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"The Ideal School - The Ideal World?" : Teacher Education moving towards glocal understanding

According to Sahlberg (2011) educational reforms in different countries follow similar patterns as well as educational systems. Sahlberg calls this Global Educational Reform Movement (GERM) and its symptoms are: More competition within education systems, which leads to accountability (inspections, standardized tests, assessing teacher effectiveness) and less cooperation, increased school choice (c

Traditional Musics in Music Education - The Sound of (R)evolution?

This chapter describes a SIDA (Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency) and later Linnaeus Palme project that in the years 2008-2016 aimed to start a Music Education Department at a Music Conservatoire in Vietnam derived from the renovation of curriculums for music in schools. It discusses the questions concerning traditional music in a school context by addressing how higher educatio

The reinvented music teacher - researcher in the making : Conducting educational development through intercultural collaboration

Music educators working in cross-cultural contexts are faced with both challenges and possibilities, often finding themselves in need of multidimensional re-invention. This chapter focuses on teacher-researchers, contextualising them within the frame of institutional change and intercultural music teacher education. Taking an active role in educational development and regenerating usual patterns o

Subprime Borrowers, Securitization and the Transmission of Business Cycles

A growing literature (i.e. Jaffee, Lynch, Richardson, and Van Nieuwerburgh 2009, Acharya and Schnabl 2009) argues that securitization improves financial stability if the securitized assets are held by capital market participants, rather than financial intermediaries. I construct a quantitative macroeconomic model with a novel specification for mortgage-backed securities (MBS) to evaluate this clai

Controlling distribution inventory systems with shipment consolidation and compound Poisson demand

We consider a one-warehouse-multiple-retailer inventory system where the retailers face stochastic customer demand, modelled as compound Poisson processes. Deliveries from the central warehouse to groups of retailers are consolidated using a time based shipment consolidation policy. This means that replenishment orders have to wait until a vehicle departures, which increases the lead time for the

Adaptive synchronization of complex networks with general distributed update laws for coupling weights

This paper discusses adaptive synchronization control for complex networks interacted in an undirected weighted graph, and aims to provide a novel and general approach for the design of distributed update laws for adaptively adjusting coupling weights. The proposed updating laws are very general in the sense that they encompass most weight update laws reported in the literature as special cases, a

Comparison between conventional and frit-inlet channels in separation of biopolymers by asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation

Asymmetric flow field-flow fractionation (AF4) is a separation technique in which a focusing/relaxation step is used after the sample is injected onto the separation channel. During the focusing/relaxation step, the sample is focused by two counter-directed flows. This allows sample components to establish a diffusion-dependent equilibrium concentration profile. The focusing step may, in some case

Concept of Extremes in Vascular Aging

With advancing age, changes in the arterial wall contribute to what has been called vascular aging, and in some prematurely affected subjects even early vascular aging (EVA).1–5 Several years ago,1 we listed various components of EVA, including arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis, and excess vasoconstriction, with their clinical expression: arterial stiffening and increased central pulse pressure, c