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Wave splitting and imbedding equations for a spherically symmetric dispersive medium
The direct problem of time dependent electromagnetic scattering in the dispersive sphere is solved by a wave splitting technique. The electric field is expanded in a series involving vector spherical harmonics, leading to a system of wave equations for each term. These systems are reduced to scalar wave equations for each term, which are solved via reflection operators. Some preliminary numerical
Filosoferna : det västerländska tänkandet sedan år 1900 : [Nietzsche - Freud - Bergson - Sorel - Russell ...]
En för alla - alla för en? Individualisering och kontextualisering i hovrätternas prövning av ungdomars grupprelaterade gärningar
Accounting for Compositionality
SEA Protocol: Initial Capacity Development in Selected Countries of the former Soviet Union
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Benign Partner or Benign Master? Economic Partnership Agreement Negotiations between the European Union and the Pacific Islands
The Swedish Medical Birth Register - a summary of content and quality
Identification of Virulence Factors in Nematode-Trapping Fungi - Insights from Genomics, Transcriptomics and Proteomics
Popular Abstract in Swedish Nematod-fångande svampar är en grupp av filamentösa svampar som lever i jorden. De kan som deras namn antyder fånga och infektera nematoder. Varför är det då viktigt att studera dessa svampar? Svaret är just nematoder. Nematoder, även kända som rundmaskar, kan infektera både människor, djur och växter. Vi i Europa är relativt förskonade mot dessa infektioner om man jämfNematode-trapping fungi are soil-living organisms with the unique ability to capture and infect free-living nematodes. The interest in studying these fungi arises from their potential use as biological control agents for plant- and animal-parasitic nematodes. To enter the parasitic stage, nematode-trapping fungi develop different kinds of trapping structures. In order to understand more about the
Värdering av icke-dödliga skador till följd av trafikolyckor. Arbetsrapport 1. Skadade registrerade på Lidköpings sjukhus
The methods of historical reconstruction in the scholarly "recovery" of Corinthian Christianity
A somewhat self-critical discussion of the role played by socio-historical information (e.g. about money in social relations) in historical interpretation of ancient and early Christian history, and of the standpoints of Gerd Theissen, Justin Meggitt and Eckehard and Wolfgang Stegemann in this area. The article also explores the role of sociological or social-scientific models in historical recons
Finansiell integration - en studie av svenska marknaders internationella beroende
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This paper considers how researchers can best establish a forward trajectory in their work, individually and collectively. The suggestion is sometimes made in academic circles that it is inappropriate to present work that revisits an area previously discussed within the field. While we accept that any published paper should make an original contribution to what is collectively known about a partic
The socio-technical design of a library and information science collaboratory
The aim of this research is to design a collaboratory that is a socio-technical platform to support sharing research data collection instruments in a social science discipline, in particular library and information science. A socio-technical approach to design that includes a literature review, an empirical study and use cases, are used to create specifications for a collaboratory prototype. Futur