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Your search for "*" yielded 529946 hits

The glycemic, insulinemic and plasma amino acid responses to equi-carbohydrate milk meals, a pilot- study of bovine and human milk

Background: Dairy proteins, in particular the whey fraction, exert insulinogenic properties and facilitate glycemic regulation through a mechanism involving elevation of certain plasma amino acids, and stimulation of incretins. Human milk is rich in whey protein and has not been investigated in this respect. Method: Nine healthy volunteers were served test meals consisting of human milk, bovine mi

Ultrafine Particles: Exposure and Source Apportionment in 56 Danish Homes

ABSTRACT: Particle number (PN) concentrations (10−300 nm in size) were continuously measured over a period of ∼45 h in 56 residences of nonsmokers in Copenhagen, Denmark. The highest concentrations were measured when occupants were present and awake (geometric mean, GM: 22.3 × 103 cm−3), the lowest when the homes were vacant (GM: 6.1 × 103 cm−3) or the occupants were asleep (GM: 5.1 × 103 cm−3). D

Accelerator Mass Spectrometry

In this overview the technique of accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) and its use are described. AMS is a highly sensitive method of counting atoms. It is used to detect very low concentrations of natural isotopic abundances (typically in the range between 10(-12) and 10(-16)) of both radionuclides and stable nuclides. The main advantages of AMS compared to conventional radiometric methods are the

Comparing spectrum estimators in speaker verification under additive noise degradation

Different short-term spectrum estimators for speaker verification under additive noise are considered. Conventionally, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) are computed from discrete Fourier transform (DFT) spectra of windowed speech frames. Recently, linear prediction (LP) and its temporally weighted variants have been substituted as the spectrum analysis method in speech and speaker recog

Late-Onset Hypogonadism and Mortality in Aging Men

Context: Late-onset hypogonadism (LOH) has recently been defined as a syndrome in middle-aged and elderly men reporting sexual symptoms in the presence of low T. The natural history of LOH, especially its relationship to mortality, is currently unknown. Objective: The aim of this study was to clarify the associations between LOH, low T, and sexual symptoms with mortality in men. Design, Setting, a

Like-charge attraction in a slit system: pressure components for the primitive model and molecular solvent simulations

We have recently reported Monte Carlo simulations for a system of two infinite like-charged plates in a dipolar fluid solvent (Pegado et al 2008 J. Chem. Phys. at press). The pressure as a function of plate separation qualitatively reproduces the ion-ion correlation attraction picture seen in primitive model studies, where the solvent only enters the picture implicitly through its dielectric const

Proteomic Changes during B Cell Maturation: 2D-DIGE Approach

B cells play a pivotal role in adaptive immune system, since they maintain a delicate balance between recognition and clearance of foreign pathogens and tolerance to self. During maturation, B cells progress through a series of developmental stages defined by specific phenotypic surface markers and the rearrangement and expression of immunoglobulin (Ig) genes. To get insight into B cell proteome d

Neolithic Diversities : Perspectives from a conference in Lund, Sweden

Papers from a conference in Lund, Sweden. The title of the conference was "What's new in the Neolithic". The book brings together the latest research on the Neolithic of northern Europe. In the study of the distant human past, certain events and periods have come to represent decisive passages from one human state to another. From a global perspective, the characteristic feature of the last ten t

Cenomanian-Campanian (Late Cretaceous) mid-palaeolatitude sharks of Cretalamna appendiculata type

The type species of the extinct lamniform genus Cretalamna, C. appendiculata, has been assigned a 50 Ma range (Albian-Ypresian) by a majority of previous authors. Analysis of a partly articulated dentition of a Cretalamna from the Smoky Hill Chalk, Kansas, USA (LACM 128126) and isolated teeth of the genus from Cenomanian to Campanian strata of Western Australia, France, Sweden, and the Western Int

Reduction in snow depth negatively affects decomposers but impact on decomposition rates is substrate dependent

Decomposition of organic matter in high latitude biomes makes a significant contribution to global fluxes of nutrients and carbon and is expected to accelerate due to climate change. The majority of studies have focused on decomposition during the growing season, but winter climate is expected to change dramatically. Furthermore, knowledge of the drivers of organic matter decomposition, such as li

Fire safety evaluation of multifunctional buildings - Special emphasis on antagonistic attacks and protection of sensitive areas

Multifunctional buildings, often hosting societal important functions, have become increasingly more common during the last years. The combination of many functions within the same building as well as an increased exposure to antagonistic attacks create new, not previously well analyzed problems for fire safety. A method for selection and evaluation of fire scenarios in multifunctional buildings h

Frequent DPH3 promoter mutations in skin cancers.

Recent reports suggested frequent occurrence of cancer associated somatic mutations within regulatory elements of the genome. Based on initial exome sequencing of 21 melanomas, we report frequent somatic mutations in skin cancers in a bidirectional promoter of diphthamide biosynthesis 3 (DPH3) and oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 1 (OXNAD1) genes. The UV-signature mutations occurred at

Fast fragmentation in core-excited molecules The role of symmetry breaking and nuclear motion

Symmetry breaking is an important phenomenon connected to the excitation of core electrons in molecules. The fundamental question of whether inner-shell electronic-state orbitals are delocalized, and what the underlying mechanism for breaking the symmetry of a molecule upon dissociation are the subject of much debate, especially for the case of diatomic molecules. One method for studying molecular

Dynamics of tuberculosis infection in Sweden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Det finns två skäl till att Sverige lämpar sig särskilt väl för att studera tuberkulosepidemiologi: 1) den svenska tuberkulosepidemiologin har gått från en svår epidemi i slutet av 1800-talet, fullt i paritet med de värst drabbade länderna globalt idag, till den situation vi har idag nästan helt utan inhemsk smittspridning. 2) En allt större del av befolkningen som växtSweden provides a special setting for epidemiological and demographic studies of tuberculosis (TB) infection over time for principally two reasons; first, the Swedish TB epidemic has undergone a tremendous transition since the end of the 19th century, when TB was highly endemic, to the current situation with practically interrupted indigenous transmission since several decades. Second, an increasi

Specification of an extensible and portable file format for electronic structure and crystallographic data

In order to allow different software applications, in constant evolution, to interact and exchange data, flexible file formats are needed. A file format specification for different types of content has been elaborated to allow communication of data for the software developed within the European Network of Excellence "NANOQUANTA", focusing on first-principles calculations of materials and nanosyste