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Specialised Enterprise Software Vendors and their Development Process of Pricing Models - An empirical Case Study of a German Software Vendor

Authors: Florian Drechsler and Frederik Mante Advisors: Martin Blom Keywords: Pricing Models, Software Vendors, Pricing Model Development, Pricing Theories Purpose: To investigate the development process of software pricing models with special regard to the enterprise software market. Further, we looked at existing pricing theories in order to assess their applicability on the market of special

Abelian gauge symmetries in the two-Higgs-doublet model

The two-Higgs-doublet model is a promising extension of the Standard Model of particle physics, but it contains a large number of free parameters. With the intention to constrain this freedom, the model has been studied under different symmetries. In particular, a full classification of Abelian global symmetries has been presented in 2011. However, breaking global symmetries spontaneously leads to u

"Sätt guldkant på vardagen!" En studie om kvinnors konsumtion av weekendresor

Fenomenet weekendresor har blivit en växande nisch inom dagens turismsektor och utifrån det väcktes vårt intresse. Syftet med studien är att analysera och skapa en djupare förståelse för kvinnors konsumtion av weekendresor genom att se på vilken betydelse olika drivkrafter har. Utifrån syftet har två frågeställningar formulerats, vad är det som bidrar till att kvinnor väljer att åka på weekendreso

Säkra gång- och cykelkorsningar på landsbygden

This thesis is about how to design a secure intersection for pedestrian and cyclists. There are many people that take the car to the work instead of cycling because they don´t feel safe on the way to work cycling. This thesis strives to show which measures there are to make both the intersection and bicycle path safer and with a better comfort. This thesis also evaluates the studies in the literat

Atelier Transylvania - An ethical fashion production through architecture

The author of this work has launched a Swedish brand producing fine quality leather goods and acquired an atelier operating in the heart of Transylvania, Romania, with the manufacturing of leather goods since 1991. The production house now needs a new building in Cluj in order to grow and meet the new work ethics. As a response to the collapse of a sewing factory building in Bangladesh 2013, kill

Deliberation och politikproffs i samhällsdebatten

This thesis studies the occurence of deliberative democracy and policy professionals in the Swedish public debate. To analyse deliberative democracy, a framework based on theories by political scientists Amy Gutmann and Dennis Thompson is created. Correspondingly, a theoretical framework based on research by social anthropologist Christina Garsten, political scientist Bo Rothstein and sociologist

Effekter av ett kartläggningsbesök för individer med betydande hörselnedsättning

Syfte: Syftet med studien är att undersöka effekten av ett kartläggningsbesök med efterföljande telefonuppföljning på användande av kommunikationsstrategier och hörselrelaterad livskvalitet för individer med betydande hörselnedsättning (TMV4 60-69 dB HL på bättre örat). Metod: Ett kartläggningsbesök utformades där fokus låg på individen och dennes upplevda besvär kring den egna hörselnedsättningen

Development of a digitalization tool for linking thematic data to a background map

Cartographic mashups present geographic data from various sources. A typical example is adding thematic data on top of a multi-scales background map. Currently, thematic data and multi-scales background data are not linked together in cartographic mashups which may have potential problems such as inconsistency of scale ranges. However, in some cases, thematic data and background data have some ide

The Relationship between Corporate Environmental Performance and Corporate Financial Performance in Green Road Transportation

In times of climate change, companies face extreme pressure from external stakeholders to engage in environmental sustainability activities. Especially companies of industries that significantly contribute to the global carbon emissions are expected to change their behaviour. There, the road freight transportation business is known for its particularly heavy impact. Being forced to adapt to change

Unagi-sentences in Japanese and Korean: A comparative study based on acceptability judgments

Unagi-sentences are, as defined in this thesis, sentences where there is a mismatch between the literal interpretation of the sentence and its meaning in context, often accompanying an apparent violation of selection restrictions of the predicate. This thesis argues that the phenomenon of unagi-sentences shows more variation than previously thought, as well as provides a much needed comparison of

Disaster-induced Displacement: The Case of Small Island Developing States in the Pacific and the Caribbean

In 2015, 19.2 million people have been internally displaced globally in the context of disasters (IDMC, 2016). This is more than twice the number of people who have been newly displaced by conflict in the same period (IDMC, 2016). The small island developing states (SIDS) in the Pacific and the Caribbean belong to the most hazard-prone regions of the world. Yet, the dynamics of disaster-induced di

Incorporating Indigenous Knowledge in the Local Government’s Early Warning System: A Case Study from Baringo County, Kenya

There is growing interest in using indigenous knowledge to supplement scientific early warning systems within disaster risk reduction. In October 2016, the government in Baringo County, Kenya incorporated indigenous knowledge in a drought scenario building and response-planning workshop. Specifically, three indigenous forecasters provided weather forecasts using star movements and goat intestines.

Strategic use of Additive Manufacturing

Då additiv tillverkning utvecklas i en exponentiell takt och är på väg mot industrialisering är det svårt att hålla reda på vad som är möjligt att uppnå idag och vad som kan förväntas imorgon. Utgångspunkten för detta examensarbete är en återspegling av en global bild giltig idag för vad som är möjligt att uppnå med additiv tillverkning och inspiration av dess användning inom tillverkningsindustriAs additive manufacturing is developing at an exponential rate and is stepping towards industrialization, it is difficult to keep track of what is possible to achieve today and also what can be expected tomorrow. The starting point of this thesis work is a global picture valid today of what is possible to achieve with additive manufacturing and also inspiration of its use in the manufacturing indu

Evaluation of an adiabatic pre-reactor concept for methanol oxidation

Formaldehyd är en kemikalie som används till allt möjligt. I första hand används den som en råvara till andra kemiska fabriker, men kan också användas för att göra olika typer av laminater. Johnson Matthey Formox är ett företag som utvecklar och säljer fabriker som producerar formaldehyd. Formaldehyd skapas när metanol reagerar med syre under specifika situationer. Formox har gjort många utvecklinA pre-adiabatic reactor concept for catalytic methanol oxidation was investigated. The reason was the possibilities of a reduced catalyst reloading time and reduced deflagration risk. An adiabatic reactor pilot was constructed. Trials were performed to confirm that the pilot was running at an adiabatic state. Information about the pilot pressure drop, temperature profile and outlet composition was

Robusthet och fortskridande ras av 22-våningshus med trästomme

Intresset för att bygga fler och högre trähus i Sverige har senaste tiden ökat bland annat då trä är ett betydligt mer miljövänligt alternativ att bygga med än stål och betong. Stomsystem i trä har dock ingen naturlig sammanhållning likt en platsgjuten betongstomme och därför måste anslutningarna i en trästomme hanteras explicit. RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) driver en konceptstudie om högaThe interest in building more and higher timber buildings in Sweden has recently increased, for example, because wood is a much more environmentally friendly alternative to construct with then steel and concrete. Frame system in wood has no natural cohesion like a cast concrete frame and therefore the connection in a wooden frame must be managed explicitly. RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden) run

She seldoms to what? An investigation into adverbial verbs and interrogative verbs in verb-initial languages

Adverbial verbs and interrogative verbs are two relatively rare and underexplored linguistic phenomena that are investigated in this typological study. Adverbial verbs are verbal constituents that possess the morphosyntactic properties of verbs but that encode manner and temporal information, instead of referring to states or events as verbs prototypically do. Interrogative verbs possess the morph

Tätortsnära naturvård - exempel från en sandödlepopulation i Malmö

I utkanten av Malmö ligger en övergiven militär skjutbana i anslutning till friluftsområdet Husie mosse. Vid en första anblick ser området inte mycket ut för världen med sin sparsamma växtlighet, diverse sopor och inte sällan en eller ett par utbrända mopedkadaver. För den som beger sig till den solbelysta sydsluttningen finns det dock mycket att upptäcka: fjärilar, bivargar och inte minst sandödlIn the outskirts of Malmö, Sweden a small population of sand lizard Lacerta agilis resides in a disused shooting range close to the recreation area known as Husie mosse. This species is listed in the national swedish red list as vulnerable and is declining throughout most of northwestern Europe. It is therefore included in The Habitats Directive, a European Union directive which aims to protect th

Ensamvargen och flocken. En kvalitativ textanalys av svensk dagspress rapportering från terrorattentaten i Nice och Oslo

Den här uppsatsen syftar till att ta reda på hur media rapporterar kring terrorattentat beroende på om terroristen är muslim eller icke-muslim. Genom att använda sociologen Norbert Elias teori om Etablerade och outsiders har jag för avsikt att se huruvida media producerar och ökar skillnader mellan grupper genom sin rapportering. Två specifika attentat kommer att behandlas; terrorattentatet i Norg