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Radiation protection measurements in clinical practice - Dosimetry with NaCl pellets

Persondosimetri för vårdpersonal, som i sitt yrke exponeras för joniserande strålning, är ständigt ett hett ämne och under konstant utveckling. Stråldosen mäts och registreras för att uppfylla riktlinjer och lagar, som syftar till att hålla personal säkra vid arbete med joniserande strålning. Det finns en rad olika sätt att mäta stråldoser till en människa. För att effektivt uppskatta och mäta strWithin the field of medical radiation protection, radiation safety and personal dosimetry, there is a constant pursuit for improving existing methods and evaluating new approaches for measuring and quantifying the radiation doses that hospital staff may be exposed to in their clinical work. There are numerous ways of determining what doses the staff are being exposed to and the most commonly used

Trends, structures and patterns of inequality and growth in Swedish regions: An analysis of the spatio-temporal patterns in the development of inequality and income in Sweden 1990–2016

This thesis analyses the spatio-temporal patterns of inequality and income growth in Sweden during the time-period 1990–2016. It aims at answering the question of whether there has been increasing inequalities, if so where and why. The study is motivated by the ongoing debate on regional development in research, public policy and media which frequently raise questions on the ongoing patterns of in

Studenters berättelser om ensamhet

Author: Ebba Eiroff Title: Students narratives of loneliness Supervisor: Kristina Göransson Assessor: Mats Hilte The aim for this qualitative study was to examine university students experiences of loneliness based on Erving Goffman’s dramaturgy theory, together with the conceptions of normality, shame and guilt. How students describe feelings of loneliness and how they relate their experiences t

Mellan hav och land

Att jag intresserar mig för stranden som plats för mitt examensarbete är kanske inte så konstigt. Som vågsurfare har jag tillbringat mycket tid på stranden och ute bland vågorna. Genom surfingen har jag upplevt många olika kuststräckor och vågor på jorden, men just stranden och surfingen i Sverige har fångat mitt intresse. Här är årstidernas förändringar och havets stormar de största utmaningarna,It is not that surprising that I chose the beach as the subject of my thesis. As a surfer, I have spent a lot of time on the beach and among the waves. Through surfing I have experienced a wide variety of coastlines around the world, but the beaches of Sweden have peaked my interest. The changing of the seasons and the ocean´s storms are the biggest challenges here for a surfer, not the size of th

Dark personality traits explain individual differences in organizational preferences

Research in personality psychology has shown that individuals choose careers led by their personality. More specifically, dark personality traits seem to drive people towards specific environments—with detrimental effects in the workplace. This study investigated whether individuals who selectively choose a job in particular organizations possess dispositions associated with behaving abusively and

”Ensamhet är lika farligt som att röka” : En perspektivanalys av medias framställning av psykisk ohälsa bland äldre.

The purpose of this study was to investigate how the mental illness of the elderly was constructed in the newspapers Göteborgs-Posten and Sydsvenskan during the years 2016 to 2018. The study also examined the causes that are described as being behind the mental illness of the elderly and if mental illness of the elderly is described as a societal problem. The study has its roots in social construc

Konsten att göra det obegripliga begripligt : en interventionsstudie om retorisk undervisning i populärvetenskap

Populärvetenskapens syfte är att göra det obegripliga begripligt. Den kan betraktas som en användarvänlig brygga mellan oss och vetenskapen för att förstå världen. Den är inte endast en nödvändighet för forskningens framtid utan agerar även som ett didaktiskt inlärningsredskap. Den påverkar vår omvärldsförståelse, våra livsbeslut och bör rimligtvis betraktas som ett viktigt fundament i samhällets

Reduction of Crosstalk Distortion in 5G

Increasing demand for higher data rates in wireless communication systems has tremendously evolved over the last years. This demand is rapidly increasing with rising in number of wireless devices. Advanced antenna systems (AAS) – known as massive MIMO – is one of the central enabling radio technologies for 5G cellular systems that significantly increase the data rates provided for data-hungry appl

Social Media - Driver or Bummer? A qualitative analysis of the relationship building on Social Media between student non-profit organizations and volunteers

The non-profit sector is reliant on volunteers and strong relationships with volunteers help retain them. These relationships with volunteers always need to be built and maintained. Organizations use Social Media to inform the stakeholders, build a community, and activate volunteers, but the dialogue is often hardly reached. The understanding that communication constitutes organizations allows the

Undersökning av mindre förkastningar för vattenuttag i sedimentärt berg kring Kingelstad och Tjutebro

På gränsen mellan Helsingborgs och Bjuvs kommun ligger ett område vars förutsättningar för grundvattenuttag bedöms vara dåliga. Av den anledning har en undersökning utförts över en förkastning, tolkad av SGU i just detta område, för att se om denna kan vara vattenförande eller om det kan finnas andra vattenförande strukturer i berget. Förkastningen och det omkringliggande området har undersökts meIn an area on the border between Helsingborg and Bjuv municipality a fault has been mapped by the Swedish Geological Survey (SGU) and since this area have poor prerequisites for groundwater outtake this is of big interest. This is also the reason why this survey have been carried out to try to identify if the fault is water-bearing and to find its position with a better accuracy then could be gath

Mechanisms of “cocktail effects” in skin sensitization – investigation of (danger) signal integration and the role of autophagy in a dendritic cell model

Exposure to skin sensitizers on a daily basis has been leading to a high prevalence of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) among the general population. Single substances have been thoroughly studied for their skin sensitizing potential, yet little is known about the cellular mechanisms of so-called “cocktail effects” of mixtures. It has been suggested that induction of oxidative stress, and more re

Effekterna av Riksbankens kvantitativa lättnader på svenska statsobligationer

Since the financial crisis of 2007-2008, unconventional monetary policy methods have been widely used by central banks around the world. In 2015, Sweden initiated a program of quantitative easing with the aim of regaining economic stability. The purpose of this essay is to study how Sweden’s monetary policy with quantitative easing, has effected Swedish government bonds. Using an event study, this

Automated Orienting of Water Molecules in Neutron Crystal Structures

Vid läkemedelsutveckling används proteiner vars funktion är beroende på hur det är veckat (dess konformation). Denna veckning påverkas i sin tur av vätebindningar från vatten, som bildar vätskemiljön i kroppen där medicinen ska verka och styrkan av vätebindningar påverkas i sin tur av vattenmolekylernas orientering kring proteinet. För att kunna förutse proteinets funktion i kroppen är det därför A protein’s function is directly related to its structure, which is in a water medium where it is affected by hydrogen bonds and the hydrophobic effect. These interactions are in turn dependent on the water molecules’ orientations around the protein. Therefore, it is vital to have correct orientations for the water molecules. Such information can be obtained by neutron crystallography. However, ev


The main goal of this project was to create a table which could be used in different heights and for different purposes. Height adjust- ments would allow the users to be seated in different ergonomic positions. The affordance of being able to use the table for different purposes is valuable for a compact living situation. Reports regarding our constantly changing living situations and the ben

Moving through the clinical pipeline

Biotech companies on the stock market follow a rigorous clinical process for their product development. The implications of this for investors is an alternative approach to stock valuation that incorporates the uncertainty to the potential future cash flows will be realized. The 3- step clinical process prior to regulatory approval each increase the probability of having drug candidates approved.

Sequential analyses in psychological research using Bayesian statistics

It is important in psychological research to use well planned methods that are as time and resource efficient as possible, without jeopardizing the reliability and validity of psychological science. The present paper aims to test how sequential analyses could be implemented in psychological research using Bayesian statistics. With sequential analyses it is possible to stop an experiment or study i

A study of foreign exchange student’s consumption motivations from a food tourism perspective in Shanghai, China

Despite the massive growth of the tourism industry worldwide in the past years, there is still a noticeable scarcity in scientific and scholarly literature when it comes to the phenomenon of food tourism, or simply the awareness that food and beverages play a vital role within the tourism industry. Particularly in developing countries but also in cosmopolitan cities such as Shanghai, food tourism


The Special Criminal Court in the Central African Republic becomes the first hybrid or internationalised criminal tribunal to be created since the coming into existence of the International Criminal Court in 2002. Born out of the realisation that the Central African Republic was a phantom State without a properly functioning national criminal justice system with no capacity to bring justice and ac