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The Startup Studio: New Phenomenon or Rebranding of Existing Support?

Research Problem - Considering the increasing trend towards startup studios in the business world, the literature does not provide much information regarding these start-up support organisations. In recent years, researchers have put their attention on accelerators, creating a broad understanding of this concept. It is important for entrepreneurs to be aware of the different support organisations

Gå i cirklar : litteratur, läsning och identitet i bokcirklar för gymnasieelever

This master thesis in library and information science is centered around two reading circles taking place at the libraries of Swedish upper secondary schools. The aim of the thesis is to study how the participants (ages 16-18) in the reading circles reflect on their own reading practices and their identities as readers. One main point of the thesis is that reading circles are forms of reading comm

Digital participation and public libraries: an explorative study of digital participation from the perspective of library personnel in Sweden

Digitalisation has had a profound effect on our society. Much of our daily lives revolve around digital errands that, providing we have the appropriate skills, provide us with innumerous conveniences. Unfortunately for those who do not have such competencies, these normal everyday tasks have become unmanageable and as a result of the McDonaldization of society there are very few places to which th

Do Chinese Dual-listed Companies "Return with Glory" in Their Mainland IPOs ?

Dual-listing has become a popular approach for companies to seek funding and international expansion. Typically companies grow big from less developed domestic markets and march into developed markets. However, China, as an emerging market economy has witnessed a wave of Hong Kong-listed companies returning to the mainland for a second IPO. One primary assumption for companies’ motivation to retur

Middle Managers as Silence Breakers and Voice Givers? A Critical Analysis of Middle Managers' Role in Supporting non-heterosexual Employees

Even though many companies are actively trying to improve the working conditions for non-heterosexual employees one can still recognize a lack of awareness for the importance of including them into the workforce. This frequently results in non-heterosexual employees feeling the need to be silent about their sexual identity and not making their voices heard in an organizational context. It is of in

Tjänster och digitala lösningar i kontorsfastigheter

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur fastighetsbolag arbetar med tjänster och digitala lösningar som ökar kundnyttan i kontorsfastigheter fastigheter. Studien syftar även till att undersöka vilka tjänster och digitala lösningar som hyresgästerna sannolikt kommer att efterfråga i framtiden. Studien har genomförts både som kvalitativ studie genom fallstudie av sex av Sveriges 25 största fastighet

Ogiltiga arbetsbristsuppsägningar

För att en uppsägning av en arbetstagare ska vara giltig krävs enligt 7 § LAS att den är sakligt grundad. En uppsägning kan grunda sig antingen på personliga skäl eller arbetsbrist. Arbetsbrist utgör i sig självt saklig grund för uppsägning medan det vid personliga skäl krävs objektiv fakta stöd som bevisar arbetstagarens olämplighet för att uppsägningen ska anses vara sakligt grundad. Ur en arbetAccording to 7 § LAS a termination of employment need to be objectively founded to be considered to be valid. A termination of employment can either be based on the employees personal reasons or redundancy (lack of work). Redundancy is in itself an objective reason for termination of employment while if the termination is based on personal reasons it requires objective facts that support the worke

Change of Purpose - The effects of the Purpose Limitation Principle in the General Data Protection Regulation on Big Data Profiling

Over the past few years, many companies have started to adopt Big Data technologies. Big Data is a method and technology that allows the collection and analysis of huge amounts of all kinds of data, mainly in digital form. Big Data can be used, for example, to create profiles of online shopping users to target ads. I call this Big Data Profiling. Facebook and Google, for example, are able to estim

Spatial control of electron & hole states in InAs/GaSb heterostructures

Single nanowire transistors employing three separately controlled electrostatic gates were fabricated to investigate band gap modulation in InAs-GaSb heterostructures. The aim is to show hybridization between electron and hole states over the heterojunction. Electric and thermoelectric characterization at low temperatures suggests that transport can be tuned from electrons in InAs to holes GaSb an

Effekter av emotionsreglering vid imagery rescripting för social ångeststörning

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka vilken effekt en emotionsreglerande åtgärd, administrerad före imagery rescripting (IR), hade för behandlingsutfallet hos patienter med social ångeststörning (SAD). Tidigare forskning har visat att IR är en verksam behandlingsmetod och intervention för att bearbeta och modifiera problematiska inre mentala bilder vid SAD. Studien genomfördes som en randomiserThe purpose of this study was to explore the effects of emotion regulation given prior to imagery rescripting, IR, on the treatment outcome in a sample of patients suffering of social anxiety disorder, SAD. Research has shown that IR is an efficient treatment and intervention to process and transform problematic images that occur in SAD. The study was carried out as a randomized experimential comp

Skydd av samhällsviktig verksamhet och användningen av GIS

The modern day society, and especially cities, are dependent on infrastructure and the continueous flow of goods, services and people. Some of these infrastructures are critical for the others functioning on a normal pace and have been coined as critical infrastructures. This paper addresses the protection of critical infrastructures in four different municipalities in Sweden through the directive

Social hållbarhet i bostadsföretag - en jämförelse mellan de privata bostadsföretagen Rikshem och Wallenstam och Göteborgs allmännyttiga bostadsföretag Framtiden

Social sustainability has during recent years gained wider attention within the academic literature, companies and urban policy. However, the meaning and goals of social sustainability is still discussed and the application of the concept has lead to local variations of the issues raised under it. This essay compares two private Swedish housing companies, Rikshem and Wallenstam, and the public hou

Värmeöverföring mellan två zoner i en bubblande fluidiserad bädd

I detta examensarbete granskades värmeöverföringen mellan två zoner i en bubblande fluidiserad bädd och det resulterande temperaturfältet med numeriska strömningsberäkningar av en laminär Euler-Euler-tvåfluidbeskrivning. Syftet var att uppskatta den termiska potentialen att flerstega en kraftvärmepanna genom integrering av en kommunicerande förgasningsreaktor som utnyttjar värme från förbränningenIn this Master's thesis, the heat transfer between two zones in a bubbling fluidized bed and the resultant temperature field were examined using a laminar Eulerian-Eulerian two-fluid model in computational fluid dynamics. The purpose was to estimate the thermal potential to multi-stage a combined heat and power boiler by integration therein of a communicating gasification reactor, which utiliz

Erfarenhetsåterföring i projekteringsfasen - En fallstudie av vanligt återkommande projekteringsfrågor

Problemställning: - Vilka är de vanligast återkommande projekteringsfrågorna inom visuell projektering? - Vilka utmaningar står ett byggentreprenörföretag inför gällande erfarenhetsåterföring i projekteringsfasen? - Hur kan återkommande projekteringsfrågor i den visuella projekteringen bidra till erfarenhetsåterföring? Syfte: Syftet med den här studien var att undersöka om det förekom frågor

Förebyggande metoder av atelektaser under anestesi

Bakgrund: Ungefär 90% av patienterna som genomgår anestesi utvecklar atelektaser. Atelektaser kan i sin tur ge upphov till inflammatoriska processer som postoperativt kan leda till lungkomplikationer. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva vilka av metoderna preoxygenering, PEEP, CPAP, lungrekrytering och låga tidalvolymer som är mest effektiva för att minska förekomsten av atelektaser hos vuxna som genom

The Impact of a NordDRG-based System on the Behaviour of Swedish Hospitals, An empirical analysis of a prospective payment system based on diagnosis-related groups

The aim of this study is to contribute to previous research on the use of Prospective Payment Systems (PPS) based on Diagnosis Related Groups (DRG) in Sweden with an extended evaluation of variation in the utilisation of the system on recent data. This study looks specifically at within county financing and the role the system has played on the performance and behaviour of Swedish hospitals in reg

Risk- och skyddsfaktorer hos maskrosbarn : En kvalitativ studie om att växa upp med missbrukande föräldrar

The purpose of this study is in part to gain a deeper understanding regarding what risks exists and what safety factors are available for children who grow up with parents who are addicted to alcohol. The study is based on six autobiographies, the authors of which grew up in Sweden during the 60’s and 70’s. In these autobiographies they relay their experiences growing up in a household with parent

När “känslohjärnan” tar över : En kvalitativ studie om riskfaktorer för utvecklandet av sexuell beteendeproblematik hos pojkar enligt yrkesverksamma terapeuter och behandlingspedagoger

When the “emotional brain” takes over – A qualitative study about risk factors behind the development of sexual behaviour disorder according to therapists and treatment assistants. [Translated title] The aim of this study was to analyze different aspects which might have significance for the development of sexual behaviour disorders. Exposure of pornography was of particular interest. The method

Disclosure of changes in major holdings

With the adoption of MiFID II, a new, less regulated ‘level’ of capital mar-ket, the SME Growth market, is now available for the member states of the European Union. Available for SME Growth markets, there are several regu-latory alleviations for issuers of shares regarding e.g. the supply of infor-mation to the market, compared to issuers on regulated and MTF markets. With this in mind, this thes