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Subgraph counts in random graphs using incomplete U-statistics methods

The random graph Kn,p is constructed on n labelled vertices by inserting each of the (n2) possible edges independently with probability p, 0> p < 1. For a fixed graph G, the threshold function for existence of a subgraph of Kn,p isomorphic to G has been determined by Erdös and Rényi [8] and Bollobás [3]. Bollobás [3] and Karo ski [14] have established asymptotic Poisson and normal convergence for

Kris och risk - diskurser över katastrofen

"Krismedvetande" är ett nytt ord i svenska språket. Trots att den svenska ekonomin genomgått både hög- och lågkonjunkturer under de senaste tjugo åren, har behovet av krismedvetande varit i det närmaste permanent. Har Sverige blivit ett "krissamhälle", ett samhälle som bär stora likheter med vad som i tysk debatt benämns "risikogesellschaft", risksamhälle?

Long term anti-tumour necrosis factor alpha monotherapy in rheumatoid arthritis: effect on radiological course and prognostic value of markers of cartilage turnover and endothelial activation.

Objectives: To investigate the effect of prolonged neutralisation of tumour necrosis factor alpha (TNFalpha) on the radiological course in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). To assess whether the radiological course can be predicted by clinical variables or biological markers of cartilage and synovium turnover and of endothelial activation. Patients and methods: Forty seven patients with active RA enrolle

A beam-foil study of the 3s3p3d 4F levels in the Al-like ions of Ti, Fe and Ni

The decays of the high angular momentum, high spin F-4(0) states of the electron configuration 3s3p3d in aluminium-like ions (with three electrons outside a closed shell) have been identified in delayed spectra of foil excited Ti, Fe and Ni ion beams. The line identifications were aided by HXR, MCHF, and MCDF calculations and are corroborated by lifetime measurements which demonstrate the differen

Comparison of Riemann and Lebesque sampling for first order stochastic systems

The normal approach to digital control is to sample periodically in time. Using an analog of integration theory we can call this Riemann sampling. Lebesgue sampling or event based sampling is an alternative to Riemann sampling. It means that signals are sampled only when measurements pass certain limits. In this paper it is shown that Lebesgue sampling gives better performance for some simple syst

Mechanical response of wood perpendicular to grain when subjected to changes of humidity

This paper describes the deformations caused by stress and humidity interaction, mechano-sorption, in the cross grain directions of wood and the relaxation or accumulation of internal stresses caused by these deformations. Long-term tests on small clear specimens in cyclic climates with both tensile and compressive loads were carried out. The development of internal stresses in timber was measured

Introducing biological phosphorus removal in an alternating plant by means of control: a full scale study

In this paper, a control strategy for introducing enhanced biological phosphorus removal (EBPR) in an alternating plant designed for enhanced biological nitrogen removal (EBNR) is presented. Alternating aerobic and anaerobic conditions to promote EBPR are provided by controlling the phases of the operational cycle, instead of a separate anaerobic volume. By utilising the control schemes already bu

Effects of pH on Helicobacter pylori binding to human gastric mucins: Identification of binding to non-MUC5AC mucins

Helicobacter pylori causes gastritis, peptic ulcer disease and gastric cancer. The microbe is found in the gastric mucus layer where a pH gradient ranging from acidic in the lumen to neutral at the cell surface is maintained. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of pH on H. pylori binding to gastric mucins from healthy individuals. At pH 3, all strains bound to the most char

The influence of a low-molecular hydrophobic solute on the flux of poly-sulphone ultrafiltration membranes with different cut-off

In this study the influence of a low-molecular hydrophobic solute on the Bur of a hydrophilic regenerated cellulose membrane and hydrophobic polysulphone membranes with different nominal molecular weight cut-off, NMWCO, was investigated. Octanoic acid was used as a model substance because it is considerably smaller than the NMWCO of all the membranes used in the investigation. Octanoic acid was fo

Mothers' perception of Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) as compared to conventional care.

Background: Family-centred care according to the Newborn Individualized Developmental Care and Assessment Program (NIDCAP) has been reported to positively influence family function. The aim was to examine if NIDCAP affects the views of prematurely born infants' mothers regarding maternal rote, perception of the infant and the neonatal care. Method: Preterm infants with gestational age < 32 weeks w

Neutralizing antibodies and efficacy of interferon beta-1a - A 4-year controlled study

Objective: To determine the incidence and clinical significance of neutralizing antibody (NAb) formation in patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis ( MS) who participated in the European Interferon Beta-1a IM Dose-Comparison Study. Methods. Patients were randomized to treatment with interferon beta-1a (IFN beta-1a) 30 mu g or 60 mu g IM once weekly for up to 4 years. Serum samples obtained at b


We discuss spectra where both a primary photoelectron and a secondary decay particle are measured. We point out the striking similarity with threshold-excited emission spectra and predict resonant peaks analoguous to those found in resonant photoemission.

Classification of BRCA1 missense variants of unknown clinical significance

Background: BRCA1 is a tumour suppressor with pleiotropic actions. Germline mutations in BRCA1 are responsible for a large proportion of breast - ovarian cancer families. Several missense variants have been identified throughout the gene but because of lack of information about their impact on the function of BRCA1, predictive testing is not always informative. Classification of missense variants

Corticosteroid-binding globulin: A possible early predictor of infection in acute necrotizing pancreatitis

Objective. Infected pancreatic necrosis is the main cause of death in patients with acute pancreatitis, and therefore its early prediction is of utmost importance. Endogenous cortisol metabolism plays a basic role both in the course of acute pancreatitis and in the process of infection. The purpose of this study was to analyze corticosteroid-binding globulin (CBG), total cortisol, calculated free

Methods for Evaluation of Postural Control Adaptation

New methods were developed to determine the dynamic changes of postural control during the initial exposure to large perturbances of stance. The adjustments of postural control over time in measured anteroposterior torque, were investigated in ten normal subjects. Perturbations of stance were evoked by two high intensity vibrators applying pseudorandom stimulation either to the calf muscles or the

Is there an interaction between self-rated health and medication with analgesics and hypnotics in the prediction of disability pension?

Aims: Several studies have shown that self-rated health (SRH ) is associated with drug use. The aim of this study was to investigate the possible interaction between SRH and use of analgesics and hypnotics and its ability to predict disability pension. Methods: In 1974-78, complete birth-year cohorts of middle-aged male residents in Malmö, Sweden, were invited to a health screening, and the cohort