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Praxitopia : Co-constituting a vibrant local street through shopping
In the last decades shopping’s spatiotemporal manifestations are changed radically in conjunction with proliferation of car usage, internationalization of retail sector, and construction of out-of-town malls (Wrigley & Lowe, 1996; Mansvelt, 2005; Kärrholm & Nylund, 2011; Aslan & Fredriksson, 2017). However, the main empirical focus laid mostly on the mainstream and spectacular geograph
Fotopionjären i Krimkriget
Online Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detection on Medical Wearable Sensors
Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) is one of the main under-diagnosed sleep disorder. It is an aggravating factor for several serious cardiovascular diseases, including stroke. There is, however, a lack of medical devices for long-term ambulatory monitoring of OSA since current systems are rather bulky, expensive, intrusive, and cannot be used for long-term monitoring in ambulatory settings. In this pa
Swedish primary care physicians’ intentions to use telemedicine : A survey using a new questionnaire – physician attitudes and intentions to use telemedicine (pait)
Background: Research on intentions to use telemedicine in primary care is sparse. This survey study explored primary care physicians’ intentions to use telemedicine by using a newly developed questionnaire: Physician Attitudes and Intentions to use Telemedicine. Methods: An anonymous web-survey with questions focusing on theory-based predictors of behavioral intentions such as Attitudes, Subjectiv
Structure-Function Relationships of Covalent and Non-Covalent BTK Inhibitors
Low-molecular weight chemical compounds have a longstanding history as drugs. Target specificity and binding efficiency represent major obstacles for small molecules to become clinically relevant. Protein kinases are attractive cellular targets; however, they are challenging because they present one of the largest protein families and share structural similarities. Bruton tyrosine kinase (BTK), a
Freedom to choose : Reproduction and women's agency in three Swedish films of the 1980s
Löjliga familjen : Skildringen av psykiatrin på Säter i Quick
Värdet av värdegrunder
Recension av Frode Ulvund, Religious Otherness and National Identity in Scandinavia, c. 1790–1960. The Construction of Jews, Mormons, and Jesuits as Anti-Citizens and Enemies of Society.
EU-krav på proportionalitet förändrar myndigheters roll
Under coronapandemin har åtgärderna mot smittspridning ofta diskuterats utifrån den så kallade proportionalitetsprincipen. Denna juridiska princip, som kan verka okontroversiell, innebär att myndigheternas åtgärder ska vara nödvändiga och lämpliga för att nå ett visst mål och att fördelarna med åtgärderna ska uppväga nackdelarna. Att ”lagom är bäst” uppfattas ju ofta som något typiskt svenskt, och
Aktivering och socialbidrag – utveckling, praktik och resultat
Trailblazing precision medicine in Europe : A joint view by Genomic Medicine Sweden and the Centers for Personalized Medicine, ZPM, in Germany
Over the last decades, rapid technological and scientific advances have led to a merge of molecular sciences and clinical medicine, resulting in a better understanding of disease mechanisms and the development of novel therapies that exploit specific molecular lesions or profiles driving disease. Precision oncology is here used as an example, illustrating the potential of precision/personalized me
First tracking of declining Caspian terns Hydroprogne caspia breeding in the Baltic Sea reveals high migratory dispersion and disjunct annual ranges as obstacles to effective conservation
The conservation of migratory species poses significant challenges that may be countered by detailed knowledge about the sites used by migrants throughout the annual cycle. We present the first GPS-tracking data on the migration of declining Caspian terns Hydroprogne caspia breeding in the Baltic Sea. For 39 Caspian terns from colonies along a latitudinal gradient from 57 to 65°N, we identified ke
Leveraging secrets : Displaced archives, information asymmetries, and ba'thist chronophagy in iraq
During ruptures in state power in both 1991 and 2003, varying groups and individuals seized many Iraqi state archival records, with some later taken outside of the country. Different Iraqi groups gathered unprotected archival records, as did US troops in 2003, while other records were destroyed on the ground in Iraq, likely by state employees, to maintain the records' secrets. Would the informatio
What happens when municipalities run corporations? Empirical evidence from 290 Swedish municipalities
Local governments are increasingly relying on municipally owned corporations (MOCs) to provide public services. Some describe this development as a rational response to austerity challenges and emphasise the cost-efficiency of MOCs (‘the optimistic view’). Others identify complications and associate MOCs with weak supervision, lack of accountability, and corruption risks (‘the sceptical view’). Hi
Magnetic resonance imaging incidents are severely underreported : a finding in a multicentre interview survey
Objectives: The purpose of this study was to develop a procedure to investigate the occurrence, character and causes of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging incidents. Methods: A semi-structured questionnaire was developed containing details such as safety zones, examination complexity, staff MR knowledge, staff categories, and implementation of EU directive 2013/35. We focused on formally reported inc
Clinical and Molecular Spectrum Associated with COL6A3 c.7447A>G p.(Lys2483Glu) Variant : Elucidating its Role in Collagen VI-related Myopathies
Background: Dominant and recessive autosomal pathogenic variants in the three major genes (COL6A1-A2-A3) encoding the extracellular matrix protein collagen VI underlie a group of myopathies ranging from early-onset severe conditions (Ullrich congenital muscular dystrophy) to milder forms maintaining independent ambulation (Bethlem myopathy). Diagnosis is based on the combination of clinical presen