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Your search for "*" yielded 535791 hits

Game Love : Essays on Play and Affection

What does love have to do with gaming? As games have grown in complexity, they have increasingly included narratives that seek to engage players with love in a variety of ways. While media attention often focuses on violent emotions and behavior in gaming, love has always been central to the experience. We love to play games, we have titles that we love, and sometimes we love too much or love terr

A field study in dairy farms: thermal condition of feet

The study aimed to find out the problems connected with feet during work in cold loose housing barns in wintertime. 13 dairy farms and 20 workers were studied. Skin temperatures and subjective responses were collected, and at the end of a work period the subjects filled in a questionnaire about the workday. The foot skin temperatures were measured on dorsal foot and second toe. Most of the workers

The Future of Political Community

This book explores the alternative futures of political community and moves beyond the critique of what is wrong with existing, state-based forms of political community. It does so not with the defence of a particular normative model of political community in mind, but rather in the quest for new ways of thinking about political community itself. Exploring how the political must be rethought in th

The Purity of Separation of Concerns: The Service Oriented Business Process -a Design Approach for Business Agility

Child mortality because of infectious preventable diseases is a global tragedy. Millions of children die in vain every year. This thesis presents a sincere effort to decrease child mortality on given reason. The servitized Business Information System (BIS) named VacSam provides unique vaccination recommendations to any child thus service orienting a part of the Swedish vaccination activity. Design

The Effect of a Massive Wage Push on Income Distribution and Employment. Evidence from the 1920 Eight-Hour Workday Reform in Sweden and Its Aftermath

In 1920, the working day in Swedish industry and services was cut from 10 to 8 hours without wages being cut correspondingly. This change resulted in a dramatic wage push, with real wages increasing by about 50 percent in the years from 1919 to the deflation of 1921–22. This paper studies the consequences of this wage push for real wages, unemployment, profits and investments. Since agriculture wa

eGIS+, Flexible Learning Models within Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for Vocational Training

A successful previous project E-GIS (Leonardo da Vinci programme) was implemented during 2002-2006. The objectives were to establish co-operation between European Universities and GIS users and to develop modularised courses intended for flexible learning. Ten partners from six European countries (BU, LT, NO, NL, PT, SE) participated. During the project a study program, 100 % Internet based, corre

Resfria Möten: vad blir effekterna och hur redovisar man dem?

Rapporten presenterar resultat från ett forskningsprojekt ”Mäta resfria möten” (MRM), som bedrivs av Internationella miljöinstitutet (IIIEE) vid Lunds universitet i 2011-2014 med finansiering från Energimyndigheten och Trafikverket, och syftar till att utveckla ett ramverk, indikatorer och metoder för utvärdering, uppföljning och redovisning av resfria möten (RM), deras användning och effekter på

Konflikten om Nagorno-Karabach

Konflikten om Nagorno-Karabach, bergiga Karabach, som i våra dagar associeras med perioden för Sovjetunionens sönderfall vid slutet av 1980-talet, är egentligen betydligt äldre och kan spåras tillbaka till åren efter första världskriget. Den moderna konflikten startade 1988 då den lokala sovjeten i den autonoma enklaven Nagorno-Karabach den 20 februari 1988, med siffrorna 110 mot 17, röstade för e

Nordic and Baltic Case Studies and Assessments in Enterprises - CREDIT Report 2

This report summarizes 28 case studies addressing the common interest for indicators in case studies in Nordic and Baltic countries and is distributed to different building types – Benchmarking systems and indicators (4 case studies) – Offices (7 case studies) – Housing (8 case studies) – School and nursery (5 case studies) – Shopping centres (3 case studies) – Hospital (1 case studies) There are