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Design and analysis of robust source codes
In this report, we are proposing a framework for robustness analysis of source codes, in combination with a design procedure for finding an optimal robust code. The robustness is defined as low susceptibility to changes in the probability distribution of the source. In many applications, the probability distribution is not well known, nor time-invariant. Hence, by introducing a robustness measure
A High-Resolution Electron Microscopy Investigation of TiO2(B)-Supported Vanadium Oxide Catalysts
TiO2(B) crystals were found to be isomorphic with those of its precursor, K2Ti4O9. The former crystals had a large number of facetted voids, 3–30 nm, formed as a result of the removal of potassium and water in preceding hydrolysis and calcination steps, respectively. TiO2(B)-supported vanadium oxide catalysts with loadings in the range 0.25−10 theoretical layers were prepared by impregnation of th
Tutorial on protein fingerprinting
Spreading the "Gospel" - John Ansteinsson, father of modern cataloguing at the Vatican library.
Intergenerational bargaining: Sweden – Country report
Testing Highly Complex System of Systems: An Industrial Case Study
Context: Systems of systems (SoS) are highly complex and are integrated on multiple levels (unit, component, system, system of systems). Many of the characteristics of SoS (such as operational and managerial independence, integration of system into system of systems, SoS comprised of complex systems) make their development and testing challenging. Contribution: This paper provides an understanding
Analysing emergency response using a systems perspective
Sustainable technology transfer
There are more than eighty international agreements and many additional programmes dealing with technology transfer. Moreover, several international conventions require that aid programs, both to address acute emergencies and to assist in the longer-term building of viable infrastructures, be undertaken in specific and concrete ways. However, problems inevitably arise when good intentions are put
Hantverk i Lund 1536-1862
The young, the wealthy, and the restless : Trans-national capitalist elite formation in post-apartheid Johannesburg
Contemporary economic landscapes are particularly active with mergers, acquisitions, bankruptcies, and corporate takeovers, and the set of managerial elite who are in decision making positions are inextricably connected to these events. In this thesis I offer an anthropological perspective of these dynamics by considering the possible connection between processes of trans- national capitalist elit
The CoNLL-2008 shared task on joint parsing of syntactic and semantic dependencies
The Conference on Computational Natural Language Learning is accompanied every year by a shared task whose purpose is to promote natural language processing applications and evaluate them in a standard setting. In 2008 the shared task was dedicated to the joint parsing of syntactic and semantic dependencies. This shared task not only unifies the shared tasks of the previous four years under a uniq
Particle number fluctuations
Women on the road : Regendering Narratives of Mobility
Popular Abstract in Swedish Traditionellt sett är resande en maskulin aktivitet. I det här sammanhanget betyder det att resan för en euro-amerikansk man ses som en identitetsskapande process som formar honom som subjekt. Denna process förutsätter att kvinnan figurerar i marginalen, i det stereotypiska fallet som sexobjekt eller väntande hustru/moder. Genom att ersätta män med kvinnor i huvudrollerThis thesis is founded on the premise that traditional discourses of travel and mobility are inherently masculinist, that is, travel is seen as a masculinity rite-of passage for the Euro-American male, shaping his subjectivity through the othering and marginalization of women. Taking Jack Kerouac’s On the Road (1957), the epitome of masculinist travel literature, as a starting point for an examina
Start point to savings – Better load demand analysis in commercial buildings
Existing installations and energy systems in most commercial buildings could be used in a more efficient way to provide savings – both in terms of energy and load demand. The key for effective operation is a thorough and detailed analysis of energy use patterns that creates essential baseline for energy savings and the development of demand response (DR) strategies. The knowledge of energy deman
Death of a Genre? The Aesopic Fable in Confrontation with Modernity
Scholars of European fable history over and over again have returned to the question of a possible death of the Aesopic genre. Arguments have been brought forward in accordance with mainly two opposing views. On the one hand, it has been claimed that the fable genre towards the end of the eighteenth century reached a stage of crisis and, more or less, perished. On the other hand, it has been asser
Pressurized Circulating Fluid Bed Gasification Reactor
Summing up - Change Projects from International Training Programme "Child Rights, Classroom and School Management, Batch 12
Analysis of the poem "Rifbjerg!" by Danish writer Klaus Rifbjerg