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Your search for "*" yielded 528138 hits

Co segregation of the m.1555A>G mutation in the MT-RNR1 gene and mutations in MT-ATP6 gene in a family with dilated mitochondrial cardiomyopathy and hearing loss : A whole mitochondrial genome screening

Mitochondrial disease refers to a heterogeneous group of disorders resulting in defective cellular energy production due to dysfunction of the mitochondrial respiratory chain, which is responsible for the generation of most cellular energy. Because cardiac muscles are one of the high energy demanding tissues, mitochondrial cardiomyopathies is one of the most frequent mitochondria disorders. Mitoch

Automatic procedure for generating symmetry adapted wavefunctions

Automatic detection of point groups as well as symmetrisation of molecular geometry and wavefunctions are useful tools in computational quantum chemistry. Algorithms for developing these tools as well as an implementation are presented. The symmetry detection algorithm is a clustering algorithm for symmetry invariant properties, combined with logical deduction of possible symmetry elements using t

Harmonic minimum mean squared error filters for multichannel speech enhancement

Many state-of-the-art multichannel speech enhancement methods rely on second-order statistics of the desired speech signal, the noise signal, or both. Estimation of those are difficult in practice, resulting in a practical performance that is typically much lower than their potential theoretical performance. We propose two multichannel enhancement techniques that instead rely on a model for voiced

Test Planning for Core-based Integrated Circuits under Power Constraints

This paper addresses reduction of test cost for core-based non-stacked integrated circuits (ICs) and stacked integrated circuits (SICs) by test planning, under power constraint. Test planning involves co-optimization of cost associated with test time and test hardware. Test architecture is considered compliant with IEEE 1149.1 standard. A cost model is presented for calculating the cost of any tes

Identity and intensionality in Univalent Foundations and philosophy

The Univalent Foundations project constitutes what is arguably the most serious challenge to set-theoretic foundations of mathematics since intuitionism. Like intuitionism, it differs both in its philosophical motivations and its mathematical-logical apparatus. In this paper we will focus on one such difference: Univalent Foundations’ reliance on an intensional rather than extensional logic, throu

How Tolerant Should Inflation-Targeting Central Banks Be? Selecting the Proper Tolerance Band : Lessons from Sweden

Should an inflation-targeting central bank have an explicit tolerance band around its inflation target? This paper provides an answer derived from the Swedish experience. The Riksbank is exceptional in the sense that it first adopted and later abolished an explicit band and is currently considering bringing it back. We conclude that the band should be explicit for several reasons. Most important, Should an inflation-targeting central bank have an explicit tolerance band around its inflation target? This paper provides an answer derived from the Swedish experience. The Riksbank is exceptional in the sense that it first adopted and later abolished an explicit band and is currently considering bringing it back. We conclude that the band should be explicit for several reasons. Most important,

Rendering the ungraspable graspable : the use of metaphors in Swedish palliative cancer care

Good communication is of utmost importance in all forms of cancer care and especially so in the palliative context. To render the ungraspable graspable, metaphors are frequently used drawing on their capacity to capture the intangible in terms of more familiar experiences. For instance, to die from cancer can be described as ’coming to the end of a life journey’ or ’losing a battle’. Metaphors are

Backbone resonance assignment of Staphylococcal Enterotoxin H

The staphylococcal enterotoxin H (SEH; 217 aa, 25 kD) belongs to a family of superantigens that cause a massive immune response upon simultaneous binding to the T cell receptor (TCR) and the major histocompatibility complex class II. The SEH-TCR interaction is weak and amenable to studies using NMR methodology. Essentially, 2 mg of U{2H, 13C,15N}-labeled SEH was used for the complete sequential ba

In lieu of conclusion : Rallying for Gezi, or metaphors of aporia and empowerment

This chapter sketches some of the societal dynamics that Gezi protests have expressed and the ways in which they constitute a significant departure from both the conceptualization and practice of politics in contemporary Turkey, through an interrogation of the politics of space that has occupied center stage in the protests.

Housing accessibility for senior citizens in Sweden : Estimation of the effects of targeted elimination of environmental barriers

Aim: To estimate the effects of targeted elimination of environmental barriers (EB) in the ordinary housing stock in Sweden, and to explore the estimated effects on accessibility at a population level in relation to (a) residents with different functional profiles, (b) different housing types and (c) building periods. Method: Data on dwellings from existing Swedish research databases were utilized

Surface Alloy or Metal–Cation Interaction-The State of Zn Promoting the Active Cu Sites in Methanol Synthesis Catalysts

Model catalysts containing disordered CuO and ZnO species in the pores of SBA-15 were reduced under different conditions (standard: H2, 513 K; severe: CO/H2, 673 K), studied by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) including operando work and used as catalysts for methanol synthesis at pressures up to 8 bar, where they were comparable with a commercial reference in terms

Role of polysaccharides in food, digestion, and health

Polysaccharides derived from plant foods are major components of the human diet, with limited contributions of related components from fungal and algal sources. In particular, starch and other storage carbohydrates are the major sources of energy in all diets, while cell wall polysaccharides are the major components of dietary fiber. We review the role of these components in the human diet, includ

KHM cable model parameters for ITU-T G.Fast reference loops

G.Fast is a new standard for fixed broadband access that aims at achieving bit rates of 1 Gb/s over short copper loops. In order to give support to simulation, design and performance evaluation tests, the G.Fast recommendation presents examples of some wiring topologies and reference loops describing configurations expected to be found in real G.Fast deployments. Our work describes results of mode

Status of chiral meson physics

This talk includes a short introduction to Chiral Perturbation Theory in the meson sector concentrating on a number of recent developments. I discuss the latest fit of the low-energy constants. Finite volume corrections are discussed for the case with twisted boundary conditions for form-factors and first results at two-loops for three flavours for masses. The last part discusses the extension to

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Detta är en ny textkritisk utgåva av en unik version av hjältedikten Théséus de Cologne som ingår som en del av en krönika om hertigarna från Savojen. Det ingår också en tolkning av verkets tillblivelse och betydelse i den historiska och intertextuella kontext som författaren befann sig i under skrivandet.