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Parton Cascades and Hadronisation in High Energy Processes

Popular Abstract in Swedish Lunds strängfragmenteringsmodell beskriver hur färgade partiklar (kvarkar och gluoner, tillsammans kallade partoner) som produceras vid högenergetisk partikelkollisioner omvandlas till färgneutrala hadroner. Denna avhandling utvecklar och utforskar ett alternativt tillvägagångssätt till modellen. Den nya infallsvinkeln förbättrar modellen för system som består av många The Lund string fagmentation model was reformulated as a process along the boundary curve of the string called the directrix, in order to treat multigluon strings according to the Lund model area law. It was found that the hadrons in the final state could be collected into several groups, in such a way that the energy-momenta of the hadrons in a group lie in a plane in the Minkowski space within s

Coordinating Actors in the Fight against HIV/AIDS: From "Lead Agency" to Public-Private Partnerships

The chapter traces the development of the international response to the pandemic of HIV/AIDS from the designation of the World Health Organization (WHO) as “lead agency” in the late 1980s to the emergence of a variety of public-private partnerships from the 1990s onwards. This trajectory is related to general trends in global public health governance. Existing partnerships in the field of HIV/AIDS

Elites, networks and the Finnish connection in Birka

In research on Birka strong focus has since long been directed towards long-distance contacts with Western as well with and Northeastern Europe (todays Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). The great attention paid to west- and east European contacts has likely contributed to that contacts with Finland have fallen out of the discussions. However as seen from studies of the pottery in Birka the Baltic Finn

New Insights into Fish Ecology via Nuclear Microscopy of Otoliths

Otoliths, or earstones, are small, biogenic concretions of aragonitic calcium carbonate precipitated on a protein matrix. Otoliths form part of the hearing and balance system in teleost fishes, and grow as the fish grow, providing a continuous biochronology of growth. Various elements are entrained in minor and trace quantities. In particular, strontium is a useful scalar of habitat use when varia

VLSI implementation issues of lattice decoders for MIMO systems

Lattice decoders for MIMO systems, including the sphere decoder (SD) and the Schnorr-Euchner (SE) decoder, have been shown to approach the performance of Maximum-likelihood decoder with low complexity. There are three kinds of lattice decoder, sequential SD, K-best SD and sequential SE, which are popular in the literature. As a modification to the K-best SD, a lower complexity K-best SE is propose


On the basis of historical representations in astrological as well as non-astrological sources, the article discusses the position and function of astrologers within Hinduism and in Indian society generally, with particular consideration of the changes arising from the introduction of Greek astrology during the former half of the first millennium, increasing Muslim dominance from late medieval tim

Synthesis Towards Biologically Active Natural Products

Popular Abstract in Swedish Moder natur har i tusentals år varit en fantastisk källa till biologiskt aktiva substanser mänskligheten utnyttjat för att bota och förebygga sjukdomar. Från början användes olika beredningar och avkok från växter funna i närområdet som erfarenheten visat hade effekt mot åkomman man ville behandla. Detta har i modern tid utvecklats till att vi idag på ett systematiskt sIn 2005 two research groups independently reported the isolation of a series of structurally intriguing C-19 terpenolides from the plants Thapsia transtagana and Thapsia garganica. The compounds were shown to be potent inhibitors of the sarco/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPases. The interesting biological properties and the unique structural characteristics of the transtaganolides/basiliolides (the

The coming water shortage in the Jordan River Basin - Finding objectivity in a subjective problem

Water distribution and availability in the Jordan region were studied. Self-sufficiency in water availability within the region is determined by the minimum amount of water used per person that is renewable. The objectives of the study were to identify the causes of water shortages and alternative use of water to prolong future supplies. According to our analysis, Israel and Jordan will overutilis