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Your search for "*" yielded 531164 hits

A Place Outside Danish Society. Territorial Stigmatisation and Extraordinary Policy Measures in the Danish ‘Ghetto’

In November 2018, the Danish government passed a bill that introduced the category ‘severe ghetto’ to the law on non-profit housing. Moreover, the bill prescribes extraordinary policy measures in the targeted areas in order to encourage urban regeneration. The non-profit housing associations in ‘severe ghettos’ are forced to reduce the share of non-profit housing stock to 40% through relabelling,

Gamification i e-hälsoapplikationer

I denna uppsats undersöks hur gamification motiveras och används av applikationsutvecklare i e-hälsoapplikationer. Gamification kräver att utvecklare har god kännedom om sin målgrupp och användarens syfte med användandet av det e-hälsoapplikationen. Den empiriska data som samlats används för att undersöka hur utvecklare förhåller sig till detta faktum i utvecklingen av e-hälsoapplikationer. Detta

Ett skört själv i utveckling - en fenomenologisk undersökning av tonårsflickors upplevelse av självet och självkänsla

Studiens syfte var att undersöka unga tjejers (16-17 år) upplevelser av sig själva och sin självkänsla. Detta undersöktes genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med åtta tjejer från en gymnasieskola. Materialet kodades och analyserades med Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) som metodologisk ansats, vilket gav upphov till fyra olika huvudteman som beskriver fenomenet: att se sig själv utifrThe purpose of this study was to investigate young girls (age 16-17) experiences of themselves and their self-esteem. This was done by semi-structured interviews with eight girls from an upper secondary school in Sweden. The collected material was coded and analysed with Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) as a methodological approach. This resulted in four main themes which describe th

The Interaction Between Monetary Policy and Macroprudential Policy

The latest global financial crisis ignited the debate on whether the role of monetary policy's main objective, price stability, is enough to achieve financial stability. It also sparked an interest of new policy measures that directly targets the financial system, such as macroprudential policies. In this study, we empirically investigate how monetary and macroprudential policies interact to a

Empati - redskap eller hinder : en kvalitativ studie om hur socionomer betraktar betydelsen av empati i sin professionella roll

Empathy is a phenomenon known by many definitions in the positive sense. The concept is mentioned as one of the three most important components within social work. At the same time, the concept of empathy is elusive and oftentimes difficult to pinpoint in the everyday social work practice. The aim of this study is to explore how social workers who work directly with vulnerable groups define and re

Hur kan man främja vegetariskt protein i skolmiljö?

I denna rapport så har matsalar i fyra skolor observerats genom ett FAMM ( Five aspect meal model) perspektiv. Vegetabilisk kost har börjat prioriteras i olika kommuner i Skåne. Fördelarna med vegetarisk kost är flera, det är miljövänligare, hälsosammare och billigare än kött. Livsmedelsverket rekommenderar att öka andelen vegetabilier och minska andelen kött samt att lunchen bör ha minst ett veg

A comparative study of the valuation of FinTech and Dot-Com companies

This master thesis examines the valuation of FinTech and Dot-Com companies by looking at the underpricing level of initial public offerings (IPOs) and the abnormal returns during the period surrounding the announcement date of merger and acquisitions (M&As). The sample consists of 234 IPO’s observations from 1995-2019 and 58 M&A’s deals from 2000-2019. The results suggest that the underpri

Skönlitterär kanon i gymnasiets läromedel? : Analys av tre läromedel för Svenska 1

Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka skönlitteraturens funktion i läromedel i svenska och huruvida kunskapskravets term centrala verk sammanfaller med kanoniserad litteratur. Specifikt har tre läromedel som säger sig täcka hela gymnasiekursen Svenska 1 undersökts: Svenska 1 helt enkelt (2018, NA-förlag), Språket och berättelsen 1 (2015, Gleerups) samt Formativ svenska 1 (2017, Liber). S

”’Jag vet inte om jag vågar komma till er, hur ska jag ens kunna se dig i ögonen?’” - Yrkesverksammas upplevelser av att arbeta med personer som söker hjälp för oönskade sexuella tankar och beteenden

The aim of this study was to analyze the experiences of professionals within certain Social services working with people seeking help for an unwanted sexuality. This unwanted sexuality can involve buying sex, experiencing loss of control in sexual context and/or unwanted sexual fantasies. In contrast to other studies in this subject, which often debates the professionals experiences of working the

Dörren på glänt - En kvalitativ studie av kuratorers upplevelser kring avslut av samtalskontakter inom hälso- och sjukvården

This study examined how counsellors within Swedish health care experience termination of therapy. The study also examined the bonds which are established between counsellor and patient during the therapy sessions, specifically in which ways these bonds affected the counsellors’ experiences of termination. The study was qualitative and carried out by semi-structured interviews with seven counsellor

Produktutveckling av en yoghurtliknande vegetabilisk produkt

Demand for plant products has increased in recent years. To produce a vegetable yogurt with good taste and with the right consistency is problematic without the milk protein casein. Product development of a vegetable yoghurt type product was made. Collaboration with Veg of Lund AB was performed on their currently existing products My Foodie blueberries, raspberry and sea buckthorn with a focus on

Religion och missbruksvård : En kvalitativ studie om socialarbetares uppfattningar om religionens inverkan för att uppnå missbruksfrihet

The purpose of this thesis is to study eight municipal social workers views on reasons for religiosity among addicts and if the religious engagement has any effect on their quest for permanent sobriety and recovery. Eight municipal social workers were interviewed through the method of semi-structured interviews. The main conclusions are that the religiosity among addicts is due to deprivation, soc

Economic Growth and Well-being in Singapore and Malaysia: A Comparative Case Study

Despite a common colonial past under the British empire, Singapore and Malaysia have experienced vastly different development paths since independence. While Singapore has one of the highest per capita incomes in the world today, Malaysia’s economy remains a mere third of that of Singapore’s. Despite the economic disparity between the two countries, the newly available data on well-being, as prese

Distribution of microplastic colour and count in the Crocodile River, South Africa

The aim of this paper was to establish sources for microplastic fibres and fragments based on the presence of specific colours (I) within different land use classes and (II) in relation to the location of wastewater treatment plants. Most of the colours did not result in significantly different counts between the land use classes, except for black fragments, which resulted in significantly higher

Fabrication and Characterization of Nano-Confined Pd Catalysts for CO Oxidation

During this thesis nanoporous alumina has been used as a template for the synthesis of nano-confined palladium structures. The nanoporous templates have been synthesized by anodization of aluminum and characterized using atomic force microscopy (AFM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), resulting in good statistics of the pore diameter and interpore distance

Hopfield Model on Incomplete Graphs

We consider the Hopfield model on graphs. Specifically we compare five different incomplete graphs on 4 or 5 vertices’s including a cycle, a path and a star. Provided is a proof of the Hamiltonian being monotonically decreasing under asynchronous network dynamics. This result is applied to the treated incomplete graphs to derive exact values for the incre- mental drop in energy on pattern sizes 2,

Absolut - A Cultural Approach To A Brand’s Communication Success

This paper is interested in the phenomenon whereby Absolut as a brand has become successful regardless of the fact that it promotes a generic product: vodka. However, instead of considering the most established factor for brand success, brand equity, this qualitative study attempts to use a more cultural-based approach in order to delve deeper into the questions of why the consumer actually connec

Har influencers tagit över ditt liv?

I en digitaliserad värld används sociala nätverk allt mer kontinuerligt. De sociala nätverken och plattformarna har fått en ny innebörd och har kommit att bli en avgörande komponent i företags marknadsföringsstrategi. Företag använder sig av influencers som ett marknadsföringsverktyg för att effektivt nå ut till rätt segment i kommunikationen. Influencers och influencer marketing är ämnen som blir

"Visst, det är självbestämmande men..." : Vårdpersonals förhållningssätt till alkoholkonsumtion på äldreboenden

Several studies indicate an increase of alcohol consumption amongst older people. The aim of this study was therefore to examine nursing staff’s approach towards older people’s alcohol consumption in nursing homes. What attitude and experiences do nursing staff have concerning older people’s alcohol consumption? How do they relate to the older people’s self-determination regarding alcohol consumpt