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Orchestrating Hip-hop Culture Online : Within and Beyond the Middle East

This current issue of CyberOrient brings together academics active at Scandinavian universities focusing on hip-hop from different aspects and fields. From different perspectives the authors seek to make sense of the impact, functions and dynamics of Middle Eastern and/or Islamic representations in hip-hop music online, both within and beyond the Middle East.

Resfria Möten - en handledning

Publikationen är utformad som en handledning med dels allmän information om resfria möten, dels en metod i tio steg för att hjälpa organisationer komma igång med resfria möten på ett organiserat sätt. Efter de tio stegen beskrivs mer utförligt vilka effekterna blir och på de avslutande sidorna finns goda exempel från organisationer som har satsat på resfria möten. Handledningen används med fördel

Modeller för styrning av roterande spänndon : skärande bearbetning

The chuck has for a long time been considered the weakest link of a lathe. This is mainly due to its twofold connection, to the machine spindle on the one hand and to the work-piece on the other. An additional limitation of the chuck lies in the incomplete knowledge one has of the load it is exposed to during operation, which usually leads to a less than optimal machining process. Unless our under

Reliving the Past: The Narrative Themes of Repetition and Continuity in Japan-Taiwan News Coverage

This paper examines mass media coverage of Taiwanese high-level political visits to Japan and critically analyzes the phenomenon of nostalgic repetition as a narrative formula in such sources. Stressing its elements of pathos, nostalgia, and sentimental reassurance, I argue that the repetition formula presents an avenue of immense strategic advantage for visiting pro-independence politicians vis-à

A 0.25W fully integrated class-d audio power amplifier in 0.35um CMOS

A fully integrated class-D audio power amplifier using Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) technique is presented. The output stage is an H-bridge with 5.75 min wide nMOS transistors and 15 min wide pMOS transistors, which can deliver up to 0.25 W-rms to an 16 ohm load. The chip measuring 1.2x2.4 mm(2), including pads, was fabricated in a 0.35 mu m CMOS process. It uses a single 3.3 V supply and a PWM ca

Instruments for a European Extremely Large Telescope: the challenges of designing instruments for 30- to 100-m telescopes

Designs for Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) are quite well advanced,but the requirements of instruments have had limited impact. Sinceprovision of a suitable environment for instruments is a critical aspectof all telescopes, we outline some well-known and some less-appreciatedchallenges of designing instruments for ELTs. A wide-field spectrometer(WFSPEC) with ~10 arcmin field-of-view, probably w

A novel frequency-doubling device based on three-terminal ballistic junction

Summary form only given. Ballistic devices have received increasing attention for their nonlinear electrical properties, which are interesting from both physics and application points of view. Recently, novel nonlinear electrical properties of three-terminal ballistic junctions (TBJs) have been discovered theoretically and experimentally. In this work we propose and demonstrate functionality of a