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Towards dynamically reduced mechanisms based on domain splitting

We present a method for developing dynamically reduced chemical mechanisms based on the quasi steady state assumption and a domain splitting procedure. This procedure carries out the reduction within each domain separately according to a steady state selection parameter valid for the corresponding domain. The domains are defined according to a clustering algorithm. The method is applied to calcula

Carsim: A System to Convert Written Accident Reports into Animated 3D Scenes

This paper describes a system to create animated 3D scenes of car accidents from reports written in Swedish. The system has been developed using news reports of varying size and complexity. The text-to-scene conversion process consists of two stages. An information extraction module creates a tabular description of the accident and a visual simulator generates and animates the scene. We first des

Evolution of Near and Intermediate Field in A Negatively Buoyant Jet

The purpose of this study is to explore the behavior of a dense jet and bottom plume, composed of brine water of heavier effluent into a quiescent homogeneous ambient, discharged into a receiving body of lighter fresh water (tank). This situation is common in connection with freshwater production from sea water (desalination), which produces a brine waste stream, usually discharged back into sea w

Age estimation of wild boar (Sus scrofa) based on molariform mandibular tooth development and its application to seasonality at the Mesolithic site of Ringkloster

The molariform mandibular tooth development in wild boar has been described in order to increase the reliability and precision in age estimation. The age at eight different stages of tooth development has been determined based on radiographs of 114 mandibles. The method is applied to estimate age of death in 53 mandibles of juvenile wild boar and seasonality at the Late Mesolithic site of Ringklos

Human glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) in prostate cancer: Clinical and Methodological studies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Prostata cancer är en av de vanligast förekommande cancerformerna hos män i västvärlden och den vanligaste förekommande hos män i Sverige. Årligen diagnosticeras i Sverige ungefär 6000 fall och mer än 2000 avlider. Drygt 70% av alla som drabbas är äldre än 70 år medan endast ett fåtal är yngre än 50 år. Sjukdomen ter sig mycket olika hos olika patienter. En del som drabHuman glandular kallikrein 2 (hK2) is a predominantly prostate produced protein with many similarities to prostate-specific antigen (PSA). Just like for PSA elevated levels of hK2 can be found in men with protate cancer. We created an assay where hK2 in serum could reliably and with negligible cross-reactivity with PSA, be measured down to 0.030 ng/mL. The assay measured free hK2 and hK2 complexe

Laminin G Domains, their Receptors, and Activation of Intracellular Pathways

Popular Abstract in Swedish Extracellulär matrix är namnet på det molekylära nätverk vilket finns mellan celler i flercelliga organismer. Det består av socker och proteiner organiserade i olika vävnadsspecifika nätverk. Två huvudformer finns, basalmembran och interstitiell extracellulär matrix. Basalmembran ligger som en tunn filt under epitel- och endotelceller, runt fettväv, muskler och periferaBasement membranes are sheet like structures underlying epithelial, endothelial, adipocytes, muscle and peripheral nerve cells. Laminins are an important family of basement membrane proteins implicated in various biological functions through their interactions with cell surface receptors. Laminins are trimers composed of a, b and g chains. Integrins, dystroglycan and other transmembrane glycoprote

A musician's narrative

In addition to three personal narratives by musicians from different continents, the author has invited scholars from diverse spezialisations and locations to comment on different sections of the book, opening up a critical dialogue with voices from different parts of the globe. Musical categorization, identity, values, aesthetic evaluation, creativity, curriculum, assessment and teacher education