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Certain bivariate distributions and random processes connected with maxima and minima
It is well-known that [S(x)]^n and [F(x)]^n are the survival function and the distribution function of the minimum and the maximum of n independent, identically distributed random variables, where S and F are their common survival and distribution functions, respectively. These two extreme order statistics play important role in countless applications, and are the central and well-studied objects
Bullying at work, health outcomes, and physiological stress reactivity
A Functional Hodrick-Prescott Filter
We propose a functional version of the Hodrick–Prescott filter for functional data which take values in an in nite-dimensional separable Hilbert space. We further characterize the associated optimal smooth- ing operator when the associated linear operator is compact and the underlying distribution of the data is Gaussian.
Photosensitization in porphyrias and photodynamic therapy involves TRPA1 and TRPV1
Photosensitization, an exaggerated sensitivity to harmless light, occurs genetically in rare diseases, such as porphyrias, and in photodynamic therapy where short-term toxicity is intended. A common feature is the experience of pain from bright light. In human subjects, skin exposure to 405 nm light induced moderate pain, which was intensified by pretreatment with aminolevulinic acid. In heterolog
A Microfluidic Platform for Real-Time Detection and Quantification of Protein-Ligand Interactions
The key steps in cellular signaling and regulatory pathways rely on reversible noncovalent protein-ligand binding, yet the equilibrium parameters for such events remain challenging to characterize and quantify in solution. Here, we demonstrate a microfluidic platform for the detection of protein-ligand interactions with an assay time on the second timescale and without the requirement for immobili
Expression of messenger molecules and receptors in rat and human sphenopalatine ganglion indicating therapeutic targets
Background: Migraine and Cluster Headache (CH) are two primary headaches with severe disease burden. The disease expression and the mechanisms involved are poorly known. In some attacks of migraine and in most attacks of CH, there is a release of vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) originating from parasympathetic cranial ganglia such as the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG). Patients suffering from t
Vardagsliv - aktivitetsbalans och meningsfullhet i dagliga aktiviteter hos personer med psykiskt funktionshinder
Denna rapport vänder sig i huvudsak till arbetsterapeuter och arbetsstuderande som arbetar eller kommer att arbeta med personer med psykiskt funktionshinder och deras aktivitetsproblematik. I början av rapporten beskrivs kortfattat vad psykiskt funktionshinder innebär och vad det kan betyda för en person att leva med psykiskt funktionshinder, främst gällande aktiviteter i vardagen utifrån aktuell FSA anser att det ligger ett stort värde i att arbeten av väsentlig betydelse för arbetsterapins och arbetsterapeuters utveckling, presenteras på ett lätttillgängligt sätt. Mot denna bakgrund har förbundet beslutat att ge ut FoU-rapporter. I denna FoU-rapport delger författaren Christel Leufstadius (Leg. Arbetsterapeut, Dr. oss information om att leva med psykiskt funktionshinder samt te
Health care students´attitudes towards people with schizophrenia- a survey of eight university training programs.
Attitudes in healthcare students toward mental illness- A pre- and postmulticenteruniversity program survey.
Modeling the electrostatic charging of a helicopter during hovering in dusty atmosphere
A helicopter flying through an atmosphere containing particulates may accumulate high electrostatic charges which can challenge its operational safety. In this paper we elaborate and validate a triboelectric charging model to predict the electrification experienced by a helicopter while hovering in dusty air. We employed Large Eddy simulations to describe the turbulent structures inherent in the f
Kapning av saltfartyg var en krigisk triumf
The immunopathogenesis of immune thrombocytopenia : T cells still take center-stage
PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Immune thrombocytopenia (ITP) is an autoimmune bleeding disorder in which T and B cells recognize platelet antigens and initiate antiplatelet destructive mechanisms such as peripheral Fc receptor-mediated phagocytosis in the spleen or megakaryocyte destruction/inhibition within the bone marrow. The purpose of this review is to report on the ITP pathophysiology literature publish
Intravenous immunoglobulin prevents murine antibody-mediated acute lung injury at the level of neutrophil reactive oxygen species (ROS) production
Transfusion-related acute lung injury (TRALI) is a leading cause of transfusion-associated mortality that can occur with any type of transfusion and is thought to be primarily due to donor antibodies activating pulmonary neutrophils in recipients. Recently, a large prospective case controlled clinical study of cardiac surgery patients demonstrated that despite implementation of male donors, a high
Transfusion of antibody-opsonized red blood cells results in a shift in the immune response from the red blood cell to the antibody in a murine model
BACKGROUND: It is well known that infusion of immunoglobulin (Ig)G-coated cells results in an inhibited antigen-specific humoral immune response compared to the cells themselves, a phenomenon termed antibody-mediated immune suppression (AMIS). Although this AMIS effect has been well described with many different types of cells as well as vaccines and insoluble antigens, the mechanisms behind this
Platelets and innate immunity
Although platelets are best known as primary mediators of hemostasis, this function intimately associates them with inflammatory processes, and it has been increasingly recognized that platelets play an active role in both innate and adaptive immunity. For example, platelet adhesive interactions with leukocytes and endothelial cells via P-selectin can lead to several pro-inflammatory events, inclu