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Your search for "*" yielded 533571 hits

Is Google Liberal on Immigration? : Attitude Bias, Politicization and Filter Bubbles in Search Engine Result Pages

Many conservative public figures have claimed that Google Search exhibits a liberal bias in the links presented. Surprisingly, perhaps, the few scientific studies conducted so far have tended to support this claim. In the study reported here, we compared Google search engine result pages (SERPs) for 8 terms related to immigration across 8 geographically distinct locations (municipalities). For eac

Ranil Wickremesinghe : The Accidental Buddhist Diplomat

This chapter contextualizes and discusses the Buddhist approach taken by Ranil Wickremesinghe (born 1949), a prominent political figure who has served as Prime Minister of Sri Lanka on six occasions and who held the office of the ninth President until September 2024. It analyses Wickremesinghe’s political career and his ability to navigate the complex interplay between Sinhalese Buddhist ethno-rel

School performance gap between non-immigrant and secondgeneration immigrant children in Sweden -time trends and contributing factors

We aimed to investigate the school performance gap and its potential trend from 2010 to 2020 in non-immigrant and second-generation immigrant children in Sweden, whether parental mental disorders and low socioeconomic status contribute to this gap and its trends, and whether the effects of these factors differ by immigration status. We used multiple Swedish population registers, including 829,787

Tvångsinlösen av minoritetsaktier enligt svensk aktiebolagsrätt – En redogörelse för tvångsinlösenbestämmelsernas framväxt, syfte och innebörd

Uppsatsen syftar till att beskriva och analysera hur minoritetsaktier värderas i marknadsnoterade och ej marknadsnoterade bolag, i händelse av att ett tvångsinlösenförfarande påkallats enligt svensk aktiebolagsrätt. Uppsatsen redogör för lagstiftarens syfte med reglerna om tvångsinlösen, hur reglerna historiskt vuxit fram och hur rättsläget sett ut innan, och ser ut under, 2005 års aktiebolagslag.The purpose of this thesis is to describe and analyze how minority shares are valued in publicly traded and non-publicly traded companies in the event of a compulsory redemption procedure under Swedish corporate law. The thesis outlines the legislator's intent behind the rules on compulsory redemption, the historical development of these rules, and the legal framework prior to, and during, the

Den tyska expressionismens inverkan på Alfred Hitchcock

This paper explores the influence of German Expressionism on Alfred Hitchcock's filmmaking, focusing on three key works: The Man Who Knew Too Much (1934), Shadow of a Doubt (1943), and Psycho (1960). German Expressionism, characterized by its distorted sets, dramatic use of light and shadow, and emphasis on psychological depth, is a foundational cinematic movement that profoundly impacted Hitc

Immaterialrätt och marknadsföringsrätt - Överlappningar och kompletteringar i praktiken

Följande uppsats redogör för hur immaterialrätt och marknadsföringsrätt överlappar och kompletterar varandra. Studiens syfte är att undersöka hur marknadsföringsrätt och immaterialrätt interagerar i fråga om skydd för en produkts utseende, med särskilt fokus på hur dessa områden både kompletterar och överlappar varandra. Studiens tillvägagångssätt baseras på rättsdogmatisk metod. Särskilt EU-domsThe following thesis outlines how intellectual property law and marketing law overlap and complement each other. The aim of the study is to examine how marketing law and intellectual property law interact with regard to the protection of a product's appearance, with particular focus on how these areas both complement and overlap. The approach of the study is based on a legal dogmatic method.

EU:s konkurrensrätt inom digitala plattformar - En analys av marknadsdefinitionen enligt artikel 102 FEUF och DMA:s grindvaktskriterier

Den digitala marknaden har utvecklat egenskaper som nätverkseffekter, vilket har skapat utmaningar för konkurrensbedömningar. Ett av problemen har varit tillämpningen av artikel 102 FEUF gällande missbruk av dominerande ställning. För att kunna bedöma om ett företag har dominerande ställning krävs först definition av den relevanta marknaden. Denna process har ofta varit komplex. EU har utvecklat eThe digital market has developed characteristics such as network effects, which have created challenges for competition law. One of the problems has been the application of Article 102 TFEU regarding the abuse of dominant position. To identify a dominant position, it is required to first have a definition of the relevant market. This process is often complex. EU has introduced a complementary fram

Economic evaluations of strategies targeting pre-diagnosis dementia populations: Protocol for a systematic review

IntroductionDementia remains incurable, and treatment trials are typically conducted after the symptoms manifest, potentially too late in the disease process to alter its course. Early identification and intervention during the pre-diagnosis phase offer the potential to introduce more cost-effective strategies and enhance quality of life. This review aims to scrutinise emerging evidence and presen

Health risk assessment of potentially toxic elements intake via food crops consumption: Monte Carlo simulation-based probabilistic and heavy metal pollution index

The aim of this study is to assess the content of heavy metals and their potential health risk in consumed food crops. To this end, the samples from vegetables, rice, potato, onion, and black tea were derived from high sales and commonly consumed types. The noncarcinogenic health risk of heavy metals to the adults, teens, and children was estimated by target hazard quotients (THQs) and hazard inde

Digital Inclusion or Digital Divide for Older Immigrants? A Scoping Review

The discussion of the digital divide and digital inclusion has extended to older adults. Although knowledge on the digital divide and digital inclusion among native older adults has increased substantially, little is known about the situations of older immigrants in relation to the digital divide. This paper employed the scoping review approach to map the situations and research methods of the dig

The Economic Impact of Christian Missionaries in Zambia : A Historical and Long-Term Perspective, 1924–2018

This open access book examines the long-term impact of Christian missionaries in Zambia, and sub-Saharan Africa more generally, on education, health, and economic development. It examines how Christian missionaries provided Western-style education and healthcare within sub-Saharan Africa during the 20th century and how this was provided along unequal gender and regional lines. With sub-Saharan Afr

Exploring barriers to effective organisational change using combined approach : Soft Systems Methodology (SSM) and ETHICS (a socio-technical design approach)

This paper aims to show how systems thinking can be used to investigate barriers to organisational change management. The case study described in this paper would be useful to managers who want to implement change in their own organisations. Soft Systems Methodology and ETHICS were used due to their flexible, responsive, and emergent nature. Also, soft systems methodology (SSM) and ETHICS (Effecti