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Two-body Photodisintegration of ³He

Popular Abstract in Swedish Atomkärnan byggs upp av protoner (positiv laddning) och neutroner (neutrala). Förutom skillnaden i elektrisk laddning är protonerna och neutronerna relativt snarlika; dom har till exempel nästan samma massa. Ofta kallas protoner och neutroner med ett gemensamt namn för nukleoner. Kraften som binder samman nukleonerna i en atomkärna benämns kärnkraften. Det finns ett anIn a series of experiments using the tagged photon facility at MAX-lab located in Lund, Sweden, the two-body photodisintegration of ³He has been investigated in the photon energy range 14--32 MeV. Differential cross sections of the reaction ³He(g,d) have been measured by detecting deuterons and protons in silicon surface barrier detectors. The detectors were configured into four particle identific

Introduction to Eye and Gaze Trackers

In the previous chapters of the book, you will have seen multiple applications for using (and the benefits of using) a gaze tracker. In this chapter, you will be given more insight into how an eye tracker operates. Not only can this aid in understanding the eye tracker better, it also gives important information about how future applications might improve on current ones, by using more of the info

Environmental and domestic risk factors for respiratory symptoms in Nicaraguan children

BackgroundRespiratory diseases are the most common cause for seeing a doctor in Nicaragua, and the second most common cause of death in children. An air monitoring program in the capital city, Managua, has shown high levels of air pollution, especially small particles. Important sources for this pollution are road traffic, smoke from cooking with wood, from burning of sugar cane fields before harv