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Your search for "*" yielded 532361 hits

Social Cleavages, Conflict, and the Fates of Autocratic Regimes

This article focuses on two specific social cleavages, ethnic and economic inequality and analyses their respective effects within autocratic regimes. The primary mechanism that was tested was the relationship between these two, and non-state conflict, (defined as a conflict with more than 25 combat fatalities, and the state not directly taking part). The results show support for a positive correl

Den ensamma rektorn med det omöjliga uppdraget - Dagliga prioriteringar till följd av en motstridig styrning från stat och kommun

The today decentralised Swedish school system is argued to be within a crisis. Furthermore the debate on re-centralisation of the school system is active. The school principals, as central actors for their units, are part of a bureaucratic and hierarchical chain of command controlled by both the state and municipalities. Hence, this paper focuses on what steering difficulties school principals exp

From democratic success to democratic backsliding: A comparative case study of Poland’s democratic backsliding in contrast to Estonia

Democratic backsliding is becoming a bigger trend around the globe. This study examines how democratic backsliding has transpired in two post-Soviet countries, Poland and Estonia. This study has been conducted with the help of the comparative case study method where the time frame has been demarcated from the year the countries joined the European Union (2004) to present year. The theory democrati

Utanförskapet misstänkliggjort - En komparativ diskursanalys av Socialdemokraterna och Moderaterna mellan 2010 - 2022

As a result of Rasmus Paludan's planned burning of the Koran during the Easter weekend, several riots broke out in different parts of Sweden. Some party leaders condemned the violence but also linked the events to growing social exclusion in society. This study examines the changes within the discourse of the Moderates and the Social Democrats as regards the concept of social exclusion. Using

The Construction of (Un)Desired Migrants in Policy: A Foucauldian Discourse Analysis of the EU’s New Pact on Migration and Asylum

This thesis investigates the aspirations for the European Union’s future population composition through the European Commission’s proposal of the New Pact on Migration and Asylum. By examining six policy documents, this thesis investigates the migrant and citizen categories that are constructed and the technologies of biopower that will be employed to achieve the expressed aspirations. The researc

Imagining Europe: Constructing Railways And Place Identity

Railways have played a significant role in the development of national identity. In the context of the European Union, I argue that it could play a similar role in supranational identity building. Currently, the European railways resemble a patchwork of incompatible standards and working practices. This thesis aims to investigate the roles efforts to harmonize this patchwork play in the cultural l

Internationell politik och fotboll- Hur fotboll kan bidra till förändring

The aim of this paper is to study the international soccer and politics from an theoretical standpoint and try two different theoretical approaches that has been developed and see if they can answer why a large international aid organization like UNHCR would like to collaborate with the Swedish soccer team Malmö FF. In this paper the theory of Sport-diplomacy and The Global Football Field will be

Ett ensamt problem: Hur Storbritannien gjorde ensamhet politiskt.

In January 2018 the British government made a commitment to tackle the growing issue of loneliness. This thesis investigates how the problem of loneliness is represented within the British strategy to counteract this issue. This is done with help from Carol Bacchis’ theoretical and methodological WPR or “What’s the problem represented to be?” approach. The approach proposes analysing policy as an

Svenska friskolor och dess aktörer, vad är problemet?

The Swedish school system is highly influenced by the charter school reforms that was introduced in 1992 by Carl Bildt. Because of the charter school reform, a market was created where venture capitalist could profit from education. The main aim was to create a freedom of choice and to create competition in order to increase the quality of Swedish schools. The current debate regarding charter scho

Mapping edge vegetation in connection to beech forest to locate potential habitats for red-listed beetles in Scania, Sweden

The number of species classified as red-listed has increased by 11% between 2015 and 2020, with beetles and butterflies being especially affected. Among these are the vulnerable longhorned beetle (Stictoleptura scutellata) and the endangered false blister beetle (Ischnomera sanguinicollis). Forty percent of all known species in Sweden are dependent on hostplants, indicating the value in mapping po

Fallet lilla hjärtat - Konstruktioner av offerskap, ansvar och hjälteroll i medier och domar

Mediers inflytande över vår världsbild utgör upprinnelsen till denna uppsats, vars syfte har varit att studera hur offerskap, ansvar och hjälteroll konstruerades i det så kallade ‘Fallet Lilla hjärtat’ som var aktuellt 2020. Utöver medierepresentationer i Aftonbladet, Dagens Nyheter och Expressen har även tingsrätts- och hovrättsdomen fungerat som underlag, samt en bok skriven av fostermamman. Emp

Energy Landscapes for Early T Cell Development

T cell lineage development from an early thymic progenitor involves programmed shutoff of progenitor gene expression, upregulation of T cell specification genes, and proliferation. This biological system has been deeply studied and a gene regulatory network (GRN) that can accurately describe the system has been presented. Such a GRN offers an excellent opportunity to study lineage commitment from

Skiftarbetares psykiska välbefinnande utifrån faktorerna socialt stöd och möjlighet att utföra fritidsintressen

Denna studies syfte var att undersöka skiftarbetares psykiska välbefinnande utifrån faktorerna socialt stöd från familj, vänner och andra speciella personer samt möjligheten att utföra ens fritidsaktiviteter. För att utforska detta genomfördes genom en enkätundersökning (n=32) där deltagarna bestod av skiftarbetare som arbetar olika slags skiftscheman på ett industriföretag i Sverige. Enkäten bestThe aim of this study was to investigate the mental well-being of shift workers based on the factors of social support from family, friends and significant others, and the possibility to participate in one’s leisure activities. A survey was conducted (n=32), and the participants were shift workers, working different types of shift schedules, at a Swedish industrial company. The survey was construc

The Origins and Persistence of Gender Roles in Ethiopia: A micro-level analysis of the effects of traditional farming systems on modern gender roles.

Perceptions of where the “natural” place for women is, vary considerably across societies. This is especially true in heterogeneous countries like Ethiopia, where stark variations between ethnicities and their attitudes towards gender roles exist. A much-debated question is how these differences emerge. Some research suggests that gender roles originated from traditional agricultural practices whe

Design and Synthesis of D-Galactal-Based Benzimidazole and Benzoxazole Derivatives as Inhibitors of Galectin-8 N-Terminal Domain

Galectin-8 is a β-galactoside-binding protein, participating in many homeostatic and pathological functions, such as regulation of cellular adhesion, T-cell homeostasis, apoptosis, as well as playing a major role in tumor development and progression. Galectin-8 has two CRDs, namely galectin-8 N-terminal (galectin-8N) and C-terminal (galectin-8C) domains, that exhibit differential glycan binding sp

Corporate liability for climate change - Is Milieudefensie a sign of what is to come?

Eftersom stater i hög grad har misslyckats med att ta den globala uppvärmningen seriöst, har istället privata individer och miljöorganisationer konfronterat dem som bidrar till den. Genom att föra de som släpper ut växthusgaser inför rätta hoppas kärandena kunna stoppa den nuvarande kursen mot förödande klimatförändring. Klimattvister kan rikta sig mot både regeringar och företag, men i just tvistWhere states have failed to take the threat of global warming seriously, private individuals and environmental organizations have confronted those contributing to it. By bringing the emitters to court, litigants all over the world hope to put an end to the current trajectory towards dangerous climate change. Within the field of climate litigation, both governments and corporations are targeted. Th

Oaktsam våldtäkt - vad utgör grov oaktsamhet? - En studie av domstolars resonemang gällande grov oaktsamhet i mål om våldtäkt alternativt oaktsam våldtäkt

Den 1 juli 2018 trädde den så kallade samtyckeslagstiftningen ikraft, vilket innebar en stor förändring i den svenska regleringen av våldtäktsbrottet. Lagstiftningen blev nu frivillighetsbaserad och samtidigt infördes ett nytt brott, oaktsam våldtäkt. Straffansvar i våldtäktsmål är därmed även aktuellt då den tilltalade agerat grovt oaktsamt. Denna uppsats syftar till att klargöra hur domstolar reIn 2018, Sweden passed a new law regarding rape, which is based on consent. Prior to this, a certain amount of force or threat was required, but the current legislation is based on the lack of voluntary participation. A new offense was passed, negligent rape. Thus, criminal liability for rape does not only come in question in cases of intent, but also in cases of gross negligence. The main purpose

Kriminella organisationers counterintelligence: En fallstudie om Södertäljenätverket

Kriminella organisationers användning av counterintelligence är relativt outforskad inom underrättelsevetenskapen, och de studier som gjorts inom området handlar om terroristgrupper eller kriminella grupper i icke-demokratiska stater med svaga institutioner. Denna uppsats utgår från Södertäljenätverket som ett fall av en kriminell organisation i en demokratisk stat med starka institutioner och und

Konsten att ropa efter hjälp och vara knäpptyst samtidigt

Idag står vi med facit i hand över hur Covid-19 pandemin har påverkat samhället i stort men också hur olika organisationer har hanterat en långvarig samhällskris som de själva inte har haft något ansvar för, från början till slut. Studien undersöker restaurangbranschen, som är en av de branscher i Sverige som drabbats hårdast av pandemin. Mer specifikt analyseras vilka responsstrategier restaurangToday we are finally able to look back at how the Covid-19 pandemic has affected our society, but also how different organizations have handled this prolonged crisis they held no responsibility for. The study examines the restaurant industry, one of the industries in Sweden most affected by the pandemic, and their crisis communication. More specifically, the response strategies used by restaurants