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Mitigation of flux produced by geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) on power transformers with delta windings

Geomagnetically induced currents (GIC) arise in our power system due to fluctuationsin the earths magnetic field, which commonly is caused by space weather events. Thesecurrents may result in core saturation for transformers that get exposed. The purposeof this project is to clarify the possibility of reconnecting the delta connected tertiarywindings in order to mitigate the saturation that is cau

"I expected a male reporter" : a qualitative interview-study of the Kerala working culture in media newsrooms

This thesis is a qualitative interview-study of the working conditions for female journalists within an Indian and Keralan context focusing on the female body and spaces. The study takes place in the Keralan society focusing on how women journalists cope with working in a traditional male dominated area and how the female body somehow is seen as an invader in the journalism field, based on pre-ass

Business Angel Investment Process: A study on how fundamentals and experiential learning shape the investment process of Business Angels

Purpose – This research attempts to add to the understanding of how BAs shape their investment process and how different forms of experience influence this process. By this we will further build on the findings of Harrison et al. (2015) and aim to answer the questions: ‘How do BAs’ fundamentals and investment experiences shape their applied investment strategies and criteria? and ‘Is their experie

Företags redovisning av negativa aspekter i hållbarhetsrapporter

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att beskriva och analysera företagsfaktorer vid redovisning av negativa aspekter i hållbarhetsredovisning. Uppsatsen syftar vidare till att belysa hur företag rättfärdigar negativa aspekter i hållbarhetsredovisning. Metod: Innehållsanalys har använts för att mäta negativa aspekter i hållbarhetsrapporter. För att vår innehållsanalys ska kunna följas upp och replikPurpose: The purpose of this study is to describe and analyse corporate determinants of disclosing negative aspects in sustainability reports. Further the purpose is to shed light on how negative aspects are justified in sustainability reports. Methodology: Content analysis is used to measure negative aspects in sustainability reports. To enable content analysis to be performed in a replicable man

The Pursuit of Happiness - Satisfaction from Employment and Entrepreneurship

On average, entrepreneurs have lower incomes than employed individuals, work longer hour, and endure more stress. In spite of the grim reality, research has consistently shown entrepreneurs are more satisfied with their lives than employees. Through interviews with three former employees who have all undergone a transition to entrepreneurship, this study brings an in-depth understanding of how a s

Motivation i lärandet. Elevers upplevelser av motiverande faktorer i en lärandesituation

Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur lärare jobbar med att motivera sina elever och vad eleverna uppfattar som motiverande. Detta är gjort genom att intervjua fyra personer som har haft en musiklärare som har varit en betydelsefull motivationskälla för dem. Studien är gjord med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer, där jag har utgått ifrån kategorier inom motivation som är tydliga i tidigare fThe purpose of the thesis is to study how teachers work to motivate their students and what the students perceive as motivating. This is done by interviewing students who have had a music teacher who has been a significant motivation source for them. The study is done using semi-structured interviews, and is based on motivation categories that were clear in previous research. Through the method, t

Att inte låta det bästa bli det möjligas fiende - Om demokratins förutsättningar i ljuset av en krismedveten och reaktiv politik

Studiens ambition är att bidra med ökad förståelse kring en demokratisk problematik, i ljuset av hur ekonomiska och ideologiska utvecklingar framkallat en allt mer reaktiv, krismedveten och teknokratisk hållning inom politiken. Sett till en teoretisk kartläggning av dessa tendenser av bl.a. Hartmut Rosa, Wolfgang Streeck, Zygmunt Bauman och ekonomihistorikern Jenny Andersson, anlägger studien en d

Energy Patents, CO2 Emissions, CO2 Intensity and Economic Growth: Denmark and the Netherlands, 1976-2007

Denmark and the Netherlands had different approaches to deal with the repercussions of the oil crisis of 1973: Denmark focused on the development of renewables, and the Netherlands developed their natural gas sector. The varying approaches create the possibility to measure and generalize the dynamics of energy innovations on CO2 output in small developed countries. This thesis relates the energy p

Skydda förpackningen - En uppsats om förpackningsutstyrselskyddet inom varumärkesrätten och marknadsrätten

I uppsatsen behandlas hur skyddet för förpackningsutstyrslar ser ut idag i varumärkesrätten och marknadsföringsrätten. Genom rättsdogmatisk metod redogörs för hur skyddet ser ut i dagsläget och vilka avväganden som behöver klargöras avseende rättskraft med hänsyn till den nya domstolsordningen. Med belysning i praxis är det tydligt att element så som ord- och figurmärken, färg och form tas in i bThrough research in legal acts, legislative history, judgments, and doctrine this paper presents the requirements protection for product trough trademark laws and through the Swedish Marketing Act. The thesis also raises the matter of the complication of legal force which might arise from the new possibility of petitioning for another product packaging to be banned from the market and action for d

Methods for Finding Structural Variations in DNA Barcodes

Att gå till doktorn och få antibiotika för behandling av exempelvis sin halsfluss eller öroninflammation är idag en självklarhet för många. Huvudparten av befolkningen tar förmodligen detta privilegium för givet, men faktum är att en post-antibiotisk era, d.v.s. en framtid helt utan verksam antibiotika, kan vara bortom hörnet. The World Health Organization (WHO) har nämligen utropat antibiotikaresRapid spread of antibiotic resistance is currently one of the greatest threats to human health according to the World Health Organization [1] [2]. It is directly connected to horizontal gene transfer of plasmids, wherein resistance-coding genes often appear as structural variations (SVs). Therefore, developing comprehensive and rapid tools for detecting SVs is of great importance in both clinical

The battle for reparation for cholera victims in Haiti

In 2010, an explosive cholera epidemic erupted in Haiti, killing close to 10.000 people and injuring some 800.000. Several scientific reports have traced the spread of the bacterium back to the United Nations base in the Mirebalais in Haiti, which hosted the Nepalese peacekeeping contingent. Subsequent claims for reparation filed by cholera victims have been rejected by the United Nations which de

Interregional inequality and ethnicity

This paper investigates the role of ethnicity in regional economic divergence across the Mexican states based on each state’s overall access to government services such as education, public infrastructure and healthcare based on the latest available data. The paper uses Mexico as a case study using the country’s three main ethnicities (Indigenous, Mestizo and European) as dependent variables for r

Implications of encampment for the potential of Cash Based Transfer assistance

This study explores the implications of an encampment policy - criminalising refugees’ mobility beyond the borders of a camp - for the potential of Cash Based Transfer assistance in protracted refugee situations. As the success of Cash Based Transfer assistance implies market availability and access to commodities, and certain interaction between the host community and refugee population, it is ar