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A source of high-velocity white dwarfs

We investigate whether the recently observed population of high-velocity white dwarfs can be derived from a population of binaries residing initially within the thin disc of the Galaxy. In particular, we consider binaries where the primary is sufficiently massive to explode as a Type II supernova. A large fraction of such binaries are broken up when the primary then explodes as a supernova, owing

Phase development, heat of hydration and expansion in a blended cement with b-hemihydrate and anhydrite as calcium sulfate

Expansive cements are utilised in special applications to improve properties such as cracking caused by drying shrinkage. Several types of expansive cements exist and the main hydration product responsible for the expansion is ettringite, [Ca3Al(OH)6]2(SO4)3·26H 2O. The importance of the cement phase containing alumina is well known, in this study the source of sulfate is investigated. Pastes cont

Skolliv - om skolan som arbetsplats

Hur behåller man hälsan som lärare? Vad händer i mötet mellan politiska ambitioner och kommunal skolverklighet? Hur påverkar den ordlösa kommunikationen stämningen i klassrummet? Vad händer när mätbar kunskap blir viktigare än användbar kunskap? Kan man vara nöjd som lärare men missnöjd som anställd? Skolan har blivit en ideologisk ”het potatis” som väcker engagemang, både inom och utom skolans v

Studies on Haemproteins of Gram-positive Bacteria - Implications as Antibacterial Drug Targets

Popular Abstract in Swedish I och med upptäckten av antibiotika i första halvan av 1900-talet så kan flera tidigare dödliga infektionssjukdomar botas. Så är längre dock inte alltid fallet, en viss nivå av antibiotikaresistans har upptäckts hos flera stammar av kliniskt viktiga bakterier. Problemet med antibiotikaresistans har till viss del lösts med modifiering av existerande antibiotika, vilket dWith the discovery of antibiotics, several diseases that were previously lethal is today readily cured, or so we thought. Some degree of resistance to one or several antibiotics can be found among many strains of clinical important bacteria. The problem has been somewhat kept at bay for the last few decades by altering already existing antibiotics, and thereby prolonging their usage. It is clear t