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Does Pricing Capability Affect Product Market Value Appropriation: A Case-Study in the European Packaging Industry

This case-study of pricing capability in the European packaging industry examines the process and mechanisms whereby pricing capability affects product market value appropriation. Pricing related challenges illustrated by the five cases included in the study ranged from keeping track of and setting consistent prices for up to 5000 different products spread across almost a thousand different custom

A Pulse Technique for Control of Fed-batch Fermentations

A strategy for control of substrate feed rate in fed-batch fermentations is presented. The main idea is to make pulses in the feed rate and to evaluate the response in the dissolved oxygen signal. This gives an indirect measurement of the substrate demand that is used for feedback control of the feed rate. Experimental data is used to develop a model of a fermentation process. The model is used to

Dynamic speed adaptation based on information technology

In order to define critical situations in which speed adaptation is unsatisfactory a number of traffic safety researchers from 20 countries were asked to rate the seriousness of various situations. The proportion of injury accidents in the different situations were also considered. Expert judgements, the high proportion of injury accidents and the increased accident risks compared to "normal" cond

Kvantfysik i vardagen

Abstract in Danish I anledning af 100 året for Bohrs postulater udgives hermed en række artikler skrevet af personer der på en eller anden måde har haft berøring med Niels Bohr, Bohrs Institut eller Bohrs atommodel fra 1913.

Scientology in Schweden und die Definition des Religionsbegriffs

Den svenska attityden till Scientologykyrkan har sedan 1970-talet ändrats från fördömande som icke-religion (Socialstyrelsen) till formell acceptans som religionssamfund med vigselrätt. Orsaker är religionslandskapets förändring genom immigration, ny lagstiftning om trossamfund, som definierats öppet utifrån syftet att anordna gudstjänst, samt en mera positiv socialpolitisk inställning till privat