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Comparison between three landscape analysis tools to aid conservation efforts

Habitatminskning är ett stort hot mot den biologiska mångfalden, som ofta orsakar sämre spridning mellan habitat. I och med att kunskapen om landskapssamband har växt, har GIS-verktyg för att rumsligt analysera landskapssamband för olika arter blivit allt vanligare. Idag finns flera programvaruverktyg, men få studier har jämfört deras skillnader och hur de kan användas inom naturvårdsplanering. I Habitat loss is a major threat to biodiversity, and often causes decreased connectivity between habitats. Geographical Information System (GIS) tools for spatially analysing landscape connectivity for different species have become increasingly common with the expansion of the field of landscape connectivity. Today several software tools are available, but few studies have compared their difference

Powerful you have become, the dark side I sense in you : on the typological similarities of object-initial languages

The thesis examined typological similarities across the fifteen languages listed on the World Atlas of Language Structures (WALS) website as having object-initial constituent orders in transitive clauses. Based on previous work by Derbyshire (1981, 1987) and Andersen (1988), who have attempted to account for diachronic developments in Hixkaryana and Päri respectively, a matrix was created to check

Social Media Use in Startups: A Qualitative Study of Online Stakeholder Relationship Management

Social media plays an increasingly important role in organizational communication and stakeholder relationship management. The last few years has seen a growing number of studies examining how big organizations utilize social media channels for stakeholder relationship cultivation. However, research so far has overlooked startup companies, which are new players in the market and have the most to g

Solzjenitsyn och nationalismen: En undersökning av En dag i Ivan Denisovitjs liv, Matrjonas Gård och Cancerkliniken

Solzhenitsyn was a famous nationalist who clearly stated his stance in non-fiction literature. In this study his stance will be further investigated by searching for expression of nationalism in three of his earliest fiction. The three works are the two short stories One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich and Matryonas Home and the novel Cancer Ward. The analysis found that the nationalism of Sol

A Space-Time Study of the Electron-Electron Interaction in High-TC Parent Compound La2CuO4: In Search of an Attractive Effective Interaction

The superconductivity under doping in the famous cuprate compounds is believed to originate in the CuO2 planes. The mediator of pairing is generally accepted to be induced from electronic degrees of freedom. While many mechanisms, such as spin fluctuations, have been proposed throughout the years, little research has been carried out on the role of the retarded attraction due to electronic overscr

Using Compulsory Licenses to Facilitate Access to Medicines: The Indian Experience

The attempts to make use of a compulsory licensing provision under the TRIPS Agreement brought human rights, notably, the right to health, into the foreground of the debate between patents and access to medicines. This whole thesis is about the existing tensions between the two regimes – patents and human rights. The growing scholarship that has been devoted to these tensions can be divided into t

Powermaman – En kritisk diskursanalys av hur den arbetande modern gestaltas i tidningsmagasinet mama

Idag betraktas lönearbete som någonting självklart och som en naturlig del i livet, men historiskt sett har det inte varit det för alla medborgare. Länge tillskrevs till exempel kvinnor enbart det reproduktiva arbetet. Trots dagens jämställdhetsagenda tar kvinnor fortfarande ut majoriteten av dagarna med föräldrapenning och utför huvudparten av allt hushållsarbete i hemmet jämförelsevis med män, p

Model-based design of industrial automation solutions using FMI

This thesis defined and investigated a general workflow based on model-based design using the Functional Mock-up Interface (FMI), involving Hardware-in-the- Loop (HiL) simulation. The thesis was a direct continuation of Sara Gunnarsson’s master’s thesis "Evaluation of FMI-based Workflow for Simulation and Testing of Industrial Automation Applications", where a Software-in-the-Loop (SiL)

On the coherence properties of different FEL -a simulation approach-

Free Electron Lasers (FEL) are one of the most brilliant light sources in the world and due to their unique properties they are used to push the frontier of knowledge in fields such as biochemistry and protein crystallography. This is the reason why there is a lot of research worldwide about understanding and improving them. Although there are numerous papers describing the output of the FEL in te

Regional Variations in Female Labor Force Participation Rates in Sweden, 1870-1950

The recent success story of gender equality in Sweden puts a shadow over the circumstances during Swedish industrialization when women both lost and won important positions in the economy and in society. Female labor force participation rates developed differently around the Swedish regions between 1870 and 1950 and regional heterogeneity can explain some of the variations where higher urbanizatio

Potential carbon sequestration at Malmö Airport by use of extensive green roof.

Huge amounts of greenhouse gases continuously released into the atmosphere is of large global concern. Carbon dioxide makes up a large part of released greenhouse gases. Especially the aircraft industry, which is experiencing a steady annual increase as air travel grows in popularity. This business sees 72% of all its combustion products in aircraft exhausts to be carbon dioxide. Swedavia, a compa

A Study of the Refugees Welcome Movement in Malmö - Opportunity structures, Mobilisation and Framing

This study examines the Refugees Welcome Movement campaign in Malmö between the period September 2015 and June 2016. The purpose of this study derives from the identification of a knowledge gap of descriptive, as well as analytical accounts that conceptualises the many and long withstanding occurrences of collective action within Social movement theory. This study aims therefore to tackle this kno

Cash Equals Education? A Case Study of How a Scholarship to Highland Students in Ratanakiri, Cambodia Promotes Educational Participation

The purpose of this thesis was to explore how a scholarship distributed to upper secondary school students of ethnic minority in Ratanakiri, Cambodia has promoted educational participation. To do this, this thesis analysed students’ understanding of the value of education, obstacles to participation and how the scholarship has addressed these obstacles. A qualitative approach was used where data w

The Role of Women in Legislature: Mexican Congresswomen Representing Women?

As women are increasingly becoming a part of political life on par with men, their role in politics is charged with diverse beliefs and expectations from all segments of society (constituents, women’s groups, the media). On top of increasing female presence in legislatures, they are expected to represent female constituents’ concerns, be representative of femininity, break gender stereotypes, etc.

Inclusive Business at the Base of the Pyramid: A Multiple-case study of the Water and Sanitation and Energy Sectors

This thesis addresses the topic of inclusive business by analyzing and comparing the strategy adoption process led by top managers, the level of cocreation, and challenges of Swedish organizations operating in low-income contexts within the water and sanitation and energy sectors. Inclusive business is a novel concept built upon Prahalad and Hart’s (2002) proposition of doing business with the Bas

The Future of the New Media Economy : exploring the entangling identities of advertising and journalism professionals via the phenomenon of native advertising

This thesis explores the relationship between journalism and advertising from the individual professional’s perspective. In-depth qualitative interviews with a total of eleven individuals currently working in Sweden or Denmark as either journalists or advertising, marketing and public relations professionals have been conducted, in which native advertisements have been shown and discussed. This ha

Human (in)securities in Amman, Jordan. A Case Study on Syrian Refugee Women

Since the outbreak of the Syrian Civil War in 2011, millions of Syrians have sought refuge in countries abroad, many of whom currently live in poverty. The purpose of this study is to explore the human security among refugee women in Amman. The aim is to understand how women experience human (in)securities as well as how different formal and informal actors influence their security. The research u

Integration of machine operators in nature conservation – A demand for education

Integration of machine operators in nature conservation – A demand for education In Swedish forestry there are several educational programs that provides certificates in nature conservation and environmental considerations for machine operators (Blue & Green). The certificates are optional, but if a machine operator intends to work in licensed forests with a higher nature consideration, the c