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Your search for "*" yielded 532361 hits

Daddies pushing strollers: How family policies can affect gender equality: A case study of parental leave reforms in France

Because gender inequalities in the private sphere have for consequences the development of a second-class citizenship for women, aiming for gender equality in the private sphere is fundamental in order to tend towards equality in the society as a whole. Yet, it is a complex goal to reach. Indeed, family policies are only a small part of a system where social, economic and cultural factors are inte

Combination of nanoparticles from polystyrene and the hormone 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) in water.

Interagerar plast och hormon med varandra i vatten? Utsläpp av läkemedel bidrar till att ett av de vanligaste syntetiska hormonen Ethinylestradiol (EE2) hamnar i akvatiska miljöer. Årligen bildas enorma mängder plast, när plasten hamnar ute i miljön bryts ned den till små nanopartiklar med speciella egenskaper. Denna studie undersöker hur EE2 och nanopartiklar binder till varandra i vatten. Av allPlastic materials and synthetic hormones are found in aquatic environments globally. Plastic in water can degrade to nanoparticles (NP) with special characteristics, in the environment nanoparticles and hormones have a proven effect on wildlife. Synthetic hormones are widely used in contraceptives and medications and one of the most common synthetic hormones used is 17-alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2)

Exploring Scientists' Communication Behaviour - A Theory of Planned Behaviour Approach

In this globalised world, the interest of the general public in scientific knowledge is ever increasing. Research institutions and especially the scientists are more and more in demand to communicate their research findings and inform the general public. Surveys, however, suggest that the scientists’ engagement is lacking, as only a small amount of is actually engaging. This study explores key fac

Child labour, child labour laws and economic growth - The case of Bolivia

The objective of this thesis is to conduct an illustrative case study examining how child labour and the decision to legalize child labour from age ten might impact Bolivia’s future economic growth and development. By doing so, this thesis yields insight into the issue of child labour and its impact on economic growth and development as well as the effectiveness of child labour laws and regulation

Hälsosammare friskvård - En kvalitativ studie av medarbetares syn på hälsa vid en svensk storbank

Hälsa är ett begrepp där forskare genom tiderna antagit flera olika perspektiv, såsom medicinska, psykologiska och filosofiska, för att förstå vilka faktorer som påverkar människans hälsa i såväl negativ som positiv bemärkelse. Sedan 1970-talet har friskvård vuxit fram på den svenska arbetsmarknaden som ett samlat begrepp för de satsningar som en arbetsgivare investerar med syfte att förse medarbe

Tampering Classification Using Accelerometer Data

Network Video Door Stations are IP-based door stations for two-way communication, identification, and remote entry control. They have a number of different sensors e.g video, audio and accelerometer that can measure external data. These door stations serve multiple purposes including that of acting as a security feature and they are often exposed to malicious intent. The goal of this master thesis

Developing Teams in Startups

While team dynamics is a heavily researched topic, the applicability within startup companies is fairly uncommon within entrepreneurship academic research. Therefore, the purpose is to analyze the application of team development theories on startups and present team development tendencies. The ambition is to provide information for entrepreneurs to consider in their new or already existing venture

En tidig alkoholdebut - Vad spelar det för roll? : En kvantitativ undersökning av debutålderns betydelse för utvecklingen av alkohol- och droganvändning, samt psykisk ohälsa bland ungdomar.

The purpose of this study was to investigate if there is an association between an early debut of alcohol and the development of alcohol- and drug use among adolescents in the second grade of gymnasium, in Skåne. The purpose was also to investigate if there is a connection to be found between an early debut of alcohol and the mental health among the adolescents and if so, how it looks like. In add

Spridningen av gummigranulat från konstgräsplaner. - En undersökning av Aggarpsvallen i Svedala kommun

Antalet konstgjorda fotbollsplaner har ökat drastiskt sedan några år tillbaka och i Sverige skapas runt 100 nya konstgräsplaner varje år. På planer läggs det så kallat gummigranulat, mycket små plastbitar av gummikaraktär, vilka huvudsakligen är framställda av gamla bildäck. Vad många inte vet är att dessa små plastbitar kan spridas till våra vattendrag och hav. Där kan de ha en negativ påverkan pThe use of artificial football fields has increased drastically in Sweden since a few years back. Moreover, approximately hundred new fields are created each year. The infill material, consisting of rubber granulate made of old tires, are classified as the second largest source of micro-plastic dispersion to the oceans. This study aims to investigate the spread of the rubber granulate from two art

"The medical assessment should give us an answer to the question we have posed: is the person a child or an adult?" The boundaries of medical age assessments on unaccompanied minors in Swedish asylum procedures.

With the events of 2015, commonly referred to as the refugee-situation, a light has been cast on various European Union member states’ handling of asylum seekers. In relation to overall stricter procedures, the Swedish state has proposed a series of restrictive policies to cope with the situation. Of focus is the Swedish government’s effort to regulate the area of unaccompanied minors seeking asyl

Attachment style, positive illusions and internet usage as predictors of online monitoring

The primary purposes of this study were to investigate the potential differences in interpersonal electronic surveillance (IES) between attachment styles and participant recruitment groups. People with anxious attachment were hypothesized to monitor their partners more than those who are avoidantly attached. A secondary purpose was to explore the possibility of different internet usage motivations

Forming a strategy for distribution inventory management

For most companies, especially the ones handling large flows of material there are buffers in different stages of the value chain, also referred to as inventory. By effectively managing inventories, businesses can see bottom line impact on financial performance factors such as revenue streams, costs and capital efficiency. The authors built a relevant frame of references based upon theories within

The Repugnant Conclusion and intuitions about large number cases

I diskussionen om den motbjudande slutsatsen har vissa filosofer försökt försvara utilitarismen genom att ifrågasätta tillförlitligheten hos våra intuitioner. Två typer av dessa försvar går att urskilja. Enligt det första är vår intuition inte tillförlitlig därför att vi har fel uppfattning om vad det innebär att leva ett liv knappt värt att leva. Enligt det andra är vår intuition inte tillförlitlIn this essay I consider whether it is possible to defend Utilitarianism against The Repugnant Conclusion by questioning the reliability of our intuitions about large number cases. The first part deals with a proposal by John Broome. Broome claims that our “homely intuitions” should be set aside in large number cases, just as our intuitions for building bridges should be set aside when spanning br

Egendomsskyddet vid tvångsvisa fastighetsregleringar mellan åren 1996 och 2018

Examensarbetet syftar till att beskriva rättsläget i Sverige med avseende på tvångsvisa fastighetsregleringar från tiden för Europakonventionens inkorporering i svensk lagstiftning till NJA 2018 s. 753. Examensarbetet har också syftat till att beskriva om det finns några generella typer av tvångsvisa fastighetsregleringsåtgärder som förekommer samt i vilken utsträckning de genomförts av LantmäteriThis thesis aims to describe to what extent property rights in the European Convention on Human Right and the Swedish Constitution of Law affect procedures according to the Property Formation Act Ch. 5. Especially when a property owner applies for a cadastral procedure without an agreement from the other parties. The thesis also aims to describe how often property rights has been taken in to accou

Localization of Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors in glutamatergic and GABAergic synaptosomes

HUR MAN FÄRGAR IN OCH RÄKNAR NERVCELLER I det här projektet försökte vi färga in olika beståndsdelar av nervceller för att se ifall de överlappar eller inte. En av dessa beståndsdelar är en receptor vid namnet Sphingosin-1-fosfat receptor och den har 5 olika typer som förekommer lite här och där i människokroppen men framförallt så förekommer den i det centrala nervsystemet, vilket vi är intresse

Automatisering av konstruktionsberäkningar för konceptuell design

Syftet med detta arbete är att undersöka möjligheterna kring att autor-matisera konstruktionsberäknngar i ett tidigt skede. Automatiseringensker med hjälp av det parametriska verktyget Grasshopper som är ettinsticksprogram till Rhino. I skriptet kan skjuväggar optiomeras stabi-lisera byggnaden med minsta möjliga materialmängd. Skriptet optime-rar placering, antal och storlek på skjuvväggarna i detThe purpose of this master’s thesis is to examine the possiblities of auto-mating construction design calculations used in the conceptual designphase.The automation will be created in the parametric toolkit Grasshopper3D which is based on Rhinoceros 3D. The script will be able to analysedifferent shear walls position in plane and calculate the horizintal forcesand moments which depends on the amou