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Your search for "*" yielded 531900 hits

Norian SRS versus functional treatment in redisplaced distal radial fractures: A randomized study in 20 patients

We compared the use of Norian SRS, an injectable calcium phosphate bone cement, with functional treatment of redisplaced distal radial fractures in a prospective randomized study of 20 patients. The redisplaced fractures were either rereduced and stabilized by Norian SRS, or the displaced position was accepted and was not rereduced. All wrists were immobilized in a short-arm dorsal splint for 1 we

Aerosol elemental concentrations in the tropopause region from intercontinental flights with the Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container (CARIBIC) platform

This study with the Civil Aircraft for Regular Investigation of the Atmosphere Based on an Instrument Container (CARIBIC) platform investigates the aerosol elemental concentrations at 9-11 km altitude in the northern hemisphere. Measurements from 31 intercontinental flights over a 2-year period between Germany and Sri Lanka/Maldives in the Indian Ocean are presented. Aerosol samples were collected

Pravastatin treatment increases collagen content and decreases lipid content, inflammation, metalloproteinases, and cell death in human carotid plaques - Implications for plaque stabilization

Background--The clinical benefits of lipid lowering with statins are attributed to changes in plaque composition leading to lesion stability, but supporting clinical data from human studies are lacking. Therefore, we investigated the effect of 3 months of pravastatin treatment on composition of human carotid plaques removed during carotid endarterectomy. Methods and Results--Consecutive patients w

Unusual vascular responses in the umbilical artery, mediated by endothelin-like receptors

Popular Abstract in Swedish Kontrollmekanismerna rörande blodcirkulationen i den mänskliga fetoplacentära enheten är fortfarande inte fullständigt kända, trots genomgripande undersökningar. Det är dock känt att den är viktig för att kunna bibehålla en normal graviditet och för att kunna frambrigna ett friskt nyfött barn. Om kontrollen brister kan utgången försämras i form av tillstånd såsom preeklIn this present study the population of endothelin-like receptors in the human umbilical artery was examined in vitro in different parts of the umbilical cord. Immunohistochemistry revealed ETB receptors in the endothelium and an uneven distribution of ETA receptors in the smooth muscle of the arterial wall, when comparing different parts of the umbilical artery. ET-1 induced vasoconstriction wa

Språket i universum : Polhem och alfabetskonsten

The Swedish inventor Christopher Polhem had an idea of a universal language which occupied him for decades, i.e. a perfect language which can be spoken and understood by everyone, by the educated and non educated alike, and no matter where they come from. Polhem did a large number of sketches for such a universal language, among others a manuscript concerning a lunar language, which was completely

Determination of cotinine in urine using glass capillary gas chromatography and selective detection, with special reference to the biological monitoring of passive smoking

A capillary gas chromatographic (GC) method using selected-ion monitoring (SIM) was developed for the analysis of cotinine (C.A.S. No. 486-56-6) in human urine. The method is based on basic extraction of cotinine from 2 ml of urine into dichloromethane. After evaporation of the dichloromethane solution to dryness, 100 microliters of toluene were added, prior to GC-mass spectrometric (MS) analysis.

Lean-DeNO(x) titania based monolithic catalysts

The activity of titania based copper and platinum monolithic catalysts in the reduction of nitrogen oxides was studied with exhaust gases from a Diesel engine injecting fuel as reductant. Combining both catalysts, a two-stage system was designed, studying the influence of the copper catalysts composition on its performance with synthetic gas mixtures. The influence of reactants concentration and o

The elusiveness of Protestantism: The last expatriations for "apostasy" from the Church of Sweden (1858) in a European perspective

By studying the responses to the last expulsion for "apostasy" from the Swedish National Church in 1858, this article examines how an international Protestant identity was constructed in mid-nineteenth-century Europe. It is the argument of this study that a comprehensive identity - including both evangelicals and theological progressives - could be built around the notion of religious liberty. The

Total hip replacement with second generation cementing technique and the monobloc ScanHip: a 10-year follow-up

Abstract in French 244 hanches chez 230 malades consécutifs ont été opérées avec une prothèse cimentée à tête de 32 mm. L'âge moyen à la chirurgie était 77 (46–96) années. Au délai de 10 ans 89 malades (95 hanches) étaient morts et 33 malades (35 hanches) non revus à cause de l'âge ou de problèmes médicaux. 13 hanches avaient été révisées pour descellement aseptique, deux pour infection, une pour In 230 consecutive patients 244 hips were operated with a 32-mm cemented prosthesis. The mean age at surgery was 77 (46-96) years. At the 10-year follow-up 89 patients (95 hips) were dead and 33 patients (35 hips) did not attend because of old age or medical problems. Thirteen hips had been revised for aseptic loosening, two for infection, one for recurrent dislocations, and one for fracture. Four

Improved species concentration measurements using a species-specific weighting procedure on rotational CARS spectra

Rotational coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopy (CARS) is used for measurements of temperatures and relative species concentrations. The evaluation of a rotational CARS spectrum is normally performed using a least-squares fitting algorithm to find the best-fit theoretical spectrum in a library of spectra calculated at different temperatures and relative concentrations. A general problem is that

Formation of supported phospholipid bilayers, via co-adsorption with beta-D-dodecyl maltoside

We have investigated the formation of supported model membranes via the adsorption of phospholipid-surfactant mixtures at the Si water interface by specular neutron reflection. The adsorption of mixed micelles of the nonionic surfactant beta-D-dodecyl maltoside and DOPC or POPC was determined as a function of bulk concentration, and using d(25)-beta-D-dodecyl maltoside, the composition of DOPC and

Integrated Control and Real-Time Scheduling

The topic of the thesis is codesign of flexible real-time control systems. Integrating control theory and real-time scheduling theory, it is possible to achieve higher resource utilization and better control performance. The integration requires new tools for analysis, design, and implementation. The problem of scheduling the individual parts of a control algorithm is studied. It is shown how sub

Microscopic detection of phosphatase activity of saprophytic and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi using a fluorogenic substrate

The location and activity of saprophytic and arbuscular mycorrhizal (NM) fungal phosphatases have been investigated with a fluorogenic substrate (ELF) that forms a fluorescent crystalline precipitate at the site of phosphatase activity. This ELF substrate method was compared with other detection methods such as fast blue RR salt staining and p-nitrophenyl phosphate. The ELF substrate was successfu