structure-activity (or property) relationships (QSARs) are used to support decisions of high societal concern. Successful communication of uncertainty in the integration of QSARs in chemical safety assessment under the EU Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) system can be faci

Effects of indigestible carbohydrates in barley on glucose metabolism, appetite and voluntary food intake over 16 h in healthy adults

Background: Recent knowledge in animals suggests that gut microbial metabolism may affect host metabolism, including appetite regulating hormones. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the potential effects of a whole grain barley kernel product, rich in intrinsic indigestible carbohydrates (dietary fibre and resistant starch), on markers of metabolism and appetite regulation in healthy sub

Emerging Market (Sub)Systems and Consumption Field Refinement

In this conceptual paper, we introduce a meso-level theoretical framework (Consumption Field Refinement) to explain the development of market systems and suggest methods for researching this development. Our framework centres on the idea that the market system consists of interlinked subsystems (consumption fields), each focused on a particular consumption activity.

Resolution among major placental mammal interordinal relationships with genome data imply that speciation influenced their earliest radiations

Background: A number of the deeper divergences in the placental mammal tree are still inconclusively resolved despite extensive phylogenomic analyses. A recent analysis of 200 kbp of protein coding sequences yielded only limited support for the relationships among Laurasiatheria (cow, dog, bat and shrew), probably because the divergences occurred only within a few million years from each other. It

A Study of Reproducibility of a Full-Scale Multi-Room Compartment Fire Experiment

A study of 45 pool fire tests is presented in this paper. All tests have been conducted in the same experimental setup but with four different ventilation scenarios. The experimental setup consisted of a three-room compartment connected to a stairway. The tests have been conducted during a 6-year period under slightly different ambient conditions. The purpose of this paper is to study and quantify

Variation in intakes of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron and potassium in 10 countries in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study

Background/objectives: Adequate mineral intake is important for the maintenance of bone health, cellular function and general metabolism, and possibly in the aetiology of cancer and other chronic diseases. This study aimed at investigating variation in intakes of selected minerals across 10 European countries participating in the EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition)

The canonical equation of adaptive dynamics for life histories: from fitness-returns to selection gradients and Pontryagin's maximum principle.

This paper should be read as addendum to Dieckmann et al. (J Theor Biol 241:370-389, 2006) and Parvinen et al. (J Math Biol 67: 509-533, 2013). Our goal is, using little more than high-school calculus, to (1) exhibit the form of the canonical equation of adaptive dynamics for classical life history problems, where the examples in Dieckmann et al. (J Theor Biol 241:370-389, 2006) and Parvinen et al