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Why or Maybe Why Not Have an Alliance! - Case Studies of the Security Industry

Throughout the fall of 2006 and spring of 2007, more than 60 interviews were conducted on the topics of alliance and network building within the security industry. The interviews coupled with studies of academic research on the matter resulted in a number of pros and cons for alliance building as well as some general knowledge on the topic. The strongest facilitator for alliance building within th

Sociologiska perspektiv på religion i Sverige

Sverige framställs i internationella undersökningar som det mest sekulariserade landet i världen. Samtidigt har religion kommit att bli alltmer synligt i samhället på ett sätt som leder till nya och komplicerade frågor. Den här boken vill ge en introduktion i hur sociologiska perspektiv bättre kan hjälpa oss förstå och förklara religion i dagens Sverige. Fokus i boken ligger framförallt de uttryck

Serological diagnosis of human polyomavirus infection

Measurement of antibody titres to the human polyomaviruses BK and JC has for many years had to rely on Hemagglutination inhibition. In recent years, viral serology based on virus-like particles (VLPs) in enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) has become widely used for a variety of viruses. We sought to establish a modern method for serological diagnosis of BK and JC viruses, by using purified VLPs containing

Comparison Between Robust PID and Predictive PI Controllers with Constrained Control Signal Noise Sensitivity

A performance comparison between PID and predictive PI (PPI) controllers, i.e., two different prediction methods, is presented. Optimization of controller and measurement filter parameters, considering load disturbance rejection, robustness and noise sensitivity, is performed for a batch of industrially representative processes. For a majority of the processes and the constraints chosen, results s