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Your search for "*" yielded 475210 hits

Investigation on the Photoinduced Interaction Between Water Soluble CdTe Quantum Dots and Certain Antioxidants

Photoinduced interaction of thioglycolic acid (TGA) capped CdTe quantum dots (QDs) with certain antioxidants such as estrogens and flavonoids has been investigated by using steady state and time resolved fluorescence spectroscopy. Reduction of electron-hole recombination has been observed (i.e., fluorescence quenching) while adding antioxidants to CdTe QDs. The Stern-Volmer constant (K-SV), quench

Use of synchrotron-radiation-based FTIR imaging for characterizing changes in cell contents

FTIR imaging of individual cells is still limited by the low signal-to-noise ratio obtained from analysis of such weakly absorbing organic matter when using a Globar IR source. In this study, we used FTIR imaging with a synchrotron radiation source and a focal plane array detector to determine changes in the cellular contents of cryofixed cells after culture for 48 h on Si3N4 substrate. Several sp

Poll of polls: A compositional loess model

A large number of polls on party preferences are published today. In order to get an estimate of the changes in political opinion, the polls may be combined into a poll of polls. We discuss a method for combining polls using the fact that they are compositions and respecting the properties of the compositional sample space (the simplex). The method is easily implemented and the estimate may be com

The Lecticans of Mammalian Brain Perineural Net Are O-Mannosylated

O-Mannosylation is an important protein modification in brain. During the last years, a few mammalian proteins have been identified as targets of the protein-O-mannosyltransferases 1 and 2. However, these still cannot explain the high content of O-mannosyl glycans in brain and the strong brain involvement of congenital muscular dystrophies caused by POMT mutations (Walker-Warburg syndrome, dystrog

Osteoblast-derived WNT16 represses osteoclastogenesis and prevents cortical bone fragility fractures.

The WNT16 locus is a major determinant of cortical bone thickness and nonvertebral fracture risk in humans. The disability, mortality and costs caused by osteoporosis-induced nonvertebral fractures are enormous. We demonstrate here that Wnt16-deficient mice develop spontaneous fractures as a result of low cortical thickness and high cortical porosity. In contrast, trabecular bone volume is not alt

A combined computational and experimental investigation of the [2Fe-2S] cluster in biotin synthase

Biotin synthase was the first example of what is now regarded as a distinctive enzyme class within the radical S-adenosylmethionine superfamily, the members of which use Fe/S Clusters as the sulphur source in radical sulphur insertion reactions. The crystal structure showed that this enzyme contains a [2Fe-2S] cluster with a highly unusual arginine ligand, besides three normal cysteine ligands. Ho

Autoignition quality of gasoline fuels in partially premixed combustion in diesel engines

A single-cylinder diesel engine has been run on gasolines of different octane numbers and on model fuels, mixtures of iso-octane, n-heptane and toluene, at different operating conditions. The autoignition quality of the fuel is best described by an Octane Index, OI = (1 - K) . RON + K . MON for fuels in the gasoline autoignition range where RON and MON are, respectively, the Research and Motor Oct

Learning about Climate Change: Finance Ministries in International Climate Change Politics

In the course of the last four years, finance ministries have increasingly been involved in the international climate change negotiations. The involvement has to a large degree been due to the framing of climate change as a market failure. The framing calls for an active climate change policy and has therefore been at odds with the framing of climate change policy previously predominant in finance

Global Upper Ordovician correlation by means of delta C-13 chemostratigraphy: implications of the discovery of the Guttenberg delta C-13 excursion (GICE) in Malaysia

Apart from a single study of the early Katian delta C-13 chemostratigraphy in two regions in China, no investigations of the Sandbian and Katian chemostratigraphy have been published from anywhere in Asia. A recent study of the conodont biostratigraphy of the classical Ordovician succession on Langkawi Islands, peninsular Malaysia, showed the presence there of strata coeval with those having the G

Characterization of oligomeric and kinetic properties of tomato thymidine kinase 1.

The gene encoding thymidine kinase 1 from tomato (toTK1) has in combination with azidothymidine (AZT) recently been proposed as a powerful suicide gene for anticancer gene therapy. The toTK1/AZT combination has been demonstrated to have several advantages for the treatment of glioblastomas because AZT can easily penetrate the blood-brain barrier and toTK1 can efficiently phosphorylate AZT and also

Fast and sensitive time-multiplexed gas sensing of multiple lines using a miniature telecom diode laser between 1529 nm and 1565 nm

High-sensitive multi-species detection around 1550 nm using a modulated grating Y-branch, MG-Y, diode laser tunable between 1529 nm and 1565 nm is presented. The MG-Y diode laser is based on the Vernier effect of two modulated gratings, and exhibits quasi-continuous tuning over 36 nm. Multi-species detection is achieved by fast sequential scanning of single absorption lines of CH4, CO, C2H2, and C

A 4-component sex pheromone of the Chilean fruit leaf roller Proeulia auraria (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae)

The Chilean fruit leaf roller Proeulia auraria is a pest of economically important fruit species. Two compounds attractive to males have been identified as (E)-11-tetradecenyl acetate (E11-14:OAc) and (E)-11-tetradecenol (E11-14:OH) and are currently being used in Chile to monitor this species. Preliminary experiments carried out by our group suggested that the 2-compound mixture might not be opti

Quality of life in children and adolescents with respiratory allergy, assessed with a generic and disease specific instrument.

Introduction: Respiratory allergic disorders like rhinitis and asthma are common conditions that not only affect target organs, but complicate the daily life of affected children and adolescents. Objectives: The aim of this study was to investigate the QoL (Quality of Life) in children with grass pollen allergy in and out of grass pollen season. Methods: We used the Pediatric Allergic Disea

Preovulatory progesterone concentration associates significantly to follicle number and LH concentration but not to pregnancy rate

Using data from a large prospective randomized controlled trial that evaluated the effect of recombinant LH (rLH) co-administration for ovarian stimulation, the present study assessed whether progesterone concentration on the day of human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) administration was associated with pregnancy outcome. Progesterone concentration was measured on stimulation day 1 and on the day o

Adults with autism spectrum disorders and ADHD neuropshychological aspects

Objective: The purpose of the present study was to assess which types of neuropsychological deficits appear to be most commonly associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults. The effect of the combination of ASD with ADHD (ASD/ADHD) was also studied. Methods: One hundred and sixty-one adult individuals (≥ 18 years of age) were include

Energy dissipation reduction of a cardiac event detector in the sub-Vt domain by architectural folding

This manuscript presents the digital hardware realization of a wavelet based event detector for cardiac pacemaker applications. The architecture of the detector is partially folded to minimize hardware cost. An energy model is applied to evaluate the energy efficiency the sub-threshold (sub-VT ) domain. The design is synthesized in 65nm low leakage-high threshold CMOS technology, and it is shown t

Ten polymorphic microsatellite markers for Hieracium s.s. (Asteraceae)

Eight novel microsatellite markers were developed for Hieracium s.s. (excluding Pilosella) using a modified FIASCO protocol, and two out of nine microsatellites that were originally developed for Pilosella officinarum were optimised for Hieracium s.s.. All ten microsatellites consistently amplified loci from a wide range of representatives from north and central European species of various section

Cancer risk and mortality in asthma patients: A Swedish national cohort study.

Background. Previous studies found an increased risk of cancer in hospitalized asthma patients, but it is not known whether patients from primary health care show a similar risk pattern. In addition, it is unclear whether the diagnosis of asthma can influence the prognosis of subsequent cancer. Methods. Asthma patients were identified from Swedish inpatient, outpatient, and primary health care reg

Ghosts from the past - ancestral features reflected in the jaw ontogeny of the polychaetous annelids Marphysa fauchaldi (Eunicidae) and Diopatra aciculata (Onuphidae)

Species of Eunicida (polychaetous annelids) have complex jaw apparatuses with ventral mandibles growing throughout life, but dorsal maxillae undergoing successive moulting episodes. Jaw ontogeny was studied in the eunicid Marphysa fauchaldi, from the appearance of the mandibles and larval maxillae through two moults during the transformation to juvenile and sub-adult maxillae. Although larval maxi