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Romer : 500 år i Sverige

Romani chib har talats i Sverige i 500 år. Det är inte ett enhetligt, väldefinierat språk, som man kan skriva en enkel grammatik om. Tvärtom, i Sverige talas en stor mängd väldigt olika varianter av romani chib. Några har talats här länge, andra bara en kort tid.Boken fokuserar på de tre varianter som har talats längst i Sverige: skandoromani, kelderash och kale. Förutom språken behandlar boken ta

Surface plasmon inhibited photo-luminescence activation in CdSe/ZnS core-shell quantum dots

In a composite film of Cdx Sey Zn1-x S1-y gradient core-shell quantum dots (QDs) and gold nanorods (NRs), the optical properties of the QDs are drastically affected by the plasmonic nanoparticles. We provide a careful study of the two-step formation of the film and its morphology. Subsequently we focus on QD luminescence photoactivation - a process induced by photochemical changes on the QD surfac

The Cultural Lexicon of Indo-European in Europe : Quantifying Stability and Change

In this paper, we have investigated, by means of quantitative and statistical methods, stability and change in cultural vocabulary of Indo-European in Europe, with a focus on agriculture. For this purpose we have created a culture vocabulary list with lexical head words, organized into subcategories based on their role and function in a cultural system, the purpose of which is to give a representa

Seasonal fluctuation in the secretion of the antioxidant melatonin is not associated with alterations in sperm DNA damage

A high sperm DNA fragmentation index (DFI) is associated with reduced fertility. DFI is influenced by the balance between reactive oxygen species and antioxidants. A circannual variation in melatonin, an antioxidant and free radical scavenger, could thus impact semen quality and fertility. The association between the major melatonin metabolite, urine 6-sulfatoxymelatonin (aMT6s), and DFI was analy

Mending the gaps in social work education and research: two examples from a Swedish context

Konceptet gap-mending är ett analytiskt verktyg för att ge socialarbetare, lärare och forskare i socialt arbete stöd för att reflektera över faktorer i deras arbetssätt som förstärker och upprätthåller klyftor mellan socialarbetare och olika brukargrupper. I artikeln ges, med utgångspunkt i teorier om makt och erkännande, en teoretisk bakgrund till hur klyftor i socialt arbete kan problematiseras The gap-mending concept is an analytical tool that helps teachers and researchers in social work to reflect upon what, in their practice, increases, maintains or mends gaps between professionals and service user groups. The article suggests a theoretical background on how gaps in social work practice can be challenged. This includes theories about power and recognition. It then moves on to describ

A fully automatic algorithm for assessing T2* and its certainty value for accurate cardiac and liver iron load determination

Quantification of myocardial and liver iron load has become a mainstay of guiding therapy in thalassaemia patients. However, current quantification methods are user dependent for data-point exclusion before curve fitting, and do not report the T2* certainty. Recently, an automatic inline maximum likelihood estimate (MLE) method with k-space Rician noise correction was validated against the referen

The unstable fate of the planet orbiting the A star in the HD 131399 triple stellar system

Validated planet candidates need not lie on long-term stable orbits, and instability triggered by post-main-sequence stellar evolution can generate architectures which transport rocky material to white dwarfs, hence polluting them. The giant planet HD 131399Ab orbits its parent A star at a projected separation of about 50-100 au. The host star, HD 131399A, is part of a hierarchical triple with HD

The humanistic and economic burden of chronic wounds : A protocol for a systematic review

Background: Chronic non-healing wounds present a substantial economic burden to healthcare system; significant reductions in quality of life for those affected, and precede often serious events such as limp amputations or even premature deaths. This burden is also likely to increase with a larger proportion of elderly and increasing prevalence of life-style diseases such as obesity and diabetes. R

Two Tunable Frequency Duplexer Architectures for Cellular Transceivers

In this paper two architectures for tunable duplexersare presented. The tuning is accomplished through variablecapacitance and resistance. The architectures are based on athree element series-parallel resonator, with one pass and onestop frequency. Both architectures rely on filtering as well ascancellation for good Tx to Rx isolation while maintaining lowinsertion loss. The first architecture, the

Experimental validation of contrast-enhanced SSFP cine CMR for quantification of myocardium at risk in acute myocardial infarction

Background: Accurate assessment of myocardium at risk (MaR) after acute myocardial infarction (AMI) is necessary when assessing myocardial salvage. Contrast-enhanced steady-state free precession (CE-SSFP) is a recently developed cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) method for assessment of MaR up to 1 week after AMI. Our aim was to validate CE-SSFP for determination of MaR in an experimental po

Fever in the Emergency Department Predicts Survival of Patients With Severe Sepsis and Septic Shock Admitted to the ICU

OBJECTIVES:: To study the prognostic value of fever in the emergency department in septic patients subsequently admitted to the ICU. DESIGN:: Observational cohort study from the Swedish national quality register for sepsis. SETTING:: Thirty ICU’s in Sweden. PATIENTS:: Two thousand two hundred twenty-five adults who were admitted to an ICU within 24 hours of hospital arrival with a diagnosis of sev

SLFs vårexkursion till södra Småland – en rapport.

I april 2016 gick föreningens vårexkursion till trakterna runt Växjö, med några helt skilda miljöer som mål. Här redogör Emil Persson och Ulf Arup för exkursionen som innebar deltagarrekord med god marginal. Första dagen deltog hela 56 personer.

Crystal structure of a yeast aquaporin at 1.15 Å reveals a novel gating mechanism

Aquaporins are transmembrane proteins that facilitate the flow of water through cellular membranes. An unusual characteristic of yeast aquaporins is that they frequently contain an extended N terminus of unknown function. Here we present the X-ray structure of the yeast aquaporin Aqy1 from Pichia pastoris at 1.15 Å resolution. Our crystal structure reveals that the water channel is closed by the N

Den franske kammartjänarens resa : minnen från länderna i norr på 1660-talet

Detta är en monografi skriven i samarbete med litteraturvetaren Ingemar Oscarsson. Boken bygger på ett opublicerat franskt 1600-tals manuskript, ms. 1143, som bär titeln Mémoires d’un voyage fait dans les pays septentrionaux en l’an M.D.C.LXIII. Originalmaterialet är ett inbundet dokument i kvartoformat på 280 handskrivna sidor.

Single Active Site Mutation Causes Serious Resistance of HIV Reverse Transcriptase to Lamivudine : Insight from Multiple Molecular Dynamics Simulations

Molecular dynamics simulations, binding free energy calculations, principle component analysis (PCA), and residue interaction network analysis were employed in order to investigate the molecular mechanism of M184I single mutation which played pivotal role in making the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase (RT) totally resistant to lamivudine. Results showed that single mutations at residue 184 of RT caused