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Swedishness in Swedish Integration Policy - A Thesis Regarding the Function of Contemporary Swedish Integration Policy and the Articulation of a Hegemonic Discourse on Swedishness

This thesis is about Swedish integration policy. The thesis suggests that integration policy inexorably leads to the question of who is to be integrated into what and in that way it holds an immanent categorizing practice. The theoretical points of departure in this thesis proposes that Swedish integration policy, through this categorizing practice, has a productive function as it articulates a di

Det offentliga ägandets demokratiska status

This thesis takes the process of privatization as its starting point, a process which in Sweden started 20-30 years ago and is still ongoing. Since this process is very likely to be irreversible an open and rational discussion is of particular importance. Hence, one of the aims of this thesis is to problematize the privatization debate. This leads to the primary objective: to take a normative stan

Legitimacy and Drug Policy

This paper represents an endeavor to describe the ways in which the United States Government currently is responding to growing changes in public opinion – running counter to existing policies – with regards to drugs, most specifically to marijuana, and to therein establish the context of the debate over drug policy. The paper is not, however, a critique of any particular policy, or an attempt to

GIS inom räddningstjänsten - en utvärdering och beskrivning av möjliga användningsområden

GIS (geographical informationsystems) is computer-based informationsystems with functions for input, processing, storage, analysis and presentation of geographical data. This means that data after processing and ystematisation gives information that may be presented as maps, tables and statistics, which can provide basic data for analysis and decisions. This report describes a theoretical backgrou

Risker och Konsekvenser vid Stenqvists anläggning i Kvidinge

This report is an evaluation of the fire safety at Stenqvist AB, a manufacturer of printed paper-bags and packages. A risk inventory has been carried out and then the work has been divided in two parts. First, the hazards that may affect the surroundings and people outside the premises are investigated. Second, the internal fire protection is evaluated and, finally, a number of suggested improveme

Bokal - och föreställningar om staden

Den här uppsatsen uppkom genom ett intresse för urban-sociologi och stadsplanering samt för relationen mellan sociala relationer och fysisk miljö. När jag genom en arkitekt kom i kontakt med projektet Bokal i Rosengård blev jag genast intresserad av vilka föreställningar och målsättningar som format detta projekt. Jag blev intresserad av hur projektet var tänkt som ett led i utvecklingen av Roseng

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Societetshuset i Varberg

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Societetshuset in Varberg. The main objective is to assess the level of public safety in case of evacuation. Societetshuset is a three-storey wooden building constructed in the 1860´s which today houses different types of enterprises. The focus in this report is on the largest of them, the restaurant and nightclub Societets Restaurangen. This report enclo

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av nöjesbåten Bonn, Karlshamn

This report of the fire safety of Nöjesbåten Bonn in Karlshamn has been made as a part of the fire engineering education at Lund´s University. Nöjesbåten Bonn is a 70 metre long ferry, today without its engines and permanently moored down in Karlshamn harbour, used as a disco with a main floor and two additional pubs. The main objective is life safety, wherefore property protection and safety for

Brandteknisk riskvärdering av Societetshuset på Marstrand

This report is a fire safety evaluation of Societetshuset on Marstrand. Its purpose is to focus on the human safety and evacuation possibilities. Societetshuset is mainly a restaurant, nightclub and a conference center, some nights there can be as much as 700 guests hosted in the building. Two scenarios have been analyzed through computer modeling and hand calculations, and the results were that t

Hot och våld inom LSS

The aim of this study was to examine how Swedish caregivers in homes with special service experience and deal with threats and violence from the residents. My research questions was what threats and violence means to the staff and what their thoughts was, what their experiences was of threats and violence in their work, how it is managed and how it is prevented. My aim was also to examine how the

Tudelad proportionalitet vid mord - Kritik av en föreslagen straffskärpning

I skrivelsen Skärpt straff för mord presenterar Justitiedepartementet ett lagförslag som syftar till att förändra tillämpningen av påföljderna för mord. Förslaget innebär att samtliga fall av mord där försvårande omständigheter föreligger ska straffas med livstids fängelse. En stor del av dessa gärningar leder enligt gällande rätt och nuvarande rättstillämpning till ett längre tidsbestämt fängelseIn their official letter Sharper punishments for murder the Ministry of Justice presents a bill to change the choice of sanctions for murder. The bill suggests that all cases of murder, in which there are aggravating circumstances, shall be punished with life imprisonment. A large number of these acts of murder are, according to applicable law, sentenced to fixed term imprisonment. An alteration i

Tvångslikvidation på grund av kapitalbrist - ett problematiskt regelverk för aktiebolag utan revisor?

Reglerna rörande tvångslikvidation på grund av kapitalbrist tillhör några av de äldsta reglerna i dagens aktiebolagslag. Deras syfte är att förhindra att bolagets aktiekapital förbrukas genom att föreskriva en rad åtgärder som bolagets styrelse måste vidta när det egna kapitalet befaras understiga hälften av det registrerade aktiekapitalet. Om inte dessa regler följs på ett korrekt sätt riskerar sThe rules regarding compulsory liquidation due to lack of capital are some of the oldest rules in the Swedish Companies Act. Their purpose is to prevent the share capital from being consumed due to losses by providing several actions which the board of directors must take when the company’s equity is less than half of the registered share capital. If the rules are not properly followed the board o

"De kan vara hur pålästa som helst teoretiskt, men praktiskt så fuckar de upp..." En kvalitativ studie om queerpersoners upplevelser av att praktisera queer ideologi

Med utgångspunkt i sociologiska teorier om formandet av kollektiv identitet som en förutsättning för att kunna göra motstånd framstår queer som ett intressant sociologiskt fenomen att studera. Detta på grund av att queer är en ideologi som handlar om icke-kategorisering, anti-identitet och icke- definiering, vilket i praktiken är problematiskt att förverkliga då människor tenderar att bilda gruppe

”Jag tror att det var rätt i tiden” - En studie av beslutsprocessen bakom införandet av sprutbytesprogrammet

Author: Mattias Olsson Title: “I think the time was right” A study of the decision making behind the needle exchange programme Supervisor: Eva-Malin Antoniusson Assessor: Mats Hilte The aim of this Bachelor thesis is to highlight the decision making process of the Scanian politicians regarding the local needle-exchange programme by using Kingdons agenda-setting theory. It is based upon interview

Street Art and Outdoor Advertisements : the Relationship between Street Art and Outdoor Advertisements in Istiklal and Bağdat Avenues, in Istanbul

This thesis focuses on both street art and outdoor advertisements in Istanbul. Specifically, we chose Istiklal and Bağdat Avenues as our fieldwork areas to conduct our research. With its cosmopolitan structure Istiklal Avenue and high-standard lifestyle Bağdat Avenue together represent Istanbul to understand the multifaceted nature of social, cultural and political identities of the society. In re

Bolagsstyrning och rörlig ersättning till ledande befattningshavare i svenska börsbolag

Uppsatsens primära syfte är att undersöka förekomsten och regleringen av rörliga ersättningar till ledande befattningshavare i svenska börsbolag. Ett första steg i besvarandet av frågeställningen är att utreda vad begreppet bolagsstyrning är. Termen är en översättning från engelskans corporate governance och definieras bland annat som ”ett system genom vilket företag styrs och kontrolleras”. En goThe primary purpose of this thesis is to examine the existence and regulation of variable remuneration and incentive programs to executive directors in listed companies in Sweden. By way of introduction the thesis investigates what corporate governance is. It is defined as the system by which companies are directed and controlled. A good corporate governance is necessary in order to obtain and att

“The Power of Language” An empirical study of discursive practices on three global knowledge intensive firms on environmental sustainability discourse.

Our purpose in this research was to reveal if there is a link between the debate on climate change and discursive practices of three global corporations: Siemens, Samsung, and Cisco. What are the drivers pushing corporations to engage in environmental actions? How do companies through the use of language represent themselves in particular ways to be perceived as being environmentally responsible?

Quantifying Risk for Deemed-to-Satisfy Apartment Buildings

Is it possible to quantify the risks associated with building design compliant with Deemed-to-Satisfy provisions? Prescriptive regulations can be said to provide an acceptable level of safety. Developments in the field of fire safety engineering have provided probabilistic methods for safety verification. It was theorized that by applying such methods to Deemed-to-Satisfy compliant case study buil

Tredje mans talerätt i överprövningsmål vid offentlig upphandling

Offentliga inköp av varor, tjänster och byggentreprenader som görs av statliga och kommunala myndigheter måste föregås av en offentlig upphandling enligt lag (2007:1091) om offentlig upphandling. Leverantören av varan, tjänsten eller byggentreprenaden som anser att en upphandling inte har gått rätt till, kan ansöka om överprövning av en upphandling till allmän förvaltningsdomstol enligt 16 kap. 4 Swedish contracting authorities purchasing public goods, services and public works contracts, are obliged to follow Swedish law on Public Procurement Act (2007:1091). If the procurement has not been correctly performed, an economic operator can apply for a review to the administrative court according to Chapter 16 § 4 in the Swedish law on Public Procurement Act. The regulation is based on Europea

Frihetsberövande påföljder för unga lagöverträdare – vart går gränsen mellan fängelse och sluten ungdomsvård i svensk rätt?

I svensk rätt kan unga lagöverträdare mellan femton och arton år frihetsberövas om det finns synnerliga skäl till det. De påföljder som står till buds är då antingen sluten ungdomsvård eller fängelse – ensamt eller i kombination med skyddstillsyn. Vilken frihetsberövande påföljd som en ung lagöverträdare ska dömas till kan vid en första anblick anses vara klart och tydligt reglerat i svensk lag. PIn Swedish law it is possible to make a deprivation of liberty for juvenile offenders between 15 and 18 years old in case of extraordinary reasons. The available custodial sentences are institutional care of young people and imprisonment – imprisonment could also be combined with probation. Which custodial sentence the court will use for the juvenile offender seems at first sight to be clear in Sw