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Sourcing Decisions of Software Applications Hosting: What Influence has e-Government Services

There are a lot of reasons reported for why organisations start a sourcing decision. This chapter discusses this theme based on two questions: Does the need and/or wish to increase e-Government services influence the start of a sourcing decision process aiming at reorganising hosting of software applications and if it does, how does it influence the start of such a decision-making process? The poi

Pancreatic Growth and Secretion. An Experimental Study on Growth Factors in Rat and Mouse

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bukspottkörteln, pancreas, är ett viktigt organ för ämnesomsättningen. Dess viktigaste funktioner är att tillverka enzymer och bikarbonat som utsöndras till tolvfingertarmen, duodenum samt hormoner som utsöndras till blodbanan. De viktigaste enzymerna är amylas som bryter ned olika sockerarter och stärkelse, lipas som bryter ned fett och trypsin som bryter ned proteinerThe pancreas is a central organ in the digestion of food as well as in glucose metabolism. Its two major functions are exocrine and endocrine secretion. These are meticulously regulated processes that depend on hormonal response to gastrointestinal contents and blood glucose levels through feedback mechanisms, but also to the status of pancreas in health and diseases. The present thesis aimed at f

The inequality possibility frontier: the extensions and new applications

The paper extends the Inequality Possibility Frontier (IPF) approach introduced by Milanovic, Lindert and Williamson (2011) in two methodological directions. It allows the social minimum to increase with the average income of a society, and it derives all the IPF statistics for two other inequality measures than the Gini. Finally, it applies the framework to contemporary data showing that the ineq

Teaching food engineering with the aid of multimedia

The explosive popularization of personal computers during the last decade, along with the appearance of the World Wide Web and of high-level programming techniques, has opened many new and exciting opportunities in the field of education. In this chapter, a review of existing types of multimedia material used in education and of some of the authoring tools used in the production of this material i

Space Weather Physics: Dynamic Neural Network Studies of Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Coupling

This thesis presents studies of solar wind-magnetosphere coupling using dynamic neural networks in combination with statistically correlative analysis. The primary contribution of the thesis is dynamic neural network models that can be implemented for near real-time predictions of geomagnetic storms from the solar wind alone. With acceptable accuracy, the prediction time has been extended up to 5

Realistic tissue dosimetry models using Monte Carlo simulations. Applications for radionuclide therapies

Popular Abstract in Swedish Vid radionuklidterapi används ett radioaktivt läkemedel för behandling av vissa sjukdomar, bl.a. struma och vissa tumörsjukdomar. En radionuklidmärkt målspecifik molekyl administreras till patienten och läkemedlet transporteras via blodomloppet till det sjuka området där molekylens egenskaper gör att läkemedlet ansamlas. Den joniserande strålningen som sänds ut från läkRadionuclide therapy (RNT) is a generic term for treatment modalities that use a radionuclide labeled to a target-specific molecule. This so-called radiopharmaceutical accumulates in the target, where the ionizing radiation damages the cells. At sufficient levels of radiation, the cells cannot repair themselves. The quantity of the energy deposited in a target region is referred to as the absorbed

FACE Disabled People, Technology and Internet

Popular Abstract in Swedish Denna avhandling baserar sig på de erfarenheter av Internet som ett antal människor med betydande kroppsliga funktionsnedsättningar gjort. Personerna i studierna är erfarna och duktiga dator- och Internetanvändare och har få eller inga funktionshinder i dator och online världen, men däremot stora funktionshinder i den fysiska världen. Deras functioning, förmåga attThis thesis is based on the Internet experiences of people with significant mobility/physical impairments who are proficient and experienced computer users in their computer world but have limitations in mobility that severely restrict their functioning in the physical world. The Internet functioning of this group is analysed by means of the factors attitude, control and enabling, with the m

Theoretical Reflections of Solvation in Polar Media

Popular Abstract in Swedish För mer än hundra år sedan visade Hofmeister och Lewith att vissa salter har mer eller mindre förmåga att destabilisera ett protein upplöst i vatten. Ungefär samtidigt, visade Arrhenius att salter upplösta i vatten dissocierar i olika joner. Joner är laddade stabila partiklar som är mycket viktiga för stabiliteten av kemiska och biologiska system. Det har under de senasUsing experiments it is rather easy to measure things on the macroscopic length scale, while it is much harder to measure something in the microscopic world like molecular structure. The opposite is true in theoretical chemistry. It is today rather easy to calculate a bond distance or a coordination number, but it is not possible to perform a calculation aiming at the description of macroscopic ph

Use of Thermal Manikins in International Standards

The first standards based on thermal manikin measurements were developed in the 1980s. In the Nordic countries tests for thermal insulation measurements of sleeping bags and cold protective clothing were developed. Similar standards were published in Germany by DIN and in the US by ASTM. At a European level, EN 342 describes test methods and requirements for cold protective clothing based on manik

Towards a dialectic complexity framework: Philosophical reflections

In this paper a dialectic complexity framework is presented and reflected upon. The purpose of the framework is to guide researchers and practitioners in rethinking and reframing underlying assumptions, and address how these have a possible influence and impact on researchers’ and practitioners’ processes of making sense, understanding, explaining, improving etc. aspects of different types of issu