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Your search for "*" yielded 529926 hits

Cytogenetic abnormalities in Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Sweden. A population based study.

The impact of cytogenetic findings in AML was analyzed in the large population-based Swedish AML registry. Karyotypic patterns differed by age: t(8;21), inv(16) and t(11q23) were more common in younger patients, whereas loss of 5q, 7q and 17p, monosomal karyotype (MK) and complex karyotype (CK) were more common in older patients. Patients with ≥5 chromosome abnormalities had worse overall survival

Global profiling of metabolic adaptation to hypoxic stress in human glioblastoma cells.

Oncogenetic events and unique phenomena of the tumor microenvironment together induce adaptive metabolic responses that may offer new diagnostic tools and therapeutic targets of cancer. Hypoxia, or low oxygen tension, represents a well-established and universal feature of the tumor microenvironment and has been linked to increased tumor aggressiveness as well as resistance to conventional oncologi

Technology, Institutions and allocation of time in Swedish Households, 1920-1990

The modernisation of Swedish households during the twentieth century prompted a considerable productivity growth in household production. This paper examines the association between this process and the allocation of female time in Swedish urban households during the period 1920-1990. Estimates presented in the paper suggest a minimum potential time reduction for a fixed volume of routine househol

Search for first generation leptoquarks in ep collisions at HERA

A search for first generation scalar and vector leptoquarks produced in ep collisions is performed by the H1 experiment at HERA. The full H1 data sample is used in the analysis, corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 446 pb(-1). No evidence for the production of leptoquarks is observed in final states with a large transverse momentum electron or with large missing transverse momentum, and co

Social-Psychological Factors in Public Support for Local Biodiversity Conservation

This case study investigates the role of social-psychological variables in the general public's intention to support conservation of five local biotopes. A questionnaire survey of 245 people was carried out in Kristianstad Municipality, Sweden. In hierarchical regression analyses, public intention to support conservation was partly predicted by attitude toward biodiversity conservation and by pers

Endogenous Sex Steroids and Risk of Cervical Carcinoma: Results from the EPIC Study

Background: Epidemiologic data and animal models suggest that, despite the predominant role of human papillomavirus infection, sex steroid hormones are also involved in the etiology of invasive cervical carcinoma (ICC). Methods: Ninety-nine ICC cases, 121 cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 3 (CIN3) cases and 2 control women matched with each case for center, age, menopausal status and blood

Fractional excretion of IgG in idiopathic membranous nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome: a predictive marker of risk and drug responsiveness.

BACKGROUND: Treatment of idiopathic membranous nephropathy with nephrotic syndrome is still controversial. There is currently little known about the clinical use of renal biomarkers which may explain contradictory results obtained from clinical trials. In order to assess whether IgG-uria can predict the outcome in membranous nephropathy, we examined the value of baseline EF-IgG in predicting remis

Retinopathy in subjects with pre-diabetes and electrophysiological studies in diabetes patients with and without retinopathy

Diabetes is increasing worldwide and hence the risk developing complications where retinopathy is the theme of this study. The aim of the study was to evaluate the presence of (vascular) retinopathy in subjects with the pre-diabetes stage, impaired fasting glucose (IFG), and the development of retinopathy in these subjects during five years. In the second part of the study diabetes patients with d

Synthesis, structure and interactions with DNA of novel tetranuclear, [Mn-4(II/II/II/IV)] mixed valence complexes

Reaction of Mn(II) with phenoxyalkanoic acids and di-2-pyridyl ketone oxime (Hpko) leads to neutral tetranuclear complexes of the general formula Mn-4(O)(pko)(4)(phenoxyalkanoato)(4) (phenoxyalkanoic acids: H-mcpa = 2-methyl-4-chloro-phenoxy-acetic acid, H-2,4,5-T = 2,4.5-trichloro-phenoxy-acetic acid or H3,4-D = 3,4-dichloro-phenoxy-acetic acid). The compounds were synthesized by adding di2-pyrid

Recent advances in 2D and 3D in vitro systems using primary hepatocytes, alternative hepatocyte sources and non-parenchymal liver cells and their use in investigating mechanisms of hepatotoxicity, cell signaling and ADME

This review encompasses the most important advances in liver functions and hepatotoxicity and analyzes which mechanisms can be studied in vitro. In a complex architecture of nested, zonated lobules, the liver consists of approximately 80 % hepatocytes and 20 % non-parenchymal cells, the latter being involved in a secondary phase that may dramatically aggravate the initial damage. Hepatotoxicity, a

Pooled Panel Unit Root Tests and the Effect of Past Initialization

This paper analyzes the role of initialization when testing for a unit root in panel data, an issue that has received surprisingly little attention in the literature. In fact, most studies assume that the initial value is either zero or bounded. As a response to this, the current paper considers a model in which the initialization is in the past, which is shown to have several distinctive features

Entreprenörskap och ekonomisk tillväxt: En kritisk granskning

Akademisk teori såväl som politiska diskussioner framhåller ofta entreprenörskap som gynnsamt för ekonomisk tillväxt. De specifika teoretiska mekanismerna som gör att entreprenörskap leder till tillväxt har dock inte kunnat fastslås och det är därför inte klart om entreprenörskap alltid är ekonomiskt gynnsamt, och för vem? I denna artikel kommer vi att sammanfatta den empiriska forskningen inom en

Plasma Vitamins B2, B6, and B12, and Related Genetic Variants as Predictors of Colorectal Cancer Risk

Background: B-vitamins are essential for one-carbon metabolism and have been linked to colorectal cancer. Although associations with folate have frequently been studied, studies on other plasma vitamins B2, B6, and B12 and colorectal cancer are scarce or inconclusive. Methods: We carried out a nested case-control study within the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition, includ

Fritz Haber, krigets kemist

Populärvetenskaplig artikel om kemisten och nobelpristagaren Fritz Haber, som arbetade med att ta fram stridsgas före och under första världskriget.

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This paper analyses global climate politics from the 2007 Bali Roadmap over the 2009 breakdown at COP15 to the following COP meetings with a focus on central issues and tendencies. The analysis is structured by applying the concepts of content and process as empirical and heuristic tools. This is used as the point of departure to analyse the road to Paris, where COP21 is held in 2015 with the stat

OER-öppna möjligheter för lärande. Ett nationellt initiativ finansierat av Internetfonden .SE

Öppna digitala Iärresurser (Open Educational Resources, OER) är undervisnings-, lärande- och forskningsmaterial som finns tillgängliga på Internet. Resurserna är öppna och fria och vanligen under creative commons licenser (cc). Beroende på licens tillåts resurserna att användas, återanvändas, spridas och även säljas öppet och fritt. Internationellt är OER-rörelsen mycket stark. I Sverige går därem

Curcumin inhibits cholesterol uptake in Caco-2 cells by down-regulation of NPC1L1 expression

Background: Curcumin is a polyphenol and the one of the principle curcuminoids of the spice turmeric. Its antioxidant, anti-cancer and anti-inflammatory effects have been intensively studied. Previous in vivo studies showed that administration of curcumin also decreased cholesterol levels in the blood, and the effects were considered to be related to upregulation of LDL receptor. However, since pl