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Key Performance Indicators for Monitoring and Evaluation of PID and APC Strategies at Manufacturing Operations Management Level in a Natural Gas Processing Unit

Monitoring and control of proper Key Performance Indicators of plant performance have high correlation with business performance. So it is very important at plant-wide level to ensure that process control developments are being developed aligned with business strategy as Advanced Process Control projects have as ultimate goal to help achieving gains in this direction. The ISO 22400 “Key Performanc

Modeling pooling and perishable items in inventory systems

This thesis is built on three papers considering different problems in inventory control. The first paper considers a two-location newsboy model with the possibility of making lateral transshipments when needed. Usually, when considering newsboy models it is assumed that all demand in a period occurs at once. In our model we divide the period into a number of sub-periods, and we assume that there

Joint channel and data estimation for asynchronous GSM users

In multiple-access communication systems co-channel interference can be mitigated by applying multiuser detection instead of treating the interference as additive noise [1]. In this paper we focus on downlink operation in a GSM-like TDMA network and investigate multiuser channel estimation and data symbol detection of two users that share the same physical channel in two adjacent cells. Such a sce

Exact results for the charge and spin densities, exchange-correlation potentials, and density-functional eigenvalues

We derive asymptotically exact results for the charge and spin densities far away from finite systems (atoms and molecules) and far outside solid surfaces. These results are then used to obtain the correct asymptotic form of the exchange-correlation potential of density-functional (DF) theory and to prove that, for all systems, the eigenvalue of the uppermost occupied DF orbital equals the exact i

Theory of Random Matrices and Elasticity Applied to Nanowires and Mechanical Vibrations

This thesis presents work in several areas relating to Random Matrix Theory and Elasticity. It contains 4 papers presenting work on different issues. Paper I concerns correlations between eigenvalues in random matrices of real symmetric (GOE) or quaternion real (GSE) form. It presents a calculation showing that correlations between arbitrarily many eigenvalues can be obtained from averages of a t

Sätt gräns för privatliv

Efter terrorattackerna i London är det troligt att acceptansen ökar för övervakning av det offentliga rummet. Ytterligare ökade be-fogenheter för polis och underrättelseväsen kan också väntas. Då blir det viktigt att utifrån demokratiska principer definiera vad som är den offentliga respektive den privata sfären, skriver statsvetaren Mikael Sundström vid Lunds universitet.

Egen formulering, plagiat eller kopia. Hur höjer vi ribban för vad studenten anser vara fusk?

Fusk och plagiat är något av en ödesfråga för den högre utbildningen. Om studenter klarar sig igenom kurser på grund av fusk hotas allmänhetens och arbetsgivarnas förtroende för den högre utbildningen. Tyvärr råder det idag en avsevärd oenighet om var gränsen för fusk går. Vi anser det därför vara hög tid att vi som lärare tar vårt ansvar och diskuterar dessa frågor ingående samt ger tips till var