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Your search for "*" yielded 531636 hits

Sephadex-induced granulomatous alveolitis in rat: effects of antigen manipulation

A granulomatous alveolitis, with multinuclear cell formation combined with an eosinophilic peribronchiolitis, was achieved in rats by intratracheal administration of sephadex beads (G-200, Pharmacia, Sweden). The pattern of inflammation and the degree of postgranulomatous fibrosis were substantially dampened when the particles were dispersed by ultrasonification. The animals were analyzed with bro

Aggregation Behavior of Bovine kappa- and beta-Casein Studied with Small Angle Neutron Scattering, Light Scattering, and Cryogenic Transmission Electron Microscopy

In the native bovine casein micelle the calcium sensitive caseins (alpha(S1)-, alpha(S2)- and beta-casein) sequester amorphous calcium phosphate in nanometer-sized clusters, whereas the calcium-insensitive K-casein limits the growth of the micelle. In this paper, we further investigate the self-association of kappa- and beta-casein, which are two of the key proteins that control the substructure o

Purkinje cell activity during classical conditioning with different conditional stimulus explains central tenet of Rescorla-Wagner model.

A central tenet of Rescorla and Wagner's model of associative learning is that the reinforcement value of a paired trial diminishes as the associative strength between the presented stimuli increases. Despite its fundamental importance to behavioral sciences, the neural mechanisms underlying the model have not been fully explored. Here, we present findings that, taken together, can explain why a s

Reduced expression of angiotensin II and angiotensin receptor type 1 and type 2 in resistance arteries from nasal lesions in granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Wegener's granulomatosis).

Objectives: Angiotensin II (ANGII) is involved in vessel inflammation and is important in the development of cardiovascular disorders such as atherosclerosis. During active disease, patients with granulomatosis with polyangiitis (GPA; Wegener's granulomatosis) have accelerated atherosclerosis and ANGII inhibitors are recommended to these patients to reduce atherosclerosis. We assessed the hypothes

Carbon dioxide rebreathing with the anaesthetic conserving device, AnaConDa

The anaesthetic conserving device (ACD) AnaConDa was developed to allow the reduced use of inhaled agents by conserving exhaled agent and allowing rebreathing. Elevated has been observed in patients when using this ACD, despite tidal volume compensation for the larger apparatus dead space. The aim of the present study was to determine whether CO2, like inhaled anaesthetics, adsorbs to the ACD duri

Novel Biocompatible DNA Gel Particles

Surfactants with the cationic functionality based on an amino acid structure have been used to prepare novel biocompatible devices for the controlled encapsulation and release of DNA. We report here the formation of DNA gel particles mixing DNA (either single- (ssDNA) or double-stranded (dsDNA)) with two different single-chain amino acid-based surfactants: arginine-N-lauroyl amide dihydrochloride

Points to consider for prioritizing clinical genetic testing services: a European consensus process oriented at accountability for reasonableness.

Given the cost constraints of the European health-care systems, criteria are needed to decide which genetic services to fund from the public budgets, if not all can be covered. To ensure that high-priority services are available equitably within and across the European countries, a shared set of prioritization criteria would be desirable. A decision process following the accountability for reasona

A transmission line method for evaluation of vertical InAs nanowire contacts

In this paper, we present a method for metal contact characterization to vertical semiconductor nanowires using the transmission line method (TLM) on a cylindrical geometry. InAs nanowire resistors are fabricated on Si substrates using a hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) spacer between the bottom and top contact. The thickness of the HSQ is defined by the dose of an electron beam lithography step, and

Predictors of work disability during the first 3 years after diagnosis in a national rheumatoid arthritis inception cohort.

OBJECTIVE: To identify predictors of sick leave and disability pension in patients with early rheumatoid arthritis (RA). METHODS: Individuals aged 19-59 years diagnosed with early RA (≤12 months symptom duration) were identified in the Swedish Rheumatology Quality Register (1999-2007; n=3029). We retrieved days of sick leave and disability pension from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency and basel

Location of interstitial cells and neurotransmitters in the mouse bladder

To investigate whether interstitial cells (ICs) are present in the adult mouse bladder, and what transmitters characterize adjacent nerve fibres, as ICs in human and guinea-pig bladder lie close to nerve fibres but transmitters present in these nerves have not yet been reported. Sections of the bladder wall from 12 adult male mice (six each, aged 3-4 or 18-24 months) were incubated in carboxygenat

Enhanced G-protein coupled receptors-mediated contraction and reduced endothelium-dependent relaxation in hypertension

The present study was designed to demonstrate a hypothesis that some G-protein coupled receptors are up-regulated and a dysfunction of endothelium occurs in hypertension. The arteries from hypertensive patients and spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were tested. An in vitro myograph system was used to obtain concentration-contraction curves mediated by endothelin ETA, endothelin ETB, 5-hydroxyt

Quality assessment for prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in relation to ERSPC: report of the PSA Committee

Objective To assess the application of a quality control scheme for total prostate-specific antigen (PSA) as used for participants of the European Randomized Study for Screening of Prostate Cancer (ERSPC) during 1996-2002. Methods From 1996, the first complete year being 1997, an external scheme was organized by the Dutch Quality Assessment Foundation especially for the ERSPC. This scheme consists

Echocardiographic and electrocardiographic predictors for atrial fibrillation recurrence following cardioversion

Introduction: Identification of suitable candidates for cardioversion currently is not based on individual electrical and mechanical atrial remodeling. Therefore, this study analyzed the meaning of atrial fibrillatory rate obtained from the surface ECG (as a measure of electrical remodeling) and left atrial size (as measure of mechanical remodeling) for prediction of early atrial fibrillation (AF)

Adsorption of hydrophobically modified starch at oil/water interfaces during emulsification

The adsorption of starch that had been hydrophobically modified with octenyl succinate anhydride (OSA) at the oil/water interface during emulsification was studied. The starch samples were of waxy barley origin and were varied in molar mass and degree of substitution (DS). The particle size of the emulsions was measured and the adsorbed amount of starch was determined through serum depletion. The

Similitude of permeabilities for Ficoll, pullulan, charge-modified albumin and native albumin across the rat peritoneal membrane.

Abstract Aim: Compared to neutral globular proteins, neutral polysaccharides, such as dextran, pullulan and Ficoll, appear hyperpermeable across the glomerular filtration barrier. This has been attributed to an increased flexibility and/or asymmetry of polysaccharides. The present study investigates whether polysaccharides are hyperpermeable also across the continuous capillaries in the rat perito

Coping after trans-femoral amputation due to trauma or tumour--a phenomenological approach.

Purpose: To describe, by use of a phenomenological approach, how relatively young trans-femoral amputees experienced their amputation and their coping strategies in the acute phase and over time. Method: Eleven trans-femoral amputees, median age 33.5 years, were interviewed. The amputation was caused by tumour, motorcycle accidents or work-related traumas. Amputation was made in median 7.5 years

Obstetric adversity and age at first presentation with schizophrenia: Evidence of a dose-response relationship

Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine if a dose-response relationship exists between obstetric adversity and age at first presentation with schizophrenia. Method: The Dublin Psychiatric Case Register was used to identify subjects with schizophrenia. Data on obstetric complications, social class of origin, and family history of psychiatric illness were obtained for those subjects. Re