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Your search for "*" yielded 531765 hits

ctDNA as an Objective Marker for Postoperative Residual Disease in Primary Advanced High-Grade Serous Ovarian Cancer

Background/Objectives: The surgeon’s subjective intraoperative evaluation is the standard of care to assess postoperative residual disease (RD) in advanced epithelial ovarian cancer (EOC). We investigated the feasibility of ctDNA as an objective marker for postoperative RD. Methods: This prospective study included 27 patients with advanced ovarian cancer (FIGO IIIA1–IVB) who underwent primary surg

Onset of pore collapse and dilatancy in porous sandstone under true triaxial compression : Experimental observation and micromechanical modeling

We present new true triaxial compression data obtained in the ductile regime on Bleurswiller sandstone. The deformed samples show a range of failure modes qualitatively similar to what was reported by earlier experimental studies performed in conventional conditions (axisymmetric compression). In particular, visual inspection and X-ray Computed Tomography imaging reveal compaction localization in

Parallellimport - Vilka möjligheter har varumärkesinnehavaren att skydda sitt varumärke vid parallellimport?

Denna uppsats syftar till att utreda hur den varumärkesrättsliga konsumtionsprincipen påverkar möjligheten för en varumärkesinnehavare att hindra parallellimport av varor som redan har satts på marknaden inom Europeiska ekonomiska samarbetsområdet (EES). Enligt artikel 15 i varumärkesdirektivet (EU) 2015/2436 anses varumärkesrätten i regel förbrukad när en vara har introducerats i EES med innehavaThis thesis examines how the principle of trademark exhaustion influences a trademark owner’s capacity to block parallel imports of goods already released on the market within the European Economic Area (EEA). Under Article 15 of Directive (EU) 2015/2436, once a product has been legitimately placed on the EEA market with the trademark owner’s consent, the right is generally regarded as exhausted,

A feasibility study of the internet-based intervention “Strategies for Empowering activities in Everyday life” (SEE 1.0) applied for people with stroke

BackgroundTo enable people with stroke to achieve an active everyday life under altered conditions, the development of self-management programs is essential to facilitate the process of change that individuals must undergo. To improve access to self-management, internet-based solutions have been proposed. The aim of this study was to evaluate the feasibility of a novel internet-based intervention,

National Pre-Authorisation Schemes and the EU's Demands for Objectivity Safeguards – Allowing Policy Discretion while Streamlining Administrative Process

The chapter focuses on how process is reviewed in the general framework of EU legal analysis applicable to national pre-authorisation schemes. By examining the model of judicial review developed by the Court of Justice in this regard, I hope to enrich the discussion on what process federalism within the Union can look like and how it may function. After some brief explanations regarding the charac

Pathways to Low Emission Energy Systems in the Baja California Peninsula - A Study of Implementation of Renewable Energy in Isolated Systems

As the global energy sector undergoes a necessary transition toward renewable sources, Mexico has committed to significantly expanding its clean energy capacity. The Baja California Peninsula, with its rich solar and wind resources, presents a unique opportunity to lead this shift. The peninsula is composed of two states: Baja California and Baja California Sur. Baja California operates one electr

A Scalable Process for the Production of Calcium Formate from Lime Mud

The utilization of industrial side streams for generating value has always been of interest, but in today's society, with a high focus on the circular economy, it is becoming increasingly important. Lime mud (whose major component is calcium carbonate, CaCO3) is a low-value by-product of the pulp and paper industry that is generated in considerable amounts during the causticizing process. Designin

Heterogeneously catalyzed lignin depolymerisation in continuous flow : Assessing feedstock pretreatment and catalyst deactivation

Due to the large-scale production of lignin, continuous flow reactors are preferred for its further valorization through depolymerization. However, there is limited literature on their use in lignin depolymerization, especially concerning feedstock pretreatments and catalyst deactivation. Therefore, in this study, the impact of a batch solvolysis pretreatment on the mild reductive catalytic depoly

Mild reductive catalytic depolymerization of lignin in a continuous flow reactor using a Cu-enhanced Pd catalyst

Mild reductive catalytic depolymerization (MRCD) of lignin offers a sustainable route to produce functionalized aromatic compounds. However, the economic viability is hindered by the need for expensive palladium (Pd) catalysts and the limited exploration of continuous flow reactors (CFRs), which are essential to achieve an adequate production scale. This study examines the impact of partial replac

The association between personality traits and myocardial infarction- A European cross-sectional study

Background: Myocardial infarction (MI) is a serious condition that increases with age. It is valuable to identify the reasons why some are affected, and possibly, why different personality traits can be associated with an increased or decreased risk for myocardial infarction. Methods: This is a cross-sectional study based on wave 7 data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (S

Lysozyme revisited

Lysozyme is a model system for crystallographers. In this issue of Structure, Ramos et al. report atomic resolution neutron structures of lysozyme, which unambiguously show the protonation states and hydrogen-bonding networks of the active site. This resolves mechanistic questions that have been debated for decades and provides a unique view to a protein at atomic detail.

Understanding Europe's Forest Harvesting Regimes

European forests are being shaped by active human use and management, and by harvesting of wood in particular. Yet, our understanding of how forests are harvested across Europe is limited, as the real harvest regimes are not well described by currently available data. Here, we analyse recent harvests, as observed in permanent plots of forest inventories in 11 European countries, totaling to 182,64

Oxidative Depolymerization of Lignosulfonates for Muconic Acid Production Using Recombinant Pseudomonas putida CJ475

Lignosulfonate, a macromolecular byproduct derived from the paper and pulp industry, is a promising feedstock for bioconversion processes due to its rich carbon content and widespread availability. We here present an approach for the production of muconic acid through the optimization of the oxidative depolymerization of lignosulfonate and its further conversion using a recombinant Pseudomona

Factors influencing incumbent energy firms’ radical innovations implementation – A review

To address the challenges of energy transition necessary for sustainable development, incumbents must implement innovations, some of which are radical compared with their current competence-base or market solutions. This requires a thorough understanding of the prerequisites for implementing innovation. The literature on the factors influencing incumbents' implementation is vast and dispersed acro

Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in perioperative care : A Swedish web-based survey

OBJECTIVES: Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) is a noninvasive adjunct to multimodal pain management for acute postoperative care across various surgeries. Despite extensive evidence supporting its efficacy, TENS remains underutilized in clinical practice. This study aimed to assess the knowledge, attitudes, and practices of healthcare professionals regarding TENS in perioperative

The method of moments for multivariate random sums in the Poisson-Skew-Normal case

Multivariate random sums appear in many scientific fields, most notably in actuarial science, where they model both the number of claims and their sizes. Unfortunately, they pose severe inferential problems. For example, their density function is analytically intractable, in the general case, thus preventing likelihood inference. In this paper, we address the problem by the method of moments, unde

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This study examines the security measures implemented by the Pahlavi government in Iran to counter criminal and terrorist activities prior to the 1979 revolution. The research explores the challenges posed by various radical and insurgent groups, including Marxist and Islamist factions, which employed tactics such as assassinations, kidnappings, and sabotage. It also analyzes the role of the Natio

Hur har Sveriges politiker hanterat konflikten mellan integration och bekämpning av gängrekrytering från 2015 till 2024 i särskilt utsatta områden?

Over the past decade, Sweden has faced problems with increased gang crimes, which has created an unsafe environment for residents. The balance of promoting integration while also simultaneously preventing gang recruitment and gang violence has been a challenge for Swedish politicians. The purpose of this study is to gain a deeper understanding of how Swedish politicians handled the complex conflic

USA och Kinas internationella relation under Trump administrationen

Denna uppsats undersöker hur USA:s och Kinas internationella relation påverkades av Trump-administrationens politik mellan 2017 och 2021, med fokus på ekonomiska och säkerhetspolitiska aspekter utifrån i ett liberalistiskt perspektiv. Genom en kvantitativ komparativ analys jämförs Trumps beslut med tidigare administrationers politik för att belysa förändringar och deras effekter på den liberala in