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This paper considers how researchers can best establish a forward trajectory in their work, individually and collectively. The suggestion is sometimes made in academic circles that it is inappropriate to present work that revisits an area previously discussed within the field. While we accept that any published paper should make an original contribution to what is collectively known about a partic

The socio-technical design of a library and information science collaboratory

The aim of this research is to design a collaboratory that is a socio-technical platform to support sharing research data collection instruments in a social science discipline, in particular library and information science. A socio-technical approach to design that includes a literature review, an empirical study and use cases, are used to create specifications for a collaboratory prototype. Futur

Applicability of Ionization Current Sensing Technique with Plasma Jet Ignition Using PreChamber Spark Plug in a Heavy Duty Natural Gas Engine

This article deals with study of ionization current sensing technique's signal characteristics while operating with pre-chamber spark plug to achieve plasma jet ignition in a 6 cylinder 9 liter turbo-charged natural gas engine under EGR and excess air dilution. Unlike the signal with conventional spark plug which can be divided into distinct chemical and thermal ionization peaks, the signal with p

Power Consumption Analysis of FTTH Networks

With increasing usage of the Internet, energy consumption of network equipment has become a crucial challenge from both an economic and an environmental point of view. This paper combines users’ behavior of accessing the network with energy saving algorithms for energy-aware network equipment, and investigates potential energy savings in the access network. The study is based on a set of traffic d

Att bryta traditionella könsmönster i arbetslivet

Hur påverkar BRYT-projekt deltagarnas syn på utbildning och arbetsliv? Förbättras möjligheterna på arbetsmarknaden för dem som väljer könsöverskridande? Frågorna behandlas i uppföljningen av 21 kvinnor som deltog i en teknikkurs riktad till långtidsarbetslösa kvinnor med arbetshandikapp. Resultaten visar att nästan hälften av deltagarna valde att utbilda sig till yrken inom mansdominerade bransche