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Berkeley's Four Concepts of the Soul (1707-1709)
Forskningens betydelse för undervisningen: ett diskussionsunderlag
Hur gemensam är den europeiska gemenskapen
A methodology-driven software infrastructure for work-based learning
Extremely Large Telescopes: Which Wavelengths? Retirement Symposium for Arne Ardeberg
Johan Mauritsson Framtidens forskningsledare
Purchase of a sexual service - A lawful delight or an offence? A study of criminal legislation in the Nordic countries
Geschichtskultur in ur- und frühgeschichtlichen Kulturen Europas
Det händer inte mig - utvärdering av sommarkampanjen 2003
Have Nordic welfare regimes adapted to changes in transitions to adulthood? Unemployment insurance and social assistance among young people in the Nordic welfare states
Astrids Lindgren's World in Vimmerby : a "Total Work of Art"?
In an intermedial reading of Astrid Lindgren’s oeuvre, Astrid Lindgren's World is not only analyzed as an ideal case of transmediality or remediation, but also as a modern form of a Total work of art. In doing so, the history of the genre ' total work of art' is discussed by broadening the common aesthetic point-of-view with angles from economy and advertising.
Regeringsrättens avgöranden i förvaltningsmål. September 2001 - November 2007
Författat kapitel: September - november 2001; December - februari 2002; September - november 2002; September - november 2003; September - november 2004; September - november 2005; September - november 2006; September - november 2007
Museum and gallery education as a welfare service
Applications of antenna arrays in third-generation mobile communications
Adaptive antenna systems (AAS’s) are traditionally of interest only in radar and sonar applications. However, since the onset of the explosive growth in demand for wireless communications during the 1990’s, researchers are giving increasing attention to the use of AAS technology to overcome practical challenges in providing the service. The main benefit of the technology lies in its ability to exp