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UWB channel measurements in an industrial environment

In this paper, we present the (to our knowledge) first measurement results for ultra-wideband channels in industrial environments, i.e., a factory hall. The measurements are done with virtual arrays, which allows analysis of the small-scale fading statistics, as well as a directional analysis. We find that there is dense multipath scattering due to the abundance of metallic scatterers in the consi

Regulation of the exocrine pancreas in growing pigs, with special emphasis on entero-pancreatic reflexes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Bukspottkörteln (pankreas) består av en exocrin och en endocrin del. Den exocrina delen som studerats i denna avhandling innerhåller acinarceller som producerar bukspott innehållande matsmältningsenzymer. Dessa enzymer spjälkar proteiner, kolhydrater och fetter som finns i födan, till sina mindre beståndsdelar aminosyror, monosackarider och fettsyror. Efter sekretion avThe regulation of the exocrine pancreas has been under thorough investigation for many decades. In rats, cholecystokinin (CCK) is considered to be the major gut hormone stimulating the pancreas to releasing the digestive enzymes. CCK acts directly via CCK-A receptors in the pancreas, or through receptors located on the vagal afferents and stimulating the secretion via the cholinergic vagal efferen

A novel acceleration data compression scheme for wireless sensor network application in fresh food tracking system

An enhanced dual-layer wide area wireless sensor network (WSN) system was developed and applied in fresh food tracking application. The sensor nodes of WSN provide a set of useful measurements about the environmental conditions during the fresh food transportation. Since the 3-axis acceleration data in such application account for more than 99% out of all collected source data, we propose a novel

Best Practice Guideline: Transportation of People Seated in Wheelchairs, Version 2.21.

Summary, key points: Transport considerations ought to be factored into the initial phase of the wheelchair & seating assessment process. Manufacturers of wheelchairs and seating systems should make information relating to the safe transportation of their products readily available - and easy to understand. With the desire to provide the safest possible transport environment for wheelchair-se

Space, Culture and the Youth in Iran: Observing Norm Creation Processes at the Artists' House

This book uses the case of the Artists' House, a cultural center in Tehran, to place the socio-political implications of Iran's social and cultural transformation in a local-global context. The author examines the bipolar dimension of openness to change versus conservation and the role of these values in Iranian society generally as well as in the context of everyday life in Tehran. The text addre

Incentive and desire: covering a missing category

There is a rhetoric in current European political agenda for widening access to ICT’s as part of a strategy for encouraging greater participation in public life. We argue against a naïve assumption that technology in itself could provide solutions. Knowing that systems with potential for meaningful use are available is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition to bring about desire for use in any

Which Entitlements and for Whom? The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities and its Ideological Antecedents

The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD), adopted by the UN in 2006, represents the coming of age of a human rights approach to disability. In doing so, it provides answers to the questions what ‘disability’ is, who ‘persons with disabilities’ are and what entitlements are legitimate and relevant in relation to ‘disability’. Partly, these answers flow from the heritage of i