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Helicobacter pylori and other Helicobacter species in gallbladder and liver of patients with chronic cholecystitis detected by immunological and molecular methods.
Specific production of very long-lived core-excited sulfur atoms by 2p(-1)sigma* excitation of the OCS molecule followed by ultrafast dissociation
A core-excited sulfur state with a lifetime almost one order of magnitude longer than in molecular 2p core-hole states is selectively produced by ultrafast dissociation of S 2p -> sigma* excited OCS. Clear evidence for this is provided by strong atomic peaks (20% of the total intensity) in x-ray fluorescence but very weak ones (2%) in the corresponding resonant Auger spectrum. Corroborating the as
Stability Theory using Lipschitz and Dahlquist Functionals, Part II: Extended Spaces and Causality
Dynamics of Smooth Hyperbolic Systems with Singularities
Popular Abstract in Swedish Föreliggande avhandling behandlar dynamiken hos styckvist hyperboliska system på begränsade mänder i planet och på intervallet. Avhandlingen är baserad på tre artiklar och därutöver annat stoff. I de två första artiklarna undersöks två olika klasser av styckvisa affina och hyperboliska avbildningar på begränsade mängder i planet. För båda dessa klasser gäller att tangeThis thesis is about dynamics of piecewise hyperbolic maps on bounded sets in the plane and on the interval. It is based on the following papers: T. Persson, A piecewise hyperbolic map with absolutely continuous invariant measure, Dynamical Systems: An International Journal, 21:3 (2006), 363--378 T. Persson, Absolutely continuous invariant measures for some piecewise hyperbolic affine maps, Prep
A New us Isomer in 136Sb Produced in the Projectile Fission of 238U
The neutron-rich isotope Sb-136 has been produced following the relativistic projectile fission of U-238 in an experiment performed at the Fragment Separator at GSI, Darmstadt. Delayed gamma -ray spectroscopy of the fission products has been performed after isotope separation. A new isomeric state in Sb-136 has been populated, and its lifetime measured as T-1/2 = 565(50) ns. Realistic and empirica
Popular Abstract in Swedish Cystatiner är endogena proteasinhibitorer som reglerar den proteolytiska aktiviteten hos papainlika cysteinproteaser, så som humant cathepsin B, H, K, L och S. Cystatin C, som finns i de flesta humana vävnader och vävnadsvätskor, är den starkaste hämmaren av lysosomala cysteinproteaser. Förändring i balansen mellan cysteinproteaser och cystatiner har vid flera olika canCystatins are endogenous protease inhibitors that regulate the proteolytic activities of family C1 (papain-like) cysteine proteases, such as human cathepsins B, H, K, L, and S. Cystatin C shows the fastest inhibition and the highest affinity of all cystatins towards lysosomal cysteine proteases in general and is widespread in human tissues and body fluids. Alterations in the balance between the cy
Lipoproteinmönster hos claudicanter
Expression, purification, crystallisation and preliminary X-ray diffraction analysis of Thermotoga neapolitana beta-glucosidase B
-Glucosidases belong to families 1, 3 and 9 of the glycoside hydrolases and act on cello-oligosaccharides. Family 1 and 3 enzymes are retaining and are reported to have transglycosylation activity, which can be used to produce oligosaccharides and glycoconjugates. Family 3 enzymes are less well characterized than their family 1 homologues and to date only two crystal structures have been solved. H
Självinställande reglering av syrehalten i luftningsbassänger på Käppalaverket : Programdokumentation
Palmitate Stimulation of Glucagon Secretion in Mouse Pancreatic {alpha}-Cells Results From Activation of L-Type Calcium Channels and Elevation of Cytoplasmic Calcium.
Statistical methods for assessing agreement for ordinal data.
Evaluation of various methods in clinical practice is often based on interpretations by two or more observers. Such data need to be analysed with correct statistics, or the results and conclusions may be misleading. In this study, the use of measures of agreement for ordinal data in five international nursing journals is reviewed and various methods for measuring agreement are presented and discus
On Einstein equations on manifolds and supermanifolds
The Einstein equations (EE) are certain conditions on the Riemann tensor on the real Minkowski space M. In the twistor picture, after complexification and compactification M becomes the Grassmannian Gr(2)(4) of 2-dimensional subspaces in the 4-dimensional complex one. Here we answer for which of the classical domains considered as manifolds with G-structure it is possible to impose conditions simi
TNF inhibitors in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis in clinical practice: costs and outcomes in a follow up study of patients with RA treated with etanercept or infliximab in southern Sweden.
Objectives: To evaluate costs, benefits, and cost effectiveness of tumour necrosis factor inhibitor treatment over one year in routine clinical practice. Materials and methods: At four rheumatology units in southern Sweden treatment of 160 consecutive patients with RA was started with either etanercept or infliximab. The economic analysis was based on 116 patients with complete data who received
Pump-probe lifetime measurements on singlet ungerade states in molecular nitrogen
Excited-state lifetimes for a number of vibronic states of (1)Pi(u) symmetry in molecular nitrogen have been determined experimentally in a laser-based pump-probe scheme using a coherent and tunable extreme ultraviolet source based on harmonic generation. States investigated in N-14(2) were b(1)Pi(u)(v = 6-9), of valence character, and c(3)(1)Pi(u)(v = 1) and o(3)(1)Pi(u)(v = 1), of Rydberg charac
Ekelöf mellan meningslöshet och likgiltighet
Major histocompatibility complex and mate choice in sand lizards
In mice and man, females prefer males with a major histocompatibility complex (MHC) genotype different to their own. We tested whether this phenomenon also occurs in the Swedish sand lizard (Lacerta agilis). Females in a laboratory experiment preferred to associate with odour samples obtained from more distantly related males at the MHC class 1 loci. Data on free-ranging lizards suggest that assoc
Geochemical and sedimentary signatures of Phanerozoic events.
Popular Abstract in Swedish Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning Dramatiska händelser har inträffat regelbundet under jordens historia. Primära, kortvariga katastrofer som t ex asteroidnedslag, omfattande vulkanism eller kraftiga jordskalv kan ge långvariga miljöeffekter, som t ex global uppvärmning eller nedkylning, förändringar i havsnivå och cirkulationsmönster, syrefria oceanbottnar mm. Alla deGeological and biological catastrophic events have occurred repeatedly in the Earth's history, leaving traces in the global stratigraphical record in the form of sedimentary features, geochemical anomalies and biotic turnovers. This thesis focuses on the sedimentological and geochemical signatures of several key events in the Phanerozoic stratigraphical record, and aims to interpret the different
Regeneration of photon echoes with amplified photon echoes
Photon-echo-based devices have been proposed for many applications in data storage, image processing, and optical communications. Many of these applications would benefit if the output from the photon-echo process could be used as input in a second photon-echo process. We demonstrate the generation of such secondary echoes, using the amplified output from an initial photon-echo process. The amplif