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Dynamic Runtime Environments for Grid Computing
In a grid computing context the execution of jobs on remote machines of collaborating institutes often requires the provisioning of more than mere CPU time. Besides libraries and utilities distributed with the operating system in question, further software may be required by the jobs and in such cases need to be installed prior to the job's execution. In grid computing this problem is aggravated b
Nonlinear piezoelectric effects - towards physics-based computational modelling of micro-cracking, fatigue, and switching
Piezoelectric ceramics -- as one widely commercialised group of smart materials -- exhibit a great potential for various engineering applications. Their high-frequency capabilities are in particular attractive for actuator and sensor devices, which nowadays are present in daily-life-technologies such as cellular phones, fuel injection systems, and so forth. At high loading levels however, severely
Systemic and Local Inflammatory Mediator Response to Major Surgery
Popular Abstract in Swedish Kroppens svar på vävnadsskada är avgörande för initierandet av läknings-processen och försvaret mot invaderande mikroorganismer. Det lokala samspelet mellan de olika cellerna i immunförsvaret sker genom cellsignalering via små proteiner kallade cytokiner. Ett kraftigt eller obalanserat svar kan medföra att inflammationsdrivande cytokiner (IL-6, IL-1, TNF) läcker ut i blCell-signalling via cytokines modulates the local response to surgical trauma, directs the immunologic response and initiates the healing process. Surgical trauma induces a systemic cytokine response and a down-regulation of the antigen presentation capacity of monocytes (HLA-DR expression), which is associated with a poor prognosis if pronounced. The aims with the studies in this thesis were to i
Legal argumentation theory: Cross-disciplinary perspectives
A Bayesian MCMC based estimation of Long memory in state space model
To estimate the long memory series in the framework of state space model is rarely documented although the theoretical foundation was well built in late 90s, and the literatures concentrate mainly on the estimation in stationary case. This paper aims to estimate the parameters in a wide range of long memory series by applying approximate Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) and Bayesian Monte Carlo
Empatins tidsålder (The Age of Empathy)
Global Engagement and the Occupational Structure of Firms
Engagement in foreign markets can have an impact on firm organization and on the type of occupations that a firm needs. We examine the effect of globalization on the occupational mix using detailed Swedish data that cover all firms and a representative sample of the labor force for 1997-2005. We find a robust relationship between a firm’s degree of international integration and its occupational mi
Pharyngeal function after carotid endarterectomy
På vems villkor? Aktörsanalys och polyfonisk analys av två texter i Dagens Nyheters bevakning av Sundsvallsstrejken 1879
Transfer and adsorption of surfactants to an expanding oil water interface during membrane emulsification
uses a microporous membrane operated in cross-flow. The continuous phase is pumped along the membrane and sweeps away dispersed phase droplets forming from pore openings as shown in Figure 1. The key feature of the membrane emulsification process, which sets it apart from conventional emulsification technologies, is that the size distribution of the resulting droplets is primarily governed by the
Stressing Judicial Decision - a Sociology of Law Perspective
På Majken Johanssons Sorgenfri
Polyamines are involved in the regulation of S phase and DNA synthesis
Popular Abstract in Swedish För att celler ska kunna växa och dela sig behöver de många olika ämnen, till exempel vitaminer, mineraler och polyaminer. Polyaminer finns i alla celler och de krävs för att cellerna ska kunna dela eller specialisera sig. Cellerna kan både själva tillverka polyaminer och ta upp dem från omgivningen. I mänskliga celler finns framför allt de tre polyaminerna putrescin, sOur research group has previously shown that treatment with the polyamine biosynthesis inhibitors a-difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) or amidinoindan-1-one 2´-amidinohydrazone (CGP 48664) inhibited S phase progression before any other cell cycle phase was affected. This study was undertaken to further investigate the role of polyamines in the regulation of S phase progression and DNA synthesis. I hav
Skola och makt. Om viljan till kunskap, beroendet av utbildning och tvånget att gå i skola. Andra upplagan
Skolan är en institution som syftar till att förändra eleverna och deras handlande på en rad olika sätt. Själva meningen med skolans verksamhet är således i realiteten att utöva makt. I denna bok analyseras skolans maktutövning ur fem olika aspekter: — skolans människoförflyttande maktutövning resulterar i att eleverna kommer till skolan vid en viss tidpunkt i sina liv och infinner sig där under
Den revolutionära kampdikten. Viktor Rydbergs "Lukanus marterad"
Medborgarkulturer via medierna: en förutsättning för demokrati
Democracy all too often is described in terms of an abstract system, and the role of the media is to provide information for citizens. While is true, it is only part of the story. This text makes the point that the media in democracies also need to help generate civic cultures that can foster civic agency. Thus, the media's role must be understood even in terms of everyday civic socialization.
Kärlek och hat i standardformat: emanciperande och stigmatiserande berättelser om det ukrainska språket
The chapter discusses historically evolved attitudes to the Ukrainian language as well as some of the changes in this regard in Post-Soviet Ukraine
Gårdar, åkrar och biskopens stad. 3000 år i Kronobergs län
A simple scaling for the minimum instability time-scale of two widely spaced planets
Long-term instability in multiplanet exosystems is a crucial consideration when confirming putative candidates, analysing exoplanet populations, constraining the age of exosystems and identifying the sources of white dwarf pollution. Two planets that are Hill stable are separated by a wide-enough distance to ensure that they will never collide. However, Hill-stable planetary systems may eventually