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On heat load calculations in gas turbine combustors

Combined convective and radiative heat transfer governs the heat load on the combustor wall. This paper reviews engineering simplified models and more advanced ones. The latter ones are based on CFD approaches and a variety of methods to solve the radiative transfer equation. The principles of heat transfer in the combustor including the cooling aspects are briefly described. Details of the advanc

Analysis of methylhexahydrophthalic acid in human urine

A method for analysis of urinary methylhexahydrophthalic acid (MHHP acid), a metabolite of the highly sensitising methylhexahydrophthalic anhydride, is described. The method is based on a double liquid-solid extraction of the MHHP acid from urine, esterification with methanol and boron trifluoride catalysis, and analysis with gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the electron impact mode. The de

A Realist Stable Peace : Power, Threat and the Development of a Shared Norwegian-Swedish Democratic Security Identity 1905-1940

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling behandlar utvecklingen av den norsk-svenska freden mellan 1905-1940. Efterhand kom denna relation att närma sig Stabil Fred—ett förhållande karaktäriserat av avsaknaden av militärt våld, hot om militärt våld, och förväntningar på hot om militärt våld. Utvecklingen mot Stabil Fred smammanfaller delvis med den svenska demokratiseringen, och författaren uThis study concerns the development of Stable Peace between states in the modern anarchical international system. As a starting point for the inquiry the author argues that the prevalence of this type of interstate relationships—characterized by the mutual expectations that neither military violence nor threats thereof will be employed—may be seen as a fundamental challenge to the validity of prev


Popular Abstract in Swedish Varje år nydiagnostiseras cirka 2 000 personer med blåscancer i Sverige. Blåscancer drabbar främst män och är för närvarande den femte vanligaste cancerformen bland män efter prostata-, hud,- lung- och koloncancer. Risken att insjukna i blåscancer ökar med ålder och merparten av nydiagnostiserade patienter är över 60 år. Blåscancer är en heterogen sjukdom med avseende pThe general aim of this thesis was to molecularly characterize urothelial carcinoma (UC) at the transcriptional level using gene expression microarrays to improve the classification and pathogenetic understanding of this disease. In the first two studies (Articles I and II), gene expression profiling was used to study dysregulated transcriptional networks in a large cohort of UCs. We also investig

Time domain Green functions for the homogeneous Timoshenko beam

In this paper a wave splitting technique is applied to a homogeneous Timoshenko beam. The purpose is to obtain a diagonal equation in terms of the split fields. These fields are calculated in the time domain from an appropriate set of boundary conditions. The fields along the beam are represented as a time convolution of Green functions with the excitation. The Green functions do not depend on the

TinyRealTime - An EDF Kernel for the Atmel ATmega8L AVR

This report describes the design and implementation of {TinyRealTime}, an event-based real-time kernel for the Atmel AVR ATmega8L 8-bit micro-controller. The kernel is event-based and supports fully preemptive earliest-deadline-first scheduling of tasks. Semaphores are provided to support task synchronization. The focus of the report is on the memory management, timing, and internal workings of th

Vad ska vi med kunskapsöversikter till?

Forskarna Eva-Malin Antoniusson, Arne Kristiansen, Leili Laanemets, Bengt Svensson och Dolf Tops har granskat skriften Sprututbyte – En genomgång av den internationella forskningen och den svenska debatten (Fri förlag 2005) och menar att det är ett exempel på en starkt politiserad kunskapsöversikt.

Improved reliability of ultrasonic surveillance of abdominal aortic aneurysms

OBJECTIVES: Small abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) are usually managed conservatively by serial ultrasound examinations to assess size. The development of the size of the AAA will determine whether the patient is a candidate for surgery. The precision of measurement is therefore of considerable importance. The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy and the reproducibility of a newly develo

Weak D type 2 is the most prevalent weak D type in Portugal

The weak D phenotype is the most common D variant, with a frequency of 0.2-1% in Caucasian individuals. There are several weak D types, with different frequencies in European countries, which may pose serologic problems and have the potential for alloimmunization. Samples from Portuguese individuals were tested for RhD by two or three distinct monoclonal and oligoclonal antisera, in direct aggluti

Influence of severe hypoglycemia on mitochondrial and plasma membrane function in rat brain

Abstract: Previous experiments have shown that severe hypoglycemia disrupts cerebral energy state in spite of a maintained cerebral oxygen consumption, suggesting uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation. Other studies have demonstrated that hypoglycemia leads to loss of cerebral cortical phospholipids and phospholipid-bound fatty acids. The objective of the present study was, therefore, to study r

Temporal and spatial variation of hematozoans in Scandinavian willow warblers

We examined temporal and geographical distribution of Haemoproteus sp. and Plasmodium sp. parasites in Swedish willow warblers, Phylloscopus trochilus. Parasite lineages were detected with molecular methods in 556 birds from 41 sites distributed at distances up to 1,500 km. Two mitochondrial lineages of Haemoproteus sp. were detected, WW1 in 56 birds and WW2 in 75 birds, that differed by 5.2% sequ

Urinary S100B protein measurements: A tool for the early identification of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy in asphyxiated full-term infants

Objective: Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) is one of the major causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity. To date, there are no reliable methods to detect which infants will develop brain damage after asphyxia insult. Design and Setting: Prospective study conducted in three tertiary departments of neonatology from December 1999 to July 2002. Participants: A total of 44 infants with perinat