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Lateral Stabilization of CLT Buildings - Modelling approaches

Cross-laminated timber (CLT) is an environmentally positive building material with high stiffness and load-bearing capacity. In combination with a low self-weight, CLT is a beneficial material to use for the load-bearing structure of high-rise buildings. In this project, the lateral stabilization of a CLT building subjected to a wind load is analysed through several modelling approaches. The effec

Geofysisk och geologisk tolkning av kritskollors utbredning i Ystadsområdet

Kritskollor, eller stora flak av kritbergarter, transporterades subglacialt med den senaste inlandsisen reträtt och hittas idag delvis blottlagda längs den skånska sydkusten. Utanför Malmö utvanns högren krita från dessa flak fram till slutet av 1900-talet och var en viktig exportvara. Idag importeras en stor del av de renare karbonatbergarterna från bland annat europeiska länder för olika industrCretaceous chalk rafts were transported subglacially with the last ice sheet retreat and are today found partially exposed along the southern coast of Skåne. Outside Malmö, chalk was extracted from these rafts until the end of the 20th century, when it was an important export commodity. Today, a large portion of the purer carbonate rocks are imported from Europe and other countries for various ind

Sustainability-Linked Bonds: An investigation of premiums associated with sustainability-linked bonds

Sustainable finance has become of great importance over the past years, especially due to global climate development, resulting in increased awareness among public and private sectors, and hence, more conscientious investors. In a market familiar with green bonds, Sustainability-Linked Bonds (SLBs) emerged as a new financial instrument posing a lesser greenwashing risk and, therefore, greater pote

Development of a Forecasting Model for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Components - A Design Science Study at Tetra Pak

Title: Development of a Forecasting Model for Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) Components. A Design Science Study at Tetra Pak. Authors: Faruk Kodzaga & Giacomo Daniele Supervisor: Jan Olhager, Department of Industrial Management and Logistics Background: The importance of accurate demand forecast is set due to the drivers of short lead-times, just-in-time-deliveries and cost effective

Horisontalstabilisering av småhus i trä: en jämförelse av dimensioneringsmetoder

De senaste tio åren har antalet sökta bygglov för småhus med träregelstomme mer än fördubblats. I dagsläget finns inget allmänt krav att säkerställa horisontalkapacitet för småhus men är något som beställaren kan efterfråga och som många konstruktörer någon gång upplevt problematiskt. Projekteringsfasen kan bli tidskrävande där lösningar för att fastställa kapacitet mot vindlast blir dyra och kompIn the last ten years, the number of building permits applied for houses with timber frame structure has more than doubled. Today, there is no general requirement to establish horizontal capacity, but is something that can be demanded and that many structural engineers have occasionally experienced as problematic. The design phase can then be time-consuming, where solutions for determining capacit

Optimerad kemisk efterfällning för låga fosforutsläpp och reduktion av DOC

Behovet av avancerad rening genom till exempel ozonering eller aktivt kol på avloppsrenings-verk blir tydligare i världen som följd av höga uppmätta nivåer av läkemedelsrester i recipienter. I länder som Schweiz är implementeringen redan idag lagstadgad och också i Sverige förväntas inom en överskådlig framtid krav införas på avlägsning av organiska mikroföreoreningar från avloppsvatten. I dagslägThe need for advanced wastewater treatment using for example ozonation or activated carbon is becoming exceedingly apparent because of high measured concentrations of pharmaceutical res-idues in recipients all over the world. In Switzerland for example there is legal requirements for the implementation of advanced treatment and within the foreseeable future also in Sweden the demands on the remova

Aktivitetsengagemang och dess inverkan på återhämtning hos vuxna med svår psykisk ohälsa - En litteraturöversikt.

Bakgrund: Aktivitetsengagemang är centralt för hälsa och välbefinnande, dock har personer med svår psykisk ohälsa svårt att engagera sig i aktiviteter. Inom dagens psykiatri arbetar arbetsterapeuter med aktivitetsengagemang, där det börjar läggas ett större fokus på att arbeta återhämtningsinriktat. Tidigare forskning visar på att aktivitetsengagemang kan kopplas till återhämtning, men trots dettaBackground: Occupational engagement is central for health and well-being, yet people with severe mental illness have difficulties engaging in activities. In modern psychiatric care, occupational therapists aim to improve occupational engagement, with an increasing focus on recovery-oriented interventions. Research shows that occupational engagement can be linked to recovery, however, there are few

Prototypmetoder för hornhögtalare

The aim of this project was to investigate suitable prototyping methods to be used during the development of horn loudspeakers. Different methods were tested to investigate how well they replicated the original loudspeaker based on acoustical performance. The methods were also evaluated based on other requirements such as cost, manufacturing process and ability to handle complexes shapes. The meth

Den svåraste frågan - En kvalitativ studie om sjukhuskuratorers upplevelse av att ställa frågan om våld i mötet med patienter och anhöriga

The purpose of this study was to analyze hospital social workers experiences of asking patients and relatives about violence within the family. This study was based on a qualitative research design where we interviewed six hospital social workers at two children's hospitals located in the southern part of Sweden. We analyzed the collected data with selected theoretical perspectives about profe

Spin correlations in top quark pair production at the Large Hadron Collider

In this work we investigate the spin correlation effect of the interference between signal and irreducible background events present in top quark pair production at the LHC at LO in the dilepton channel. To simulate the high energy proton-proton collisions of the LHC, MadGraph5_aMC@NLO framework is used as an event generator. The spin correlations are explicitly measured via the lepton kinematics

Decarbonising through climate legislation, The effects of five instruments available to governments

The main goal of the Paris agreement is to hold global warming below 2 degrees Celsius. A goal which requires a rapid peak and decline of global emissions. With the adoption of the Paris agreement, countries submitted Nationally Determined Contributions making national climate legislation a key tool for how to reach the goal. While the response so far has failed to reduce global emissions, climate

Congestion tax in Sweden. Estimated effect of the congestion tax on NO2 emissions in Stockholm and Gothenburg

Nowadays, excessive congestion has become a pressing issue for many large cities. Traffic congestion is one of the main sources of air pollutants. A congestion tax is a priced-based policy instrument, aimed to reduce congestion and improve air quality in inner city areas. Revenue from the congestion tax is used for investments in public transport and a better road system in the city. In Sweden, a

Postmaterialist populations: Can meaningful indicators be found on the systemic level?

The postmaterialism thesis put forth by Ronald Inglehart stipulates a relationship between wealth and non-physical values. Among these values is the protection of the environment, meaning that wealthier populations should more readily prioritise measures that further this goal. The postmaterialism theory has been a matter of contention, however, and there’s substantial critique against it. One of

Sweden and Children's Rights: A case study of Sweden's ratification of the Convention on the Rights of the Child

In 1989, the General Assembly of the United Nations adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC). The convention, whose purpose is to ensure and protect children’s rights globally, was later ratified by Sweden 1990. Thereby, the country committed itself to legally follow the articles of the convention. By conducting a descriptive case study analysis of the CRC, this text aims to invest

Made in EU-China - How the EU's role conception and expectation of its external action is shaped by China

The relationship between the European Union (EU) and China distinguishes itself by its unique nature and place in world affairs. The two distinctive economic giants have over the past two decades developed a structured relationship centred around trade and major economic interests. Growing in both intensity and complexity, EU-China engagements have over the years produced evidence to suggest for t

Vakanta piedestaler: En visuell diskursanalys av statyn av Edward Colston i två olika forum

Statues and monuments from previous centuries have gotten new political relevance as they have become targets of demonstrations and iconoclasm during Black Lives Matter protests throughout 2020. The aim of this paper is to examine how visibility is produced by the display of the statue of Edward Colston in Bristol, England (1895) in two different forums; the public and the museum. The forum of the

A Foucauldian Approcach to Climate Change Discourse

This thesis sheds light on the complexities of climate change discourse by applying Foucauldian discourse analysis to the Canadian 2030 Emissions Reduction Plan. Through a six-step analysis process, the thesis intends to investigate the effects of discourse on the understanding of climate change and the consequences of constituting knowledge through discourse. The six-step process addresses discur

Brand community rejection - en strategi att tillämpa eller undvika?

Sammanfattning Examensarbetets titel: Brand community rejection - en strategi att tillämpa eller undvika? En experimentell replikationsstudie Seminariedatum: 3 juni 2022 Ämne/kurs: FEKH29, Examensarbete kandidatnivå i marknadsföring, 15 högskolepoäng Författare: Axel Christiansson, Felicia Hagelin Lindqvist och Hanna Ovhagen Handledare: Johan Gromark Fem nyckelord: Brand community, brand com