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Your search for "*" yielded 422524 hits

Tissue-specific alternative splicing of TCF7L2

Common variants in the transcription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2) gene have been identified as the strongest genetic risk factors for type 2 diabetes (T2D). However, the mechanisms by which these non-coding variants increase risk for T2D are not well-established. We used 13 expression assays to survey mRNA expression of multiple TCF7L2 splicing forms in up to 380 samples from eight types of human tiss

The classification of 2-compact groups

We prove that any connected 2-compact group is classified by its 2-adic root datum, and in particular the exotic 2-compact group DI(4), constructed by Dwyer-Wilkerson, is the only simple 2-compact group not arising as the 2-completion of a compact connected Lie group. Combined with our earlier work with Møller and Viruel for p odd, this establishes the full classification of p-compact groups, stat

Personality disorder features as predictors of symptoms five years post-treatment.

Personality disorders are associated with dysfunction in a variety of areas. Recent longitudinal research has shown that personality disorders are also predictive of problems later in life, as well as of poor response to treatment of depression and anxiety. This study assessed whether personality disorder features were associated with psychiatric symptoms in a cohort of women treated for substance

Hydrodynamics of surface swimming in leopard frogs (Rana pipiens)

The kinematics of swimming frogs have been studied extensively in the past and, based on these results, hypotheses regarding the hydrodynamics of frog swimming can be generated. To test these hypotheses we used digital particle image velocimetry (DPIV) to quantify the flow structure of the wake produced by the feet during the propulsion phase of the kick of surface swimming frogs (Rana pipiens). T

pK(a) values for side-chain carboxyl groups of a PGB1 variant explain salt and pH-dependent stability

Determination of pK(a) values of titrating residues in proteins provides a direct means of studying electrostatic coupling as well as pH-dependent stability. The B1 domain of protein G provides an excellent model system for such investigations. In this work, we analyze the observed pK(a) values of all carboxyl groups in a variant of PGB1 (T2Q, N8D, N37D) at low and high ionic strength as determine

Electrochemistry and kinetics of fungal laccase mediators

The screening of potential redox mediators for laccase was performed using homogeneous Trametes hirsuta laccase. Heterogeneous (electrochemical) and homogeneous (oxidation by laccase) reactions of the different types of the enhancers (mediators) of the enzyme were investigated. It was discovered that derivatives of phenyl-methyl-pyrazolones and benzoic acid, as well as N-hydroxynaphthalimide were

Lifetimes of 5d96p and 5d86s6p levels in Hg iii

Experimental and theoretical studies of lifetimes and transition probabilities for doubly ionized mercury, Hg III, are reported. Such data are currently of great astrophysical interest because observations with the Goddard high resolution spectrograph on board the Hubble space telescope have shown some 5d(9)6s-5d(9)6p transitions of Hg III in the spectrum of the chemically peculiar star chi Lupi.

Radiation detector resolution over a continuous energy range

An ion approach is demonstrated to determine energy resolution in both semiconductor detectors and scintillators over a continuous energy range. For semiconductors, the energy resolution of a silicon detector was measured as a function of helium ion energy, and the values from extrapolation to high energies are in good agreement with the literature data from alpha measurements. For scintillators,

W+jets matrix elements and the dipole cascade

We extend the algorithm for matching fixed-order tree-level matrix element generators with the Dipole Cascade Model in Ariadne to apply to processes with incoming hadrons. We test the algoritm on for the process W+n jets at the Tevatron, and find that the results are fairly insensitive to the cutoff used to regularize the soft and collinear divergencies in the tree-level matrix elements. We also i

Glucose stimulates the expression and activities of nitric oxide synthases in incubated rat islets: an effect counteracted by GLP-1 through the cyclic AMP/PKA pathway

We have examined the expression and activity of inducible nitric oxide synthase ( iNOS) and the activity of neuronal constitutive NOS ( ncNOS) in isolated rat pancreatic islets, stimulated by a "hyperglycaemic" concentration of glucose, and whether the NOS activities could be modulated by activation of the cyclic AMP/ protein kinase A ( cyclic AMP/PKA) system in relation to the insulin secretory p

Chronic hyperbaric exposure activates proinflammatory mediators in humans

Decompression illness (DCI) is an illness affecting divers subjected to reductions in ambient pressure. Besides a mechanical explanation to DCI, an inflammatory mechanism has been suggested. In this study, levels of interleukin (IL)-8, IL-6, IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra), secretory leukocyte protease inhibitor (SLPI), and neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalcin (NGAL) were measured in dive

Nanometer table-top proximity x-ray lithography with liquid-target laser-plasma source

A compact laser-plasma proximity x-ray lithography system suitable for laboratory-scale low-volume nanometer patterning is presented. The laser-plasma source, which is based on a fluorocarbon liquid-jet target, generates high-brightness lambda = 1.2-1.7 nm x-ray emission with only negligible debris production. The Au/SiNx x-ray mask is fabricated by employing ion milling and a high-contrast e-beam

Incidence of Retinopathy of Prematurity in Infants Born Before 27 Weeks' Gestation in Sweden

Objective: To determine the incidence of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in extremely preterm infants born before 27 weeks' gestation in Sweden during a 3-year period. Methods: A national, prospective, population-based study was performed in Sweden from April 1, 2004, to March 31, 2007. The ophthalmologic part of the study was separately organized, and screening for ROP was performed beginning po

EuroSCORE predicts intensive care unit stay and costs of open heart surgery

Background. This study aimed to determine whether the preoperative risk stratification model EuroSCORE predicts the different components of resource utilization in open heart surgery. Methods. Data for all adult patients undergoing heart surgery at the University Hospital of Lund, Sweden, between 1999 and 2002 were prospectively collected. Costs were calculated for the surgery and intensive care a

Distributed colouring and communication in rings with local knowledge

We consider two interrelated tasks in a synchronous n-node ring: distributed constant colouring and local communication. We investigate the impact of the amount of knowledge available to nodes on the time of completing these tasks. Every node knows the labels of nodes up to a distance r from it, called the knowledge radius. In distributed constant colouring every node has to assign itself one out

Gas exchange and haemodynamics during thoracotomy

Cardiac index, systemic and pulmonary arterial pressures, carbon dioxide elimination and ventilation of each lung were studied during thoracotomy. Seventeen patients, placed in the full lateral position, were ventilated mechanically through a Carlens' tube to moderate hypocapnia. Mean cardiac index increased by 12% as the pleura was opened (P less than 0.05), with no further change during surgery

Functionally associated targets in mantle cell lymphoma as defined by DNA microarrays and RNA interference

Mantle cell lymphoma (MCL) is a non-Hodgkin lymphoma with poor prognosis. Its hallmark is the translocation t(11:14)q (13;32), leading to overexpression of cyclin D1, a positive regulator of the cell cycle. As cyclin D1 up-regulation is not sufficient for inducing malignant transformation, we combined DNA microarray and RNA interference (RNAi) approaches to identify novel deregulated genes involve