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Inventory control of finished goods for the aftermarket.

Background TitanX Engine Cooling is a global supplier of powertrain cooling solutions to commercial vehicles, both for OEMs and the independent aftermarket. The company with annual sales of over 1.6 billion SEK (US$ 192 million) has some 800 employees worldwide. TitanX is headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden and has manufacturing sites in Sweden, USA, Brazil, China and Mexico. Its manufacturing fac

The influence of subjective and objective knowledge of ecolabels on consumers’ green purchasing practices

Understanding of consumers’ green purchasing behaviour is a relevant topic for businesses around the world and an interesting research field, considering the issue of climate change. This study investigates the associations of young Swedish consumers’ subjective knowledge, objective knowledge, confusion and information acquisition with regards to commonly found ecolabels. The purpose is to shed li

Medlemskap i bostadsrättsförening - Styrelsens möjligheter att neka medlemskap av ekonomiska skäl och dess skadeståndsrättsliga ansvar

En bostadsrättsförenings styrelse ska pröva varje medlems förmåga att uppfylla sitt ekonomiska åtagande mot föreningen innan inträde beviljas. Detta åtagande är primärt bestående av erläggande av den i stadgarna specificerade årsavgiften. Om en sådan bedömning leder föreningen att misstänka att den sökande inte klarar av det ekonomiska åtagandet kan medlemskap avslås enligt 2 kap. 3 § 1st BrL. DenA co-operative housing associations board shall try every potential members ability to fulfill its economic commitment to the association before entry is granted. The economic commitment is primarily consisting of paying the annual fee required by the co-operative housing associations statutes. If the assessment of the subjects economy is not to satisfaction, membership can be denied according to

Detektion av dieselförorenat råvatten i vattenverk med fluorescens och UV-vis spektrometri

Göta älv är Sveriges största vattendrag som sträcker sig från Vänern ner till Kungälv där bifurkationen delar den i Nordre älv och Göta älv (Göteborgsgrenen). Vattendraget är ett riksintresse och används bland annat för fiske, rekreation, som recipient och framförallt råvattentäkt för många kringliggande vattenverk som försörjer cirka 700 000 invånare. Kungälv kommun bygger och planerar inför ettGöta älv is the largest river in Sweden, which runs from the Lake Vänern into Kattegatt. The river is of national interest and is used as a drinking water supply for 700 000 inhabitants, for fishing, recreation and as a recipient for treated wastewater. The water quality is affected by runoff waters, precipitation, waste water and accidental spills from industry and vessels. Kungälv County is in

Gummigranulat på konstgräsplaner - en miljörisk till följd av spridning via dagvattensystemet.

Gummigranulat på konstgräsplaner - En miljörisk till följd av spridning via dagvattensystemet Nikoline Gustafsson Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning av kandidatexamen i miljövetenskap maj 2017, Lunds universitet. Den här rapporten fokuserar på gummigranulat på konstgräsplaner och hur de tar sig ut i miljön via de svenska dagvattensystemet. Det är intressant att veta hur gummigranulat ter sig i oArtificial football fields contains rubber granulate wich tends to disappear from the fields and into the environment via the storm water system. The number of football fields made of artificial turf in Sweden is increasing. Because the synthetic turf have better qualities compare to natural turf, especially in the northen climate because the artificial turf can be used even in the winter. The amo

The link between secondary organic aerosol and monoterpenes at a boreal forest site

Secondary organic aerosol (SOA) plays a significant role in climate change by altering the global atmospheric radiation budget. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are major sources for the formation of SOA. Their relationship is critical to understand the continental biosphere-aerosol-cloud-climate (COBACC) feedback mechanism but receives less attention in previous studies. In this study,

Hur ska framtidens äldreboende utformas? -En fallstudie gjord på tre äldreboenden i Sverige

Boendet har en stark koppling till äldres livskvalitet. Utformningen av äldres boendemiljö är viktig då de spenderar mycket tid i och i nära anslutning till boendet. Boendemiljön påverkar hur trygg den boende känner sig där exempelvis hala golv eller dålig belysning kan skapa en känsla av otrygghet. Sveriges befolkning ökar och antalet invånare över 65 väntas öka från 1,9 miljoner 2014 till 3 milThe living environment has a strong connection with elderly's quality of life. The design of the elderly housing environment is important as they spend a lot of time in and near their home. The housing environment affects how safe the residents feel, for example slippery floors or poor lighting can create an insecurity. Sweden's population is increasing and the population of those over 65

Förekomsten av earnings management vid värdering av biologiska tillgångar - En fallstudie av den svenska skogsbranschen

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka förekomsten av earnings management i svenska skogsbolag, för att på så sätt belysa problematiken kring verkligt värde-värdering. Metod: Studien har genomfört som en fallstudie där datainsamling och analys har gjorts enligt en kvalitativ metod. Datainsamling består av en dokumentstudie och har kompletterats med semistrukturerade intervjuer. FallförePurpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the presence of earnings management in Swedish forestry companies. The aim is to illustrate the problem regarding valuation at fair value. Methodology: The study has been conducted as a case study where data collection and analysis have been done according to a qualitative method. The data collection consists of a document study which is supplemen

Digital Strategies and Strategic Alignment

Increased digitalization and increased use of digital technologies in a multitude of applications affect companies and their environments. Adapting to the change is important to keep competitive advantage. Generally, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as well as the manufacturing industry are lagging behind in digitalization and digital maturity in comparison to larger companies and other i

Classifying evasive malware

Malware are become increasingly aware of their execution environment. In order to avoid detection by automated analysis solutions and to obstruct manual analysis, malware authors are coming up with new ways for their malware to decide whether it should express its malicious behavior or not. Previous solutions to this problem focus on for example improving the stealth of analysis environments (to a

A study of the gratifications sought and obtained through using Enterprise Social Media: an employee perspective

En studie om sökta och erhållna belöningar genom användning av Enterprise Social Media: ett medarbetarperspektiv Många anser att ESM har potentialen att både förenkla och förbättra samarbete, och stärka det ”sociala kapitalet”, men ändå misslyckas 80% av implementationerna. Denna studie hoppas ge insikter i vad som driver de som ändå använder ESM, med förhoppningen att bidra till fler lyckade fraA study of the gratifications sought and obtained through using Enterprise Social Media: an employee perspective Although ESM is widely held to have the potential to improve both collaborative efficiency and to strengthen social ties among employees, around 80% of ESM implementations fail. This study aims to provide a clearer understanding of why some people do use ESM, which in turn can lead to

Water Literacy in Developing Country - A case study for Indonesia

Public participation is vital to ensure sustainable water management, and providing education is one of the way to trigger participation. For decades, developed countries try to educate their citizen to be environmentally literate, and for the water sector, water-related knowledge has been introduced to the public by schools, municipalities and water utilities. The condition is harder for developi

Fluid Communities: Examining the Cultural-Economic Processes Behind Craft Beer

The drastic increase of craft breweries globally in recent decades has given birth to a community of beer drinkers who bring with them new values, rituals, and practices. This thesis will explore the development of craft beer communities based on primary research from fieldwork undertaken in 2016 with two case study breweries, Saint Arnold in Houston, Texas and Mikkeller in Copenhagen, Denmark. Us

Utförande och uppföljning av riskhantering i byggprojekt

Risk management is a process that is necessary in projects, yet there are companies that are either performing it or not performing it thoroughly. Studies show that projects, where risk management is involved in the process, succeed better in aspects such as time and budget. Risk management consists of identifying, analysing, doing a risk response and monitoring. There are different types of risk

Kassaflödesanalys sett ur kreditgivarens ögon

Syfte: Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka kassaflödesanalysens omtvistade användbarhet. Utifrån kreditgivarnas perspektiv beskriva och analysera områdena där kassaflödesanalysen anses vara användbar vid kreditgivning till företag. Metod: En kvalitativ metod bestående av ett frågeformulär med 13 öppna frågor. Den empiriska datan består av svar från nio stycken kreditgivningsansvariga. TeoretiskaPurpose: The purpose of this research paper is to investigate the debatable usefulness of the cash flow statement. From the creditors perspective, describing areas where the cash flow statement is considered useful for corporate loans. Methodology: A qualitative method consisting of a questionnaire with 13 open questions. The empirical data consists of responses from nine creditors. Theoretical pe

Adoption and continued use of hybrid rice: Case of Haryana State, India

India’s productivity of rice production lags behind China’s. Given its status as global food supplier, it is not only national but also world’s concern. As part of an effort to improve rice productivity, India increased investments in research on breeding, which has resulted in many new varieties with higher yield suitable and available for Indian farmers. Despite the effort to encourage hybrid ri

Accounts - En komparativ studie av Sverige och Singapore

Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka hur accounts används i finansiell rapportering av företag som misslyckades att nå prognoser av analytiker. Vi ämnade dessutom att undersöka likheter och skillnader avseende användandet av accounts bland utvalda företag i Sverige och Singapore.

Angels Without Wings – The Feminine Ideal and its Consequences in Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, Lessing’s “To Room Nineteen” and Munro’s “Too Much Happiness”

In this essay, the feminine ideals in Virginia Woolf’s To the Lighthouse, Doris Lessing’s “To Room Nineteen” and Alice Munro’s “Too Much Happiness” are analysed and compared to the ideal of the Angel in the House – an ideal that originates from Coventry Patmore’s poem The Angel in the House and was popularised by Virginia Woolf’s paper “Professions for Women”. In addition, the consequences of this